Napomene o izdanju

Note: The download files for this Inkscape version are provided for historical reasons only. As most of them do not have a checksum or valid/secure GPG signature, be very careful if you download or install them on your computer.

Inkscape 0.42

In brief

Inkscape 0.42 is our biggest release so far by the sheer number of major and minor features, usability improvements, and bugfixes. While some of the new features simply fill long-standing functionality gaps, others are truly revolutionary. Here are the highlights:

There are also dozens of smaller features and usability enhancements (especially in the Fill & Stroke dialog, Node tool, and drawing tools). In this version we closed 404 bugs, some quite serious, and 165 feature requests. Overall, we're really excited about this version and heartily recommend upgrading.



Clones, tiling, distributing, unclumping

The usefulness of this is that clones of such an object can redefine the unset fill or stroke, which means you can have clones painted differently from their original and from each other. Just use the Fill&Stroke dialog on a clone to assign it any kind of fill or stroke paint (flat color, gradient, etc.). Moreover, you can unset paint on some of the objects in a group, clone the group, and paint the clone; only those objects with unset paint will accept the paint, while others will retain their original paint.


Apart from the effects, the share/extensions directory contains several helpful Python modules that you can reuse in your own extensions:

Bitmap tracing

Loading, saving, export, command line


This feature loads the URL directly into memory rather than to a temporary file.

 $ inkscape tutorial-basic.svg --query-height
 $ inkscape tutorial-basic.svg --query-y --query-id text1555

The returned values are in px (SVG user units).

Tools improvements

Color improvements

Miscellaneous new functionality

Miscellaneous usability

Packaging, documentation, examples


SVG/CSS compliance

Important bugfixes

Internal progress

Known issues