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Note: The download files for this Inkscape version are provided for historical reasons only. As most of them do not have a checksum or valid/secure GPG signature, be very careful if you download or install them on your computer.

Inkscape 0.41

In brief

Inkscape 0.41 is intended to provide a super-stable release prior to some major interface redesign work we will be undertaking for 0.42. It is thus at essense a bugfix release, yet there are several important new features and improvements:

Apart from that, this version brings improved extensions usability, the Invert Selection command, more convenient layers selector, icon theming, progress with scripting, and more. Among the bugs fixed are some serious crashes, memory leaks, and mis-features; certain areas saw noticeable speedups.

New functionality

Interface and usability

Documentation, translations, examples

Important bugfixes

Internal progress

Known issues