<Tavmjong> --------------------------- Inkscape Board Meeting --------------------------
<tweenk> First thing we can talk about for the board meeting is Hackfest 2016
<parclytaxel> OK, pertinent question #1: Inkscape's structure is all over the place, what are we to do?
<parclytaxel> I mean, the modules and the functions and the others are all a mess.
<ScislaC> tweenk: Is the goal to have it coincide with LGM again?
<tweenk> parclytaxel: identify self contained portions of functionality and split them off to be compiled as separate shared libs, I think
<parclytaxel> Bryce, that's a priority
<tweenk> ScislaC: I guess so, this way there's no need to pay 2 separate flight fees if we want the devs to attend LGM as well
<Tavmjong> parclytaxel: We can discuss that Inskcape structure under "New Business"
<tweenk> so there were 4 proposals for the hackfest venue - London, Leeds, Warsaw, Phnom Penh
<parclytaxel> Inkscape can be split into two: the computational part (2geom and the filter libs), the parsing part (that converts to and from SVG syntax) and the display part (that shows the results)
<FailBit> parclytaxel: please hold
<Mc-> LGM is London, right ?
<FailBit> also that's 3
<Tavmjong> Based on the Toronto LGM, I wouldn't put attending as a high priority... although it did lead to getting OpenTYpe into Inkscape.
<Tavmjong> Yes, London.
<tweenk> I guess we should focus on London and Leeds since Phnom Penh is very far from the LGM venue and I will no longer be in Warsaw by that time
<Tavmjong> You'll be in California?
<tweenk> Tavmjong: yes
<Tavmjong> Great!
<Tavmjong> I agree London and Leeds are preferred (although I would love to visit Phnom Pehn again).
<parclytaxel> Phnom is a bad place, Tavm
<parclytaxel> I'd prefer Amsterdam or something
<bryce> hi
<Tavmjong> I think Leeds is considerably cheaper.
<parclytaxel> hi bryce
<bryce> sorry, my wife just arrived and distracted me
<parclytaxel> And it's 3am in Singapore
<Tavmjong> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2016/
<Tavmjong> LGM is April 15-18
<ScislaC> tweenk: you going to be working on the Google campus?
<parclytaxel> OK, so I believe Inkscape is too monolithic and needs some splitting
<tweenk> ScislaC: yes
<ScislaC> tweenk: when do you head out there?
<bryce> so thanks all for coming to the Inkscape board meeting, and welcome to martin and kk
<parclytaxel> Bryce, I have identified the three main components: computation, SVG interfacing and display.
<tweenk> ScislaC: start date is 25th November
<tweenk> ScislaC: (IIRC)
<ScislaC> very cool
<FailBit> parclytaxel: hold off on this until the topic is pertinent
<bryce> like I suggested in the announcement, I figure we can keep the floor open agenda-wise, but keep in mind our focus here with this is more for non-technical matters
<bryce> Tavmjong, you had some agenda items and already said a few words on LGM, why don't you dive into that a bit more
<Tavmjong> I think we should ping Alex and see if he can host a hackfest before or after LGM.
* ScislaC nods
<tweenk> Tavmjong: I agree, hosting it in Leeds will be a lot cheaper.
<tweenk> and London would be our backup plan then.
<Tavmjong> So I can take an action to contact Alex.
<bryce> Tavmjong, perfect thanks
<parclytaxel> Tavm, next?
<Tavmjong> We'll need to start thinking about fund raising.
<bryce> Tavmjong, right
<Tavmjong> It would be good to have a list of concrete things that resulted from the last hackfest.
<bryce> if it helps, I recently posted some of the fundraising ideas we discussed last hackfest to wiki.
<bryce> there's some good ideas there, might thumb through and see if any strike a fancy
<Tavmjong> We started work on a bunch of things at the hackfest but I don't know how many got carried through.
<parclytaxel> So what were the best ideas?
<bryce> agreed re: list. You had written up a technical summary, maybe that'd give a starting point?
<tweenk> Tavmjong: I did most of the 2Geom sync on the hackfest
<Tavmjong> tweenk: good point. I got OpenType features working. How close are we on cmake?
<parclytaxel> (There are chatters on #derpibooru)
<tweenk> which was very long overdue since the API has changed in several important places
<tweenk> one thing that as started but not finished was the GTK3 flickering fix
<tweenk> *was
<Tavmjong> The one big thing that I don't think has progressed is fixing are render to work with Gtk3.
<tweenk> And now gtkmm 3.x requires C++11 so I guess we are blocked on that?
<bryce> parclytaxel, really I don't think you could say any were "best" ideas. A good execution is the important part.
<JonCruz> we probably need to update state of things. Keeping in mind that "C++11" is not a single thing, but a collection of differently implemented features
<Tavmjong> I think gtkmm 2.x also requires C++11
<bryce> Tavmjong, cmake went from broken to basic usability
<bryce> still some odds and ends needed but it's real close
<ScislaC> tweenk: glib 2.46 also requires C++11
<JonCruz> *which* C++11 is key
<Tavmjong> I don't think we need C++11 in Fedora 23 but definitely in Fedora 24.
<Tavmjong> ... so we still have a little time.
<ScislaC> bryce: I use cmake to build trunk at this point
<tweenk> ScislaC: is that glib or glibmm? Isn't glib C-only?
<JonCruz> e.g. we'd need to see which compiler versions can be dropped. gcc 4.6 is most problematic in its C++11
<FailBit> glibmm is horrifying, honestly
<tweenk> FailBit: but it's a dependency for gtkmm
<FailBit> ("let's undefine G_DISABLE_DEPRECATED so we can use deprecated features and expect nothing to break!")
<bryce> Tavmjong, getting back to LGM, last time most of the talks were only marginally pertinent to us, and the number of useful contacts we made seemed a bit limited to me. Do you think London will be a lot better on those measures? Or if not, would there be a different conference we should consider hooking the hackfest to?
<FailBit> tweenk: gtkmm does the same horrid thing
<ScislaC> tweenk: it was upstream glib that bumped the compiler requirements from what I recall
<Tavmjong> If you know of a better conference, I would be open to that. What is the conference in Belgium every year?
<parclytaxel> Solvay
<bryce> well I was wondering if a more gnome-oriented conference might give us better connections
<tweenk> FailBit: ah I remember that issue now...
<Tavmjong> I'm thinking of FOSDEM. Anybody been?
<bryce> no but heard great things
<parclytaxel> I can't go to any confs, I'm a Singaporean
<Tavmjong> It's in January so it would be tight to organize.
<tweenk> Tavmjong: LGM was basically my only exposure to open source conferences
* doctormon (d106bc82@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. has joined #inkscape-devel
<parclytaxel> And the confs held in Singapore are big business
<doctormon> bryce: late!
<Mc-> never been to any (yet)
<Tavmjong> parclytaxel: Why not? The do have a big airport in Singapore.
<bryce> doctormon, better than never!
<Tavmjong> s/The/They/
<doctormon> bryce: :-) what's the agenda?
<parclytaxel> ???
<bryce> doctormon, open agenda. Current topic LGM/Hackfest for 2016.
<Mc-> doctormon: we're talking about LGM and the hackfest
<parclytaxel> Singapore has the (2nd) highest GDP (PPP) per capita in the whole world
<FailBit> it's also not a great place to live
<parclytaxel> So lots of corporations come here, not lots of hippies
<Tavmjong> bryce: I think LGM has shifted focus some and may have lost its way.
<bryce> yeah :-/
<parclytaxel> I'm a hacker in a sea of 5.5 million (mostly) non-hackers
<doctormon> Tavmjong: What's the way and the mis-way?
<tweenk> Tavmjong, bryce can you elaborate?
<Tavmjong> I rather like Singapore... although it was wickedly hot and humid.
<bryce> tweek, it used to be more focused on software development, now seems to be more focused to art and end user use cases
<parclytaxel> And there's a haze right now. PSI peaked at 340 a few days ago.
<bryce> which isn't *bad* just different, and maybe not as pertinent to our more immediate needs
<ScislaC> tweenk: ahhh, I was misremembering, the glib requirement bump was related to OS X version (it just happened to coincide with glibmm's compiler requirement bump)
<Tavmjong> doctormon: At the beginning, I think, LGM brought lots of developers together. Last year there didn't seem to be a very large developer presence.
<Mc-> hearing what users expect from inkscape might be interesting
<parclytaxel> Mc-: It is now PONY driven.
<Mc-> (or just advertising inkscape to them)
<Tavmjong> Sorry, I type too slow.
<tweenk> bryce: so it's more an user oriented conference, is that right?
<parclytaxel> By far the largest and most popular users of Inkscape are bronies.
<bryce> tweenk, at least the 2015 one I'd say artist oriented
<FailBit> parclytaxel: I disagree
<ScislaC> It seems like it's shifting that way.
<Mc-> cutters/plotters too :P
<bryce> Inkscape got plenty of name drops, admittedly
<parclytaxel> Liam is a brony, I am a brony and the power stroke is in fact the lroduct of many bronies asking for that feature to be ported from AI to Inkscape
<JonCruz> parclytaxel: those were just a subset of users asking
<FailBit> no it actually isn't
<FailBit> power stroke was actually designed for calligraphy
<bryce> Tavmjong, Jan feels a bit too soon to get plans in place for a hackfest though
<JonCruz> cloths makers were another group
<Tavmjong> bryce: I agree. So LGM may still be our best bet.
<bryce> Tavmjong, what if we arranged to send a couple folks that are ~localish to scout it out this year, and then target it for 2017?
<doctormon> parclytaxel: I'm a brony too
<parclytaxel> Have it in Singapore, I want to see your faces.
<JonCruz> does OSCON or OSBridge draw enough inkscapers?
<parclytaxel> Everfree Northwest is a sure-fire, Jon
<JonCruz> parclytaxel: LGM avoided the USA due to concerns about the government. Singapore might be similar for many
<bryce> OSCON is way too expensive
<bryce> don't know anything about OSBridge
<JonCruz> bryce: mainly wondering about the people near
<doctormon> We could always critical mass LGM and draw up a list of people from other FS projects; developers etc who we'd consider valuable enough to attend for?
<JonCruz> SCALE is too inkscaper sparse
<bryce> JonCruz, oh was just about to ask
<ScislaC> JonCruz: I would disagree
<JonCruz> ScislaC: two does not quite hit critical mass :-)
<bryce> doctormon, that's a good idea... same could be done for any conference though
<ScislaC> I think we should do a test for pr pushing that we'll have a booth there for January and see if we get a better turnout.
<JonCruz> very true
<JonCruz> at the least we can do a SCALE mini-Hackfest BoF
<bryce> cool, so the ideas so far: PR push for SCALE, scouts to FOSDEM, hackfest at LGM.
<tweenk> by SCALE you mean this? http://www.atscaleconference.com/
<Tavmjong> The advantage of LGM is it gives us something to focus on... if only a couple of Inkscapers attend, so be it. The real focus for us would be in Leeds.
<Tavmjong> The LGM timing is good.
<ScislaC> JonCruz: we still have no clue how much it will affect general attendance with SCALE being in Pasadena
<parclytaxel> Can I possibly teleconference?
<JonCruz> https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/14x
<bryce> https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/14x
<Tavmjong> parclytaxel: I don't understand why you couldn't attend in person. We plan on supporting travel for Inkscape developers.
<JonCruz> parclytaxel: something to look at for SCALE. In general their IT/Network team is tops.
<doctormon> Tavmjong: Leeds is good for me, I can stay with my mum :-)
<parclytaxel> First of all, I'm only 17
<ScislaC> Went out to the convention center a couple months ago... we have SO MUCH more space.
<parclytaxel> My parents are frugal
<parclytaxel> And then in a year I'll be conscripted into the army
<doctormon> parclytaxel: I wish you the best; must be a pita
<bryce> ok so Tavmjong you will investigate London/Leeds/LGM/Hackfest a bit more and report back?
<parclytaxel> I'm also studying organic chemistry
<parclytaxel> bryce: LLLH. Nice.
<Tavmjong> parclytaxel: At 17? Not bad.
<bryce> JonCruz and ScislaC you can mind meld on ways we can improve Inkscaper turnout at SCALE?
<Tavmjong> bryce: Yes. I'll investigate more.
<JonCruz> can also teach tweenk about commuter flights from the bay area :-)
<bryce> anyone want to look into fosdem?
<Tavmjong> I can also checkout Fosdem.
<ScislaC> bryce: Yep. I will also see about talking to SCALE's PR team to see if they can lend a hand.
<bryce> Tavmjong, great
<bryce> ok, some good action items there. Let's move on to a new discussion topic.
<parclytaxel> Yes, Inkscape is spaghetti.
<bryce> who's got another agenda item for us?
<doctormon> I'll er, look around :-)
<Tavmjong> We forgot to welcome new board members... so Welcome!!!
<parclytaxel> And I mean when I was trying to fix some bugs, I had to crane my neck around modules.
<ScislaC> Welcome!!!
<bryce> ah right, welcome doctormon and tweenk !
<parclytaxel> Er, me?
<Tavmjong> How about GSOC 2016 next?
<tweenk> :)
<parclytaxel> Then again... the nextagenda topic
<bryce> ok
<tweenk> Tavmjong: yep
<Tavmjong> ------------- GSoC 2016 -------------
<Tavmjong> We kind of let ourselves down last year. We need a better recruiting web site according to Google, right ScislaC ?
<ScislaC> That's part of it...
<parclytaxel> The FSA?
<doctormon> Website? I didn't get any details on that requirement :-(
<parclytaxel> What is that about?
<ScislaC> We need to have more specific information.
<Tavmjong> I got the feeling that they expected better defined projects with mentor names attached.
<ScislaC> Correct
<bryce> yeah they had some specific requirements about project description and identified mentors per-project and such
<bryce> they posted a pretty specific set of requirements, we just didn't get all the checkboxes crossed off in time
<Tavmjong> First, do we agree we should do GSoC in 2016?
<ScislaC> I think that instead of the existing bulleted list, I will see about reorganizing into tables.
<parclytaxel> Don't, Tavm
<parclytaxel> Don't be controlled by Google
<tweenk> Tavmjong: so far it was a major driver of feature work
<Tavmjong> I agree it's worth pursuing.
<tweenk> parclytaxel: Google doesn't control what work gets done during GSoC, we and the students do
<doctormon> It does get things done
<parclytaxel> We should, instead, corral indie devs to come along
<bryce> to me it depends a lot on if we have admins and mentors available to manage it
<bryce> it's easy to overlook how much time commitment that end requires
<doctormon> yeah
<parclytaxel> Self-regulation.
<Tavmjong> I am willing to spend some time on the website and help admin (as well as mentor).
<Tavmjong> Anybody else?
<ScislaC> I'm willing to Admin again
<bryce> ScislaC, are you still able and willing to lead us?
<ScislaC> yep
<parclytaxel> I've always liked how systems arise naturally without supervision from small things.
<tweenk> It's also important to prepare the stage, e.g. it's much easier for students to work on something that's reasonably well documented
<Tavmjong> tweenk: I definitely agree!
<JonCruz> ScislaC: and get me in as backup admin right away
<doctormon> I'm pretty much the website man, we got a project app if that's of help
<parclytaxel> So we may, for example with our own dev "apprenticeship", have two or three devs
<tweenk> Tamvjong: I can mentor, but right now I have no idea how much free time I'll have
<Tavmjong> OK, so ScislaC, JonCruz, and I can tackle getting us ready.
<bryce> cool
<tweenk> Tavmjong: so I would be able to make a commitment in ~January I think
<parclytaxel> And when they get lovey-dovey we can introduce some more
<bryce> we should also look into recruiting a larger pool of potential mentors
<Tavmjong> tweenk: Remember to protect your 20% personal project time!
<ScislaC> agreed
<Tavmjong> bryce: Definitely agree.
<bryce> we won't know how many slots we get, but we should make sure we have manpower to scale up if we get a lot of slots
<parclytaxel> So are going to GSoC?
<tweenk> Tavmjong: I will keep that in mind :)
<Mc-> tweenk: you can mentor while being at google ? cool
<tweenk> Mc-: hm, I need to double check
<parclytaxel> *we
<ScislaC> Tavmjong: from what I hear, it's a myth... it's apparently frowned upon to not work on what you're normally working on with that 20%... however, perhaps that's just within the Chrome team.
<bryce> would be highly ironic if he couldn't
<Tavmjong> Shall we move on to FSA?
<parclytaxel> Kya
<bryce> Tavmjong, ok
<bryce> so, last I've heard, we were down to one last signoff needed
<Tavmjong> ------------------------ Fiscal Sponsership Agreement -----------------
<bryce> and that person has indicated they've done it. So afaik everything's done on our end.
<parclytaxel> What do we already have?
<bryce> but I've not heard from SFC on it one way or another
<bryce> I figure we should consider the new FSA now official and in effect
<parclytaxel> Bryce, what are the most important points?
<doctormon> ok
<Tavmjong> So we just need to ping them? (I sitll need to send in the paper copy... bad me.)
<parclytaxel> If I somehow get my university to sponsor it
<bryce> If folks want, I can take the action of following up to verify this, but it's been such a long process I kind of don't want to stir anything up! ;-)
<bryce> Tavmjong, oops, yeah get that in. Might be they're waiting on odds and ends like that to filter in.
<bryce> anyone else not sent in the papers?
<tweenk> bryce: I'm a little out of the loop here, this FSA is a form contract for when a company wants to sponsor Inkscape?
<parclytaxel> I think zo
<parclytaxel> *so
<Tavmjong> No... its our agreement with the Software Freedom Conservancy.
<bryce> tweenk, sort of; actually it's the contract between Inkscape and the Software Freedom Conservancy, that allows them to handle our money and legal matters, and specifies requirements we must follow to remain non-profit legally
<ScislaC> I mailed mine
<tweenk> bryce: Ah, OK. Any action required on my part?
<bryce> tweenk, I suspect you'll need to sign it as well. I assumed they'd have contacted you about that.
<bryce> doctormon, anyone from SFC contact you?
<ScislaC> tweenk: did you print it, sign it, scan it, email a copy to SFC, and mail them the original?
<Tavmjong> bryce: I don't think they need the new board member signatures. Wasn't that the reason to hold off a couple of days on announcing the results?
<doctormon> bryce: no
<tweenk> ScislaC: nope, it's new to me, I can do it next week
<bryce> ok, I'll take the action to follow up on this, and make sure whatever paperwork is needed gets to tweenk and doctormon
<parclytaxel> And make sure you do
<bryce> tweenk and doctormon probably we'll need mailing addresses, but I'll contact you offlist.
<bryce> Tavmjong, yeah I'll need to doublecheck that. In any case, I'll do some digging and follow up.
<Tavmjong> OK, should we move onto Website statement for code of conduct and privacy policy?
<doctormon> yhanks bryce
<bryce> Tavmjong, sounds good
<bryce> doctormon, want to take the mike here?
<Tavmjong> ------------------- Website statement for code of conduct and privacy policy -----------------
<Tavmjong> What needs to be done? Who is driving it?
<parclytaxel> Er, what does the code of conduct apply to?
<su_v> https://inkscape.org/en/community/coc/
<doctormon> code of conduct is for anyone chatting, posting, uploading art to the website
<doctormon> Since people can be interacting as user to user on our website, we needed to state the rules.
<ScislaC> su_v!!!!
* su_v waves back
<doctormon> The text in the link su_v has posted needs redrafting into something agreeable.
<parclytaxel> Pull it from Derpi
<Tavmjong> doctormon: Who is going to do that? What is the process?
<FailBit> rather don't
<parclytaxel> They have clearer rules
<FailBit> and are not hosted in the US
<FailBit> and have rather different ideals in mind
<FailBit> don't do that.
<parclytaxel> Wait a minute.
<JonCruz> their certs out of date, but... http://adainitiative.org/2014/02/18/howto-design-a-code-of-conduct-for-your-community/
<parclytaxel> That statemenr about "we accept everyone regardless of..."
<doctormon> Tavmjong: We (Maren and I) passed it back to the board for review.
<bryce> I had done a heavy copyedit of this some time back. Not sure if anyone's touched it since then, but I seem to recall thinking at the time that it felt good enough at least for a first cut
<bryce> likely would benefit from a second round of copyediting
<Tavmjong> OK, so we should all read it and give comments on the board mailing list?
* Perendinating has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
<bryce> I'm willing to give it another go but I think a different set of eyes next would be the most beneficial
<doctormon> Or we could elect the next person to edit the page and then let them come back?
<ScislaC> I will give it a thorough look over too.
<doctormon> Or queue up the three or four people who haven't had a chance to take turns
<tweenk> bryce: I think the CoC could be cut down a little. We basically want people to be respectful and refrain from personal attacks in any form
<bryce> remember that it's editable via the website
<bryce> I think revisions are tracked too, in which case Just Do It might be easiest all around
<bryce> doctormon, a queue's not a bad idea actually
<Tavmjong> How about if ScislaC gives it a look over followed by tweenk and then we then open up a discussion on the mailing list.
<bryce> put me on the end slot
<bryce> Tavmjong, +1
<doctormon> Tavmjong doesnt want a spot? :-)
<Tavmjong> I'll comment on the mailing list after is perfect....
<bryce> he can be manager ;-)
<doctormon> Yay
<Tavmjong> s/after is/after it is/
<doctormon> OK +1 Tavmjong
<tweenk> Tavmjong: OK, I can commit to reviewing the CoC no later than Sunday and posting my feedback to the mailing list
<parclytaxel> Bryce, resolve disputes yourself
<ScislaC> Sounds like a plan
<bryce> ok, next topic?
<parclytaxel> There is no point in leaving the ramble to the users
<Tavmjong> I'm running out of time.... maybe one more topic for today?
<parclytaxel> Yes!
<parclytaxel> The one I mentioned earlier.
<ScislaC> parclytaxel: that's not really board material honestly
<bryce> Tavmjong, I'd actually like to status check on the funded development real quick
<parclytaxel> OK, go ahead
<tweenk> parclytaxel: I'll be here after the meeting and we can discuss
<Tavmjong> parclytaxel: Maybe we can arrange a technical IRC meeting.
<bryce> last we touched on it, iirc next action was getting two of the project descriptions fleshed out
<parclytaxel> Hm. Sounds reasonable.
<bryce> ScislaC, I think you took one and Tav took the other?
<Tavmjong> --------------------- Funded Development -----------------------
<bryce> (technical irc meeting sounds like a great idea actually...)
<Tavmjong> That was so long ago... I remember working on it but don't know the status.
<tweenk> bryce: agree
<doctormon> +1 on technical meeting.
<bryce> * inkscape: Write up GSList project [Tav]
<bryce> * inkscape: Finalize/polish SVG2 flowtext [Josh]
<bryce> is what I have on my list
<ScislaC> I'll email the devel-list re: setting a technical meeting date/time.
<bryce> ScislaC, thanks
<Tavmjong> I did do that. (Since then, half of the work has been done so the project will be smaller.)
<bryce> Tavmjong, oh good to hear
<doctormon> Great
<parclytaxel> Note that I'll be on a holiday to South Korea in late November to early December so...
<ScislaC> bryce: I haven't touched it for months, I can put it on my todo list for next week to get it finished up.
<bryce> Tavmjong, mind doublechecking that the description is still up to date and adequate? I think we also needed deliverables identified and a few other such details. I can help with that if it isn't clear what exactly's needed.
<ScislaC> parclytaxel: I'm going to suggest it for next week, don't worry about it.
<parclytaxel> But that is when I will be having exams.
<parclytaxel> I need to MUG!!!
<ScislaC> parclytaxel: week after next?
<parclytaxel> Hm, let me see..
<Tavmjong> I'm looking at http://staging.inkscape.org/en/project/remove-all-use-of-glist-and-gslist/ but that isn't the latest text.
<JonCruz> would be good to get some accurate performance measurements going.
<bryce> ok, that's all on funded dev for now. Once those descriptions are finalized next steps are web app dev and some PR, much of which I'll own.
<JonCruz> having metrics could help those
<bryce> thanks all for coming to this meeting. Shall we do again in a month?
<parclytaxel> They end on 15 October, Scislac
<doctormon> bryce: +1 sounds good.
<Tavmjong> Maybe one more sooner and then once a month since we missed some things.
<ScislaC> sounds good to me too
<tweenk> Tavmjong: OK
<doctormon> bryce can you let me know if you want to work on the project app together?
<parclytaxel> So is the meeting over?
<ScislaC> parclytaxel: if you're not subbed to the devel list, I'd recommend it since that is where the discussion about availability will happen.
<bryce> Tavmjong, ok sort of a halloween special :-)
<Tavmjong> Yup.
<bryce> doctormon, yes would love to
<parclytaxel> How can I sub?
<bryce> doctormon, for me these days mostly it's a function of scraping together chunks of time
<Tavmjong> OK, I'm going to sign off..... See you all...
<bryce> l8r Tavmjong
<parclytaxel> G'day, everyone!
<tweenk> parclytaxel: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-devel
<tweenk> Bye Tav
<ScislaC> see ya Tavmjong!
* jabiertxof has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
<Mc-> I have (investigate style.cpp refactor (url() style items should use URIReference)) and (investigate transforms, some things need cleaning) on my "will have to do some day" todolist
<doctormon> Bye Tavmjong
<doctormon> bryce: I understand :-) we may need to sync up a block to at least get you set up and rolling
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