Beginners' Questions How do I get Inkscape to use my entire processor, and not just 13%?
  1. #1
    sfrankes sfrankes @sfrankes

    Hey guys, pretty new at this. When rendering a vector file with Bitmap, my computer seems to take quite a long time, but only uses 13% of the processor. I set the threads to maximum(8) in the preferences. Interestingly, 13 percent pretty much lines up with 1/8, so is it still stuck on one thread? TLDR: Task manager tells my computer is paddling with a spoon instead of the dubble oars it has. How do i fix this?

  2. #2
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

     basically, you cannot .inskcape is single threaded software.  there are som effordes to multithred performance but that is quit complicated thing to do so lets hope this will be done at some point in future 

  3. #3
    sfrankes sfrankes @sfrankes

    Thanks, that is good to know. Would I be able to just run several instances of the program in parralel though? I have quite a few pictures to process

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions How do I get Inkscape to use my entire processor, and not just 13%?