Hello! I'm trying to re-create an image of a sims plumbob so I can have a custom keycap made for someone's birthday. The OG image I found was of a keycap from an etsy shop that is no longer open, so if I want that keycap, I need to make an image myself to send to another custom keycap maker. I've attached an image of where I'm currently at, and an image of what I'm trying to achieve.
I've got the overall shape down, but its the carved out portions inside each triangle that I'm having trouble with. I'm not sure if that's something I should try drawing by hand, or if there's an easier way to go about it by adding and manipulating more shapes? I haven't used a vectorizing software before today (though I do understand the gist of how it's supposed to work) so I'm definitely a layman noob. I've only gotten as far as I have by googling specific mechanics. Any and all guidance would be greatly appreciated!
I'm on windows 11, and I just downloaded inkscape today, if that info is needed.
Use Star/polygon tool (shortcut : *) : in tool control bar set 3 corners. Draw a triangle with an horizontal base.
With selector tool (s) move it upon image and using resizing arrows, stretch it so that it matches with upper triangle of diamond (use the handles in the middle of the sides of bounding box, hold shift when dragging the side arrows to resize it symmetrically).
From ruler, drag a guide that will snap with the upper node of triangle.
Le'ts make the grooves : with bezier tool (b), draw another thin triangle : draw it beyond the base of first triangle. Open LPE's panel (Ctrl + &) and choose Mirror Symmetry. Click on node tool icon (or use F2 shortcut) and move the central handle of path effect so that it snaps with the guide. Do path > convert to path (ctrl + shift + C) to cook the effect.
Now (s) select both big triangle and the second path (the two small triangles) : do path > difference (ctrl + -)
Now let's round the corners. With node tool (n or F2) rectangle-select all bottom nodes. In LPE's panel, choose Corners. Tick Change only selected nodes option and play with radius, to find something nice-looking. Now select the upper node and play again with radius. Do path > convert to path to cook the effect.
Now in LPE's panel, redo a Mirror Symmetry and click on Horizontal Center, bottom right of panel. Click on node tool icon or press F2 and move central handle to get the right aspect. Do path > convert to path to cook the effect.
Draw a rectangle with round corners so that it matches the shape of the key. Send this triangle to bottom (press End key). Select path and rectangle, align vertically and horizontally (Align and Distribute panel ctrl + shift + A), then do path > difference.
Hello! I'm trying to re-create an image of a sims plumbob so I can have a custom keycap made for someone's birthday. The OG image I found was of a keycap from an etsy shop that is no longer open, so if I want that keycap, I need to make an image myself to send to another custom keycap maker. I've attached an image of where I'm currently at, and an image of what I'm trying to achieve.
I've got the overall shape down, but its the carved out portions inside each triangle that I'm having trouble with. I'm not sure if that's something I should try drawing by hand, or if there's an easier way to go about it by adding and manipulating more shapes? I haven't used a vectorizing software before today (though I do understand the gist of how it's supposed to work) so I'm definitely a layman noob. I've only gotten as far as I have by googling specific mechanics. Any and all guidance would be greatly appreciated!
I'm on windows 11, and I just downloaded inkscape today, if that info is needed.
) : in tool control bar set 3 corners. Draw a triangle with an horizontal base.s
) move it upon image and using resizing arrows, stretch it so that it matches with upper triangle of diamond (use the handles in the middle of the sides of bounding box, holdshift
when dragging the side arrows to resize it symmetrically).Ctrl
) and choose Mirror Symmetry. Click on node tool icon (or useF2
shortcut) and move the central handle of path effect so that it snaps with the guide. Do path > convert to path (ctrl
) to cook the effect.s
) select both big triangle and the second path (the two small triangles) : do path > difference (ctrl
) rectangle-select all bottom nodes. In LPE's panel, choose Corners. Tick Change only selected nodes option and play with radius, to find something nice-looking. Now select the upper node and play again with radius. Do path > convert to path to cook the effect.F2
and move central handle to get the right aspect. Do path > convert to path to cook the effect.ctrl
, then do path > difference.