Beginners' Questions Changing fill color from the fill tool not working
  1. #1
    Red2347816 Red2347816 @Red2347816

    Here is my file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1235" height="650" viewBox="0 0 36.1 19">
    <path id="s" transform="scale(0.58515)" fill="#000" d="M0,-1 L0.58779,0.80902 L-0.95106,-0.30902 L0.95106,-0.30902 L-0.58779,0.80902z"/>
    <g id="s8">
    	<use xlink:href="#s" x=".9025" y="0.8501"/>
    	<use xlink:href="#s" x="2.7075" y="0.8501"/>
    	<use xlink:href="#s" x="4.5125" y="0.8501"/>
    	<use xlink:href="#s" x="6.3175" y="0.8501"/>
    	<use xlink:href="#s" x="8.1225" y="0.8501"/>
    	<use xlink:href="#s" x="9.9275" y="0.8501"/>
    	<use xlink:href="#s" x="11.7325" y="0.8501"/>
    	<use xlink:href="#s" x="13.5375" y="0.8501"/>
    <g id="u">
    	<use xlink:href="#s8"/>
    	<use xlink:href="#s8" y="1.705"/>
    	<use xlink:href="#s8" y="3.41"/>
    	<use xlink:href="#s8" y="5.115"/>
    	<use xlink:href="#s8" y="6.82"/>
    	<use xlink:href="#s8" y="8.525"/>
    <rect width="36.1" height="19" fill="#BB133E"/>
    <path stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="1.4615" d="
    <rect width="14.44" height="10.23" fill="#002664"/>
    <use xlink:href="#u"/>

    I want to change the fill color of the stars on the flag from black to white using the fill tool. I bring up the fill tool using shift + control + F. I change the fill color from black to white but the color of the stars on the flag does not change. Only the opacity of the stars can be changed. I am using Inkscape version 0.92.4 and Windows 10 Home version 2004. Has anybody else been able to recreate this problem on this file? Thank you.

  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Saving this as an SVG gives an empty file. Once I got the Inkscape header right it opens.

    The stars you want to alter a deeply grouped clones of groups etc. Un/linking/grouping make them objects you can alter in appearance:

  3. #3
    Red2347816 Red2347816 @Red2347816

    Thanks. It worked. I first selected the stars by left-clicking on them. I then pressed Shift + Alt + D to unlink clone. I then pressed Shift + Control + G to ungroup. I then pressed Shift + Alt + D again to unlink clone again and Shift + Control + G again to ungroup. I then pressed Shift + Alt + D one last time to unlink clone. I then pressed Shift + Control + F to change the fill color. How did you know that the stars were linked clones? Is there any way of knowing if and what shapes on a drawing are clones? Which way do you think is the easiest way of knowing what shapes are clones and what shapes are not clones on a drawing? Thank you.

  4. #4
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Status bar is your friend:

  5. #5
    Red2347816 Red2347816 @Red2347816

    Thanks. How could I miss the clone statement in the status bar? I will attempt to check the status bar next time. Thank you.

  6. #6
    Cheynio Cheynio @Cheynio

    Thanks so much for this. I had exactly the same issue. I am using Inkscape for the first time and didn't realise that cloned objects were linked.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Changing fill color from the fill tool not working