1. #1
    Earvin Williams Earvin Williams @earvinwilliams96

    Hi guys

    I have made some of Logo designs and I want you all to review it honestly, Are these logo designs typography match the background of logos, are typograghy really in correct positions? 

    Thank you


    Takoyaki Mascot
    Takoyaki Gradient
    Takoyaki Brand
    Takoyaki Bowl
  2. #2
    Lazur Lazur @Lazur

    Hi there. 


    Some context may be handy for reviewing.

    Anyway, writing some thoughts.


    Logo design in general is about chiseling your brand into the memory of possible customers. 

    There is no time to decipher, must be an instant impact these days. 

    The brand with the golden arches selling fries is instantly realised, an ice-cream headed octopus is harder to decipher.

    It's not completely hopeless though, thinking of what the hipster coffee (tm) uses in their green seal. 

    If it was a logo, and not a streetfood decal, that is. 

    Something that can be printed from the napkins and papercups to other signage.


    Logotype is similar. No nonsense flat colours. 

    Worth mentioning how the logo would look in greyscale or plain black&white.

    First image's white part has the same strong inpact as the lettering. If you take away the rest -all midtones, blending in the background- it's hardly balanced.

    Like, even if the lettering was white it'd be more pleasant to look at. 

    That is, not mixing the function of positive and negative spaces in the composition.


    The kind of serif font used in the 3rd and 5th image is originated in ancient Rome. 

    Trajan's column was considered its finest implementation. 

    It has none of the historic context you'd expect from southeast asian cuisine.

    Mostly that font is used to carve commemorative plaques or gravestones.


    4th one has some sort of 70's disco feel.

    Seems the letters (and the kerning) are out of proportion as there is no reason why the curves are elliptical instead of circular arcs.

    Also the fact that it's a stencil font (except for the O - what's with that?) wich was designed with other use in mind makes it unfit to the rest of the image,

    which is impossible to replicate as a stencil (with those islands for the eyes)


    As corny they are, still think out of these five the first two may fit best to a japanese (?) style restaurant.


    Regarding the positioning, would consider how the logo is used. If it's more of a seal, or should either the crest or the lettering work alone as well.


    As a general idea it is good to start scribbling (on paper) so that you build up your design as you are thinking along. 

    Helps avoiding many mistakes that's not obvious if you start straight with digital, editing nodes.

  3. #3
    Earvin Williams Earvin Williams @earvinwilliams96


    Thank you for giving me neccessary critique to my logo designs, and I already make revisions and explanations behind the revisions (I also Include the name of the fonts I use in each Original & Revision images)

    • The 1st image that is Takoyaki, I noticed the font I used on original (Japanese 2020) is horrible, so I decide to use Fredoka One as substitute for casual atmosphere of the restaurant. I also remove the red color background rectangle and changed it into simpler circle curve with darker red color for background to emphasize the shiny (glorious) part of Takoyaki.


    • You see, in the 2nd image which is Takoyaki Gradient (Image Name), You said earlier in your critique that the font I used was have no correlation of with the culture of Japan I try to show in my logo (also said there that the font also used on gravestone in Roman Period, which is sad I think), so I changed it into Bradley Hand ITC font, which I think very similiar to Japanese style of font. I also changed the position of chopsticks for more estatic look (cause the chopstick kind of cover the Takoyaki that make it irritating), also I add shadow for emphasis or realness in the logo design.


    • For the 3rd one, which is Takoyaki Bowl(Image Name), I only changed the font from (Bell MT) which you say have the same atmosphere as in Takoyaki Gradient original image (sad, depressing etc) to (Maiandra GD) Sans serif that is suitable for this kind of pictorial logo design.


    For the 2nd and 4th images of my logo design I show above, I have no idea how to enable Tako silhouette using negative space into my logo (I have already tried, check the 4th image that I send below)  (The name is Takoyaki Brand)



    Takoyaki Brand ( Original & Revision)
    Takoyaki Bowl (Original & Revision)
    Takoyaki Gradient (Original & Revision)
    Takoyaki (Original & Revision)