Using Inkscape with Cutters/Plotters troublesome HPGL to Vinyl Cutter on v1.4
  1. #1
    forty2 forty2 @forty2

    Hello -

    I'm attempting to use Inkscape on a US Cutter model SC via RS-232. I have successfully communicated with this plotter using both a purpose built app (easy cut studio), and directly with raw HPGL from a terminal emulator. With the correct serial port settings, 9600 8N1, any time I hit apply in the Plot window, I'll just get one or two seemingly random moves, and that's it. I've tried all flavors of flow control, but they all produce the same results.
    I would try InkCut but I'm on MacOS 12.7, which is already unsupported by Brew and the build fails.
    Anything I should try?


  2. #2
    forty2 forty2 @forty2

    Update - the same workflow, cutter & serial adapter work as expected in Inkscape 1.3.2 in Windows 10