Using Inkscape with Cutters/Plotters prep for blade cutting: how to identify too small paths and too sharp angles?
  1. #1
    edaloze edaloze @edaloze

    Hi there,

    I've got a pretty large (vectorized) drawing that I'd like to cut on vinyl.

    I was said at the fablab to be careful with sharp angles and shapes that will be too small and thus produce some "vinyl jam".

    Is there any tool / plugin / extension that is able to identify 

    1. sharp angles (i.e. cusp -diamond- nodes with vector -handles- having an angle of less than xx degrees)
    2. small closed path (i.e. paths defining a shape that can fit in a, say 5x5mm - 3/16''x3/16'' square)
    3. isolated nodes (nodes that are left after you have deleted some nodes but forgot one, that is not linked to any other one anymore)

    Thank for your help!


Inkscape Inkscape Forum Using Inkscape with Cutters/Plotters prep for blade cutting: how to identify too small paths and too sharp angles?