Drawing Challenges, Contests, Competitions 🍓 Inkscape Challenge | 1 October 2023 - 31 October 2023
  1. #1
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    We challenge you to:

    Draw your favorite fruit

    Let's see what you come up with!

    While we know we are going to get some stunning artwork, we also want to encourage beginners. If you are new to Inkscape, feel free to keep it simple.

    Multiple entries are welcome, and please do stick around for the chat!

    All abilities are invited to get involved. The complexity of your entry is down to you.

    Please post your finished artwork below. 

    IMPORTANT: If you would like to know what you could do to improve your artwork, add the phrase to your comment: "Brutal Feedback" --- only for those with nerves of steel! (Please include a brief description of your process, difficulties you have experienced and your desired outcome).

    Because of limited resources, moderators may not always be able to give feedback.

    All entries to be submitted by 31 October 2023.

    Please spread the word!

    Please see CHALLENGE RULES before submitting your artwork


    • To submit your artwork, scroll to the bottom of the page and while logged in, click the paperclip (bottom-left) to upload your image, add a description in the text box (optional) and click "Submit Reply".
    • If you'd like to post work-in-progress artwork, create a thread in the "Work in Progress" section of the forum, and post your images there, with the title "[Month] [Year] [Challenge Title] WIP - [your artwork title]" (you are welcome to ask for help there if you get stuck). When finished, post the final graphic to this thread.
    • There are no winners (HOWEVER, YOUR ARTWORK SUBMISSIONS ARE AUTOMATICALLY ENTERED INTO THE INKSCAPE ARTIST OF THE MONTH CONTEST). These challenges are intended to inspire, to encourage you to share your work and to build a supportive community.
    • If you post your artwork here, you agree for us to share your artwork and use your artwork to create a banner (in the event that you win Artist of the Month) - to opt out, add "Please don't share" to your post.
    • You're encouraged to discuss and offer feedback/constructive criticism to others, but please be respectful.
    • Most importantly, be creative, give your best, and have fun!

    We look forward to seeing your entries!

    Challenge entries (so far)

    Wild strawberry
    Tomato Fruit
    Fruit Inkscape
    Fruit / 2023
    Watermelon Triangles / 2023
    It S Not Bad
    Single Orange
    Orannge Wallpaper
  2. #2
    Gabor Gabor @razr

    Previous drawings just for the beginning: an apple (gradient mesh) and some wild strawberries. Hannibal Lecter style: I've already eaten the models. 😁

    Wild strawberry
  3. #3
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    @razr Each time I see a stunning realistic graphic while scouring the gallery, I know — before looking — who created it. Loving the effort and care you put in to your artwork. Let me know if you would like to do a challenge banner for us. Either way... Two beautiful pieces. Thanks for sharing!

  4. #4
    Inkonic Inkonic @Inkonic

    Two things about me, I can't draw that well and I don't posses any wacom like equipment.

    So, to make this one here, I used this image: ,

    my mouse and some of Inkscape's powerful potential. -Thank you Inkscape!

    Tomato Fruit
  5. #5
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    @Inkonic Thanks for your entry and for sharing the details.

    I have graphics tablets, but I rarely use them (unless i'm drawing complex things like detailed hair/fur). I tend to use the bezier pen and my touchpad.

    I think of drawing as having a desired outcome and having the patience and stubbornness to arrange things on the canvas until what you have matches what you want to see.

    What you draw doesn't have to be amazing, it just has to be progress. We are all improving together. :)

    Feel free to ignore my unsolicited recommendations. :)

  6. #6
    Michael Powell Michael Powell @mpowell6453

    I love banana's I have them with my breakfast.

  7. #7
    Michael Powell Michael Powell @mpowell6453

    I love banana's I have them with my breakfast.

  8. #8
    Marcos González Marcos González @mrks9

    I think I got mixed up at some point. Just kidding, you know I like to play around 😄

    Fruit Inkscape
    Fruit / 2023
  9. #9
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    @mrks9 Awesome work! Did you draw the leaves from scratch? I like the wood texture.

  10. #10
    Marcos González Marcos González @mrks9

    @pacer Thank you. Yes, the leaves are simple shapes with power stroke and the wood textures are two Inkscape patterns.

  11. #11
    devviktoria devviktoria @devviktoria

    Here is my entry for this challenge. I really like pineapple ... So I guess this might not be perfect, but I think it turned out OK. (The reference image I used: )

  12. #12
    Ainara Ainara @ainara14

    Here's my contribution, I'm practicing with Bezier curves ;-)

  13. #13
    Gabor Gabor @razr

    I spent some time on this. I still see some mistake in it, but now it stays like that. I also used a couple of previous curves, the wood-pattern is came from the „flamethrower energy drink”.

  14. #14
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    @razr I can see a lot of work went into this one. Thanks for sharing.

  15. #15
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    Welcome to the challenge and thank you for sharing your artwork with us. How are you getting along with your bezier curve practice?

    Challenge Coordinator

  16. #16
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    Welcome to the challenge @devviktoria

    Thank you for sharing your artwork with us. I like how you adapted the graphic to make it unique. Great entry!

    Challenge Coordinator

  17. #17
    Marcos González Marcos González @mrks9

    Watermelon Triangles 🍉

    Watermelon Triangles / 2023
  18. #18
    Gabor Gabor @razr

    @pacer I tried to make it look like an old painting. At least with the colors. The end result was not everything I imagined, but in the end I judged it to be good enough.

  19. #19
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    I know how you feel... Sometimes you kind of see something in your mind (a new concept), but can't get it clear enough to to get it on the page. I have made a lot of not quite there artwork. It's all a learning experience though. Nevertheless, yours was a nice piece.

  20. #20
    Inkonic Inkonic @Inkonic

    If you've ever tasted a loquat, you'd probably know that it's not delicious either!😛 Nevertheless, it's a beautiful tree and I regularly see some as my neighbor has several of them in his garden.
    For this piece, I used this image: and the Mesh Gradient tool did an awesome job. To add more texture, I used the Noise Fill filter.
    Here's how I made the leaves:
    "Aged" version of this work:

    @pacer Thank you for the support and for taking the time to comment. -Sorry for the my delayed response, I was/am very busy this period of time.

    It S Not Bad
  21. #21
    z3z z3z @z3z

    Hi everyone, oranges are my favourite fruit, so thought I'd try creating one for my challenge entry. I decided to make a fun little wallpaper using orange slices. I've included the single orange image too.

    I don't use Inkscape's filters all that much so I'm not super familiar with what each one can do (also that filter editor scares me!) It was fun experimenting to see what I could come up and hopefully it turned out OK!

    EDIT: just noticed I forgot to clip the blur at the edges. Ah well... 🤦‍

    Single Orange
    Orannge Wallpaper
  22. #22
    Inkonic Inkonic @Inkonic

    @z3z Hey z3z. "that filter editor scares me!", it's like I listen to myself!😜
    Yet,to manipulate the particular filter (Filters>Overlay>Noise Fill),to some degree, it's very easy. Even for you and me!😃
    Here's a short video that I made about this:

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Drawing Challenges, Contests, Competitions 🍓 Inkscape Challenge | 1 October 2023 - 31 October 2023