Beyond the Basics Gradient mesh editing keyboard shortcuts
  1. #1
    Mihai Dobrescu Mihai Dobrescu @msdobrescu

    Hello, for a start, I don't think there is other open vector graphics implementing meshes, I was shocked today to find that SVG standard seems to postpone the feature at best. I think SVG should be considered for other purposes too than web, like creating art, graphics resources for desktop projects too. Even CSS is partially implemented by Microsoft Outlook, but that did not stop them to add more features and evolve.

    Now, my problem is using gradient mesh tool in Inkscape. Now I run the AppImage 1.1 beta versions and I have a gradient mesh that I'd like to modify.

    I would need to be able to remove or merge some rows or columns, but a s long as that is not yet implemented, I must model it and I need a precise way to achieve some symmetrical result.

    I try to rotate mesh handles, but there is no keyboard shortcut to work, apparently, or I could not find or define the right keyboard shortcut.

    Is there a possible keyboard binding to mesh node handle operations like rotating, scaling etc., as for path nodes?

    Thank you.



  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Not sure how a shortcut would help as the mesh gradient toll will do - no?

  3. #3
    Mihai Dobrescu Mihai Dobrescu @msdobrescu

    I must model it and I need a precise way to achieve some symmetrical result.

    For example, the docs for the node tool:

    Rotate handle (1 node selected)

    [, ]rotate both handles by the angle step

    The default angle step is 15 degrees. ] rotates clockwise, [ rotates counterclockwise. May apply to more than one node.

    Left Ctrl+[, Left Ctrl+]rotate left handle by the angle step

    Right Ctrl+[, Right Ctrl+]rotate right handle by the angle step

    Left Alt+[, Left Alt+]rotate left handle by 1 pixel

    Right Alt+[, Right Alt+]rotate right handle by 1 pixel

    But that does not work in the gradient mesh, by contrast to moving nodes by arrows, which works. Maybe there's some action to be associated to a keyboard shortcut?

  4. #4
    ian ian @Ianp5a

    @msdobrescu Can you make a list of the missing functions or shortcuts, and check if they have been reported by a search in gitlab here:

    Maybe this one for example.

    And if there is nothing, create a new issue. You can ask for help creating an issue if needed. It can then be added to the development tasks.

  5. #5
    Mihai Dobrescu Mihai Dobrescu @msdobrescu

    I see here: the documentation is missing, so if they are, I am not aware of them.

    Would be useful to know where the actions are defined in order to check them too.

  6. #6
    Mihai Dobrescu Mihai Dobrescu @msdobrescu

    Sorry, seemed to have posted in different thread...

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beyond the Basics Gradient mesh editing keyboard shortcuts