A set of routines to produce grids with multiple layers of subdivision. Line thickness and color can be specified for each level of subdivision. The grid size can be specified in any desired units. The three grids are Cartesian (rectangular), Triangular (the angle is adjustable), and Perspective (2-point perspective with adjustable perspective points). Note that 0.91 and 0.48 require different releases; if you want to use this extension with 0.48, please download it from the external link.
adds text labels with the fill colour value of each selected feature
Inkscape extension to plot functions of one independent variable. main features: - linear and log10 scales - optional grid lines in X and Y directions - adjustable tick mark intervals and sizes - LaTeX support This extension was inspired by Tavmjong Bah's (and collaborators) extension Function Plotter already presented in Inkscape. Function Plotter extension is not required here. The main difference between Tavmjong's extension and this one is that here you can also generate and customize the Cartesian axes with your plot
Inkscape extension to assist creating 2D polar axes main features: - linear and log10 scales in R direction - optional grid lines in R and Theta directions - adjustable tick mark intervals and sizes - LaTeX support, thanks to texText from Pauli Virtanen (https://pav.iki.fi/software/textext/)
This set of python modules aims to extend Aaron Spike's inkex.py module, adding functions to help the development of new extensions for inkscape. Here you will find methods and classes to deal with drawing elements, line and text styles, line markers, texts, cartesian and polar plots, etc. This project is not intended to provide an end-user inkscape extension by itself but to provide easier backstage functions and classes to facilitate the development of inkscape extensions. It is a work-in-progress project and new features will be added in the future.
This extension will open up closed paths by removing all z-commands from the selected paths. My purpose: to use single line svg-fonts as otf/ttf/opf fonts. These font formats require closed paths and will add a closing command to the glyphs. This closing can be removed by converting the text to paths, ungroup and then using this extension.
Inkscape's extension to assist creating new markers with custom shapes and colors. The main features/advantages are 1-) It is a convenient way to produce predefined markers you use very often. Right now, there are just 3 predefined types (dot, arrow1, ellipsis), but this number can grow fast if people ask or expand this extension. If you have some basic skills on python scripting, you can easily add your own predefined markers. 2-) It is possible to quickly control maker colors (both filling and stroke). It is a nice way to control marker colors, specially in 0.91 since Inkscape forces the marker color to match the line color. 3-) Easy control over its scale with respect to the line width. By using the standard 'Object->Object to Marker' present in Inkscape, you would need to make several copies of your custom marker, with different scales, and proceed with a try-and-error approach to find the appropriate scale. 4-) It is a convenient way to modify/redefine a marker in your document. You just have to use the same nameID and configure the extension to overwrite the old definition.
Inkscape extension to plot a set of points, given their coordinates (x,y). main features: - linear and log10 scales - optional grid lines in X and Y directions - adjustable tick mark intervals and sizes - LaTeX support This extension is specially useful when used in conjunction with other mathematical tools, e.g. Octave, Matlab, R, etc. to plot data generated by these in Inkscape. You can either provide the data in two strings 'X values' and 'Y values' (numbers must be separated by spaces) or by providing the path of a text file containing a table of X (column 1) and Y data (column 2,3,...). You can inform the preferred field separator. In case of data provided via text file, multiple plots can be generated at once by providing Y data of each plot in different columns. The same 'X values' is assumed.
Inkscape extension to assist creating 2D Cartesian axes main features: - linear and log10 scales - optional grid lines in X and Y directions - adjustable tick mark intervals and sizes - LaTeX support, thanks to texText from Pauli Virtanen (https://pav.iki.fi/software/textext/)
An Inkscape extension: Latex/Tex editor for Inkscape, inspired by textext. This extension uses Inkscape build-in extension system, does not require TK or PyGtk as textext. Live preview feature is supported. You can obtain original TeX source from View Original TeX tab. Check http://writetex.tk for more detail. Latest version is in https://github.com/wanglongqi/WriteTeX
A tutorial for beginners, teaching how to use curves to create a house in the mountains