1. Dec 04 11:40:15 <Tavmjong> ---- 20 minutes till Inkscape board meeting ----
  2. Dec 04 12:00:11 <bryce> hi all
  3. Dec 04 12:00:18 <Tavmjong> hi bryce
  4. Dec 04 12:00:30 <bryce> do we have an alex or martin today?
  5. Dec 04 12:00:35 <Tavmjong> -------------------- Inkscape Board Meeting ----------------------
  6. Dec 04 12:01:24 <bryce> Agenda:
  7. Dec 04 12:01:27 <bryce> Budget 2016
  8. Dec 04 12:01:27 <bryce> Sponsorship levels
  9. Dec 04 12:01:27 <bryce> Hackfest 2016: Leeds
  10. Dec 04 12:01:27 <bryce> Funded development
  11. Dec 04 12:01:27 <bryce> Other Business
  12. Dec 04 12:01:37 <bryce> Past Agenda Items Still Open
  13. Dec 04 12:01:37 <bryce> Code of Conduct & Privacy Policy
  14. Dec 04 12:01:37 <bryce> GSoC 2016
  15. Dec 04 12:01:37 <bryce> Hackfest 2016
  16. Dec 04 12:01:47 <bryce> Proposed New Agenda Items
  17. Dec 04 12:01:47 <bryce> C++11
  18. Dec 04 12:01:47 <bryce> Licensing issues (GPL v2+)
  19. Dec 04 12:01:49 <bryce>
  20. Dec 04 12:02:27 <bryce> (Hmm, we should probably track names of people requesting the topic)
  21. Dec 04 12:02:37 <bryce> Starting with the budget
  22. Dec 04 12:02:48 <Tavmjong> good point... (tracking names)
  23. Dec 04 12:02:59 <Tavmjong> First, who is here?
  24. Dec 04 12:03:11 <bryce> last year our budget was aligned to the calendar year, but I'm thinking for 2016 aligning it with the SFC's fiscal year which starts Mar 1st
  25. Dec 04 12:03:34 <bryce> so that lessens some of the urgency to get it fully nailed down this meeting, that I'd originally felt, but still would be worth going through
  26. Dec 04 12:03:58 <tedg> Howdy
  27. Dec 04 12:04:08 <Tavmjong> ScislaC: ? tedg ? joncruz ? doctormo ? tweenk ?
  28. Dec 04 12:04:09 <bryce> the actuals from last year are now posted on the website for your review
  29. Dec 04 12:04:12 <bryce> heya tedg
  30. Dec 04 12:04:19 <bryce> https://inkscape.org/en/about/governance/budget/
  31. Dec 04 12:04:22 <tedg> I think that makes sense, at least they're we're aligned on deadlines.
  32. Dec 04 12:04:32 <Tavmjong> I agree too.
  33. Dec 04 12:04:38 <tedg> It'll probably make our accounting easier.
  34. Dec 04 12:05:18 <bryce> so yeah, unless anyone voices a different opinion, I think I'll just go with that approach
  35. Dec 04 12:05:40 <bryce> near as I can tell this only opens one question
  36. Dec 04 12:06:07 <bryce> we voted on a $250 grant to OSUOSL last year, around this time
  37. Dec 04 12:06:34 <Tavmjong> We could do that again.
  38. Dec 04 12:06:36 <bryce> but the expense charged against FY2014, which is why the actual in our budget is 0
  39. Dec 04 12:07:05 <bryce> ok, so I'll put out another vote on that then.
  40. Dec 04 12:07:10 <tedg> +1
  41. Dec 04 12:07:14 <Tavmjong> +1
  42. Dec 04 12:07:44 <bryce> also I was wondering if any money got spent on SCALE. We approved $250 but I'm not seeing any expenditures in our records
  43. Dec 04 12:07:50 <bryce> ^ question for ScislaC
  44. Dec 04 12:08:05 <Tavmjong> If we were a quorum, could we hold a vote via IRC?
  45. Dec 04 12:08:32 <bryce> for record keeping simplicity I'd rather do it by email
  46. Dec 04 12:09:02 <Tavmjong> We are keeping meeting minutes, but if you prefer via email, OK.
  47. Dec 04 12:09:08 <bryce> also I don't know how much we can trust freenode that our nicks are actually us
  48. Dec 04 12:09:15 <bryce> I've lost 'bryce' more than a couple times...
  49. Dec 04 12:09:52 <Tavmjong> I think it would be pretty obvious if someone were trying to impersonate one of us (we know each other well enough).
  50. Dec 04 12:10:16 <Tavmjong> bryce: Do you have a proposed budget for next year?
  51. Dec 04 12:10:53 <bryce> Tavmjong, as a starting point was thinking to use last year's budget, and let folks discuss deltas to it
  52. Dec 04 12:11:13 <bryce> you already mentioned upping hackfest by 50% so got that
  53. Dec 04 12:12:16 <Tavmjong> I think we could increase developer education... if we have someone taking ownership of it.
  54. Dec 04 12:12:24 <bryce> agreed
  55. Dec 04 12:12:48 <Tavmjong> I could do it, but not till February.
  56. Dec 04 12:13:07 <bryce> I don't see any items to drop; even the hackfest dinner I think would be nice to carry
  57. Dec 04 12:13:37 <tedg> Yeah, I think keeping basically the same makes sense.
  58. Dec 04 12:13:48 <ScislaC> Hey everyone, sorry for running behind, going to read backlog real quick
  59. Dec 04 12:13:48 <tedg> I'm curious if our fundraising for the hackfest will be the same year over year.
  60. Dec 04 12:13:58 <tedg> If people will get tired, or if it'll gain momentum.
  61. Dec 04 12:14:13 <Tavmjong> If our second hackfest is successful, we might try a Fall hackfest.
  62. Dec 04 12:14:14 <bryce> we had also discussed since LGM seemed not as engaged with the community as we had hoped, to maybe send folks to other conferences like fosdem
  63. Dec 04 12:14:39 <bryce> so maybe we might consider upping the Other Events category (or listing a few explicitly?)
  64. Dec 04 12:15:12 <tedg> I've not done a FOSDEM, but overall I think that makes sense.
  65. Dec 04 12:15:16 <Tavmjong> I think having two or three conferences to focus on would be good. The more we get together, the more motivated people become.
  66. Dec 04 12:15:32 <bryce> tedg, that's a good point. We shouldn't count on always having the same success as last time. Although since it was such a big success, we have a nice cushion now. Still worth being careful.
  67. Dec 04 12:15:39 <tedg> I like the way we do SCALE, with some local folks making a booth. Perhaps someone can do something similar for FOSDEM.
  68. Dec 04 12:15:42 <ScislaC> So, +1 on OSUOSL
  69. Dec 04 12:16:25 <tedg> We'd need to hunt those folks down, but, in general I think it's a good strategy.
  70. Dec 04 12:16:33 <ScislaC> I think JonCruz bought the banner this year (related to SCALE expense), but don't know if he asked for reimbursement.
  71. Dec 04 12:16:38 <bryce> At Samsung the travel budget has been axed big time, so jon and I are unlikely to get to go to anything this year
  72. Dec 04 12:16:58 <bryce> tedg, yeah agreed
  73. Dec 04 12:17:16 <tedg> bryce: I think the Mir team has an opening! ;-)
  74. Dec 04 12:17:21 <ScislaC> I would like to see if we could possibly align a hackfest for SCALE 15x (in 2017)... I just need to talk to other chairs about if we can host it.
  75. Dec 04 12:17:34 <bryce> tedg, someone quit?
  76. Dec 04 12:17:45 <jarjar12345> Hey guys!
  77. Dec 04 12:17:50 <Tavmjong> FOSDEM is an easy trip for me... but it conflicts with the SVG working group meeting I want to go to.
  78. Dec 04 12:18:00 <jarjar12345> You guys ready to write some code??????????
  79. Dec 04 12:18:05 <FailBit> no
  80. Dec 04 12:18:07 <Tavmjong> A hackfest with SCALE sounds good.
  81. Dec 04 12:18:11 <FailBit> we're having a board meeting, jarjar12345
  82. Dec 04 12:18:20 <jarjar12345> I understand that
  83. Dec 04 12:18:29 <tedg> Yeah, I generally like SCALE as a meeting. Unfortunately ended up with a conflict this year :-(
  84. Dec 04 12:18:39 <jarjar12345> I'm just here so I don't get fined
  85. Dec 04 12:19:05 <bryce> ok, any other budget suggestions? I can rough together a proposal to send the list over the holidays.
  86. Dec 04 12:19:08 <Tavmjong> It might be good to have one North American hackfest and one European hackfest. When is SCALE?
  87. Dec 04 12:19:19 <tedg> Tavmjong: End of Janurary
  88. Dec 04 12:19:41 <ScislaC> I don't know the 2017 dates yet... but this upcoming one is Jan 21-24
  89. Dec 04 12:20:46 <Mc-> and fosdem is the weekend after that (Jan 30-31)
  90. Dec 04 12:20:49 <bryce> hmm, two hackfests is a really interesting idea.
  91. Dec 04 12:20:49 <Tavmjong> Hmm, that is rather close to LGM and FOSDEM. Any Fall OpenSource orientated conferences?
  92. Dec 04 12:21:31 <Mc-> LGM is in fall (April 15-18)
  93. Dec 04 12:21:42 <tedg> TXLF has been in August, but they were talking about moving it.
  94. Dec 04 12:22:03 <tedg> Not sure that many folks would want to travel to Texas in August though. :-)
  95. Dec 04 12:22:07 <bryce> linuxcon in aug typical, but it's kind of biz oriented
  96. Dec 04 12:22:15 <Tavmjong> Mc- if your from down-under
  97. Dec 04 12:22:18 <bryce> plumbers also in aug but we're not low level enough
  98. Dec 04 12:22:26 <Mc-> oops
  99. Dec 04 12:22:43 <Tavmjong> August is a bad month for Europeans. Everybody is on vacation.
  100. Dec 04 12:22:45 <Mc-> (i'm more used to "autumn")
  101. Dec 04 12:22:50 <bryce> linuxfest northwest, but think that's another spring one
  102. Dec 04 12:23:01 <bryce> OSCON but it's super spendy to attend
  103. Dec 04 12:23:24 <Tavmjong> We don't need necessarily to be tied to a conference if we have a willing host.
  104. Dec 04 12:23:32 <tedg> Don't seem too much: https://lwn.net/Calendar/Monthly/2015-09/
  105. Dec 04 12:23:49 <bryce> tying a NA hackfest to SCALE seems the most sensible to me
  106. Dec 04 12:23:49 <tedg> Wow, can't type today.
  107. Dec 04 12:24:13 <bryce> even if there's some overlap with other events, that's probably fine - this is for folks that wouldn't be flying such distances already by definition
  108. Dec 04 12:24:53 <bryce> what about any gtk relevant events? That was something we were interested in last time
  109. Dec 04 12:25:11 <Tavmjong> It's probably a bit late for SCALE this January... but for 2017.
  110. Dec 04 12:25:12 <tedg> I think the only one is really GUADEC today, which is Europe.
  111. Dec 04 12:25:27 <Tavmjong> When is GUADEC?
  112. Dec 04 12:25:31 <bryce> tedg, hrm
  113. Dec 04 12:26:02 <Tavmjong> ... July/August 2016
  114. Dec 04 12:26:32 <tedg> Though, they'd probably be happy to have us. Usually there is space.
  115. Dec 04 12:26:38 <Tavmjong> We could use some GTK help but how well would we fit in with GUADEC?
  116. Dec 04 12:27:14 <bryce> alright well for budget purposes I'll pencil in a rough amount to start with, and the decision on how to use it can come later.
  117. Dec 04 12:27:23 <tedg> Eh, I think the answer is "okay", I think we could be a separate "track" or hack room.
  118. Dec 04 12:27:35 <bryce> please give some thought meantime into what conferences might make the most sense
  119. Dec 04 12:27:44 <tedg> I don't think there'd be a ton of things besides the GTK talks that folks would find interesting.
  120. Dec 04 12:28:07 <bryce> tedg, sounds like it might be a send-one-representative kind of conference
  121. Dec 04 12:28:28 <Mc-> there as a "Paris open source summit" in november, not sure about the 2016 dates
  122. Dec 04 12:28:30 <bryce> which we could totally afford and would probably get the lion's share of the benefit
  123. Dec 04 12:28:43 <bryce> Mc-, that'd be easy for Tavmjong
  124. Dec 04 12:28:48 <tedg> bryce: Yeah, more thinking it might be a way to reduce costs by sharing some space for a hackfest instead of a hackfest then attend the conference type of thing.
  125. Dec 04 12:29:00 <Tavmjong> Yup...
  126. Dec 04 12:29:14 <bryce> sometimes the local conferences don't have enough "meat" though
  127. Dec 04 12:30:03 <bryce> ok, any other thoughts or suggestions on budget stuff?
  128. Dec 04 12:30:21 <bryce> otherwise I'll try and get a draft up on the mailing list over the holidays
  129. Dec 04 12:30:54 <bryce> ------------------- Sponsorship Levels ------------------------
  130. Dec 04 12:31:13 <Tavmjong> I'm not sure what this topic is about...
  131. Dec 04 12:31:17 <bryce> hmm, I have forgotten why this item is on our agenda for
  132. Dec 04 12:31:47 <Tavmjong> We voted on "Award" levels awhile back but don't have a page yet.
  133. Dec 04 12:31:52 <bryce> let's see... we identified some levels, let karen know, etc.
  134. Dec 04 12:32:07 <bryce> ok, so we need a page set up?
  135. Dec 04 12:32:49 <Tavmjong> Yes... and check if any sponsors need to be added retroactively.
  136. Dec 04 12:32:53 <bryce> right
  137. Dec 04 12:33:03 <bryce> also looking at last month's meeting notes...
  138. Dec 04 12:33:17 <bryce> heh, you and I were the ones discussing it last time :-)
  139. Dec 04 12:33:28 <bryce> you asked if we got the donation that brought up the issue
  140. Dec 04 12:33:47 <bryce> I don't recall spotting an abormally huge donation when I last looked
  141. Dec 04 12:34:19 <bryce> ah, tweek had volunteered to own this task
  142. Dec 04 12:34:45 <bryce> ok, since he's not here and it's not an urgent item, moving on...
  143. Dec 04 12:35:04 <Tavmjong> tweek is probably busy getting settled in to his new place
  144. Dec 04 12:35:05 <bryce> ---------------------- Hackfest 2016: Leeds --------------------------------
  145. Dec 04 12:35:32 <bryce> Alex is not here I take it?
  146. Dec 04 12:35:54 <Tavmjong> Alex has been working on finding a place for the hackfest. He may have a place and a sponsor.
  147. Dec 04 12:36:25 <bryce> is there anything the board can do right at the moment to help in moving this forward?
  148. Dec 04 12:37:16 <bryce> last meeting I recall we tentatively voted to favor Leeds over the other options
  149. Dec 04 12:37:19 <Tavmjong> Alex asked about a "sponsors" package.
  150. Dec 04 12:37:52 <bryce> package as in perks?
  151. Dec 04 12:38:23 <Tavmjong> As in offering a sponsor recognition.
  152. Dec 04 12:38:59 <bryce> right, I think that ties in with the prior item. maybe tweek will have something for us on that by next meeting?
  153. Dec 04 12:39:25 <Tavmjong> We could put their logo on our home page perhaps for the month of the hackfest and on the sponsor's page.
  154. Dec 04 12:39:41 <bryce> (01:53:32 PM) tweenk: and what about the perks? e.g. I guess for $X one would get a logo on the website, for $Y a logo on the about screen and for $Z a logo on the splash screen
  155. Dec 04 12:39:49 <bryce> (01:54:41 PM) bryce: tweenk, iirc we only discussed website placement as perks but would be good to brainstorm more beyond that
  156. Dec 04 12:40:13 <Tavmjong> I'm a little hesitant to wait until next meeting... time passes quickly.
  157. Dec 04 12:40:48 <bryce> Tavmjong, true... would you mind facilitating an email discussion on this, with alex and kk?
  158. Dec 04 12:40:59 <Tavmjong> OK
  159. Dec 04 12:41:19 <bryce> I'm pretty open to whatever here, think it's just a matter of brainstorming and deciding
  160. Dec 04 12:41:20 <Tavmjong> Can we tell Alex that Leeds is a go if he finds us a suitable meeting place?
  161. Dec 04 12:41:34 <bryce> yep, certainly
  162. Dec 04 12:41:52 <Mc-> I don't have a problem with thanking sponsors on the website... but in the application itself, I'm not convinced that's a good idea
  163. Dec 04 12:42:04 <Tavmjong> I think having that kind of commitment will help motivate him.
  164. Dec 04 12:42:08 <bryce> we'll do a formal vote when there's a formal proposal but at this point I think it's informally the decided place
  165. Dec 04 12:42:12 <Tavmjong> Mc-: agreed.
  166. Dec 04 12:42:40 <Tavmjong> BTW, LGM will be in Brasil in 2017....
  167. Dec 04 12:42:43 <bryce> ok, unless there's anything else on hackfest, moving on....
  168. Dec 04 12:42:53 <bryce> ----------------------------------- Funded Development ---------------------------------
  169. Dec 04 12:43:11 <bryce> I've been plucking away at this over the month
  170. Dec 04 12:43:49 <Tavmjong> How close are we to being able to go live?
  171. Dec 04 12:44:32 <bryce> hard to say, I feel like I've only just started scratching the surface trying to understand *what* needs done
  172. Dec 04 12:44:51 <bryce> it's a non-trivial development effort
  173. Dec 04 12:44:56 <Tavmjong> It does seem to be quite complicated
  174. Dec 04 12:46:00 <bryce> I've sketched in some todo items and design thoughts and plans at http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/FundedProjectSystemDevelopment
  175. Dec 04 12:46:25 <bryce> it may go faster once I'm more comfortable with Django development, I'm still pretty newbie here
  176. Dec 04 12:47:07 <Tavmjong> Django is PHP?
  177. Dec 04 12:47:13 <bryce> the technicals are actually not that hard, and not that much code is needed to get stuff done, the hard part is mostly the design decisions of what forms are needed, where they should be plugged in, and so on
  178. Dec 04 12:47:17 <bryce> Django is Python
  179. Dec 04 12:48:11 <bryce> the form I'm focusing on right now is the application form for folks to sign up for projects
  180. Dec 04 12:48:33 <bryce> the underlying bits are already there for that, so it's just a matter of making the form and hooking it up
  181. Dec 04 12:49:05 <Tavmjong> Is there anything that a non-Django expert can help with?
  182. Dec 04 12:49:09 <bryce> I've cleaned up some of the existing project item pages, but some of that is going to require adding some new data fields to the database, which is something I've not figured out yet
  183. Dec 04 12:49:38 <bryce> hmm
  184. Dec 04 12:50:04 <bryce> like I mentioned a lot of the work right now is design stuff, so like laying out what web pages should look like, and how verbage should be phrased
  185. Dec 04 12:50:15 <bryce> mockups of things would help me out a lot
  186. Dec 04 12:50:54 <bryce> but it might be easier for me to just get the underpinnings working, with stubbed in pages
  187. Dec 04 12:51:12 <bryce> and then folks can help by bikeshedding design suggestions on top
  188. Dec 04 12:51:42 <Tavmjong> OK. Anything for the board to act on?
  189. Dec 04 12:52:15 <bryce> after the Application Form, I think the next item I'll work on is the Project Suggestion Form, and a Suggested Projects list. These last two I am aiming for being useful for GSoC
  190. Dec 04 12:52:41 <bryce> so one thing that would be helpful to know is what requirements GSoC has for our "Suggested Projects" list, so I can target fulfilling those
  191. Dec 04 12:53:14 <bryce> nothing for the board to act on, except carrying (or expanding) the funding budget for the project items
  192. Dec 04 12:53:30 <bryce> my goal is to have it in some sort of usable form in 2016.
  193. Dec 04 12:53:56 <Tavmjong> GSoC signup for mentoring organization is Feb 8-19 so it would be good to have that by then.
  194. Dec 04 12:54:10 <bryce> ok, I can set that as a target for that bit.
  195. Dec 04 12:54:40 <bryce> if someone can scare up the requirements for it, that'd save me a little time
  196. Dec 04 12:55:00 <bryce> any other questions on this or shall we move on?
  197. Dec 04 12:55:17 <bryce> ---------------------------- Other Business -----------------------------
  198. Dec 04 12:55:52 <bryce> (open for any other items anyone wants to bring up, including the past agenda items or proposed new ones)
  199. Dec 04 12:56:14 <tedg> On the list we were talking about licensing stuff.
  200. Dec 04 12:56:28 <tedg> I'm one of the folks that needs to act there.
  201. Dec 04 12:56:39 <tedg> Was thinking that I could just CLA my copyright to the foundation.
  202. Dec 04 12:56:52 <Tavmjong> What needs to be done?
  203. Dec 04 12:57:04 <tedg> Do folks have an opinion on how that should be done?
  204. Dec 04 12:57:22 <bryce> tedg, why does your copyright need to be CLA'd?
  205. Dec 04 12:57:25 <tedg> There are a couple files that are unclear so kk e-mailed the devs in the bzr history.
  206. Dec 04 12:57:37 <tedg> bryce: It doesn't, but I'd like to make it easier in the future.
  207. Dec 04 12:58:28 <Mc-> i wondered why many files had specific in-file authors in addition to the authors file
  208. Dec 04 12:58:29 <bryce> hmm, not sure it's really worth the bother. Don't think we have any plans in mind to change license
  209. Dec 04 12:58:49 <bryce> Mc-, yeah copyright is sort of a per-file thing
  210. Dec 04 12:59:12 <Mc-> but some files just have "copyright authors" mention
  211. Dec 04 12:59:16 <Tavmjong> I think the main thing kk is concerned about is that some files are only GPL2 which causes problems with using GTK3 code.
  212. Dec 04 12:59:47 <bryce> Mc-, yeah those should have had a named author. ted's right that our boilerplate is a bit substandard, thus the discussion for cleaning it up.
  213. Dec 04 12:59:50 <tedg> Yeah, I mean, I don't want to require a CLA, that'd be too controversial to have any benefit.
  214. Dec 04 13:00:26 <tedg> But it still seems like a good idea, even without specific plans.
  215. Dec 04 13:00:30 <Mc-> so should people add themselves at the top of the file when they modify it ? or only when modifying it substantially ?
  216. Dec 04 13:00:35 <bryce> tedg, feel free to investigate, but personally I don't think it's worth bothering with
  217. Dec 04 13:01:06 <tedg> Mc-: I think it doesn't matter as much with DVCSes today, but if the file was substantially modified that person would have copyright.
  218. Dec 04 13:01:27 <tedg> Mc-: Typically OSS folks take the conservative approach of saying anyone who modifies it is a co-owner.
  219. Dec 04 13:01:47 <bryce> Mc-, only when modifying substantially. No firm rules there, but if you change like 50% or more of the file that's probably a good time to add yourself.
  220. Dec 04 13:01:52 <tedg> Mc-: But that's not needed or entirely correct. Just hard to decide on where "substantially" lies.
  221. Dec 04 13:02:09 <Mc-> ok, thanks for the clarifications
  222. Dec 04 13:02:39 <bryce> ok, anything else? If not, we're at the hour and can close.
  223. Dec 04 13:03:00 <Mc-> there was "c++11" in the proposed agenda items
  224. Dec 04 13:03:05 <Tavmjong> Yeah, I need to go.
  225. Dec 04 13:04:17 <bryce> Mc-, I think that's an item Alex and Jon are interested in but neither is here
  226. Dec 04 13:04:51 <bryce> okie doke, thanks all, cya on the lists.
  227. Dec 04 13:04:51 <Tavmjong> kk is writing a patch to allow Inkscape to be compiled with GTK libraries that require c++11.
  228. Dec 04 13:04:57 <bryce> ----------- EOM -----------
  229. Dec 04 13:05:00 <Tavmjong> cya
  230. Dec 04 13:05:02 <Mc-> cya
  231. Dec 04 13:05:04 <ScislaC> cya Tavmjong
  232. Dec 04 13:05:23 <su_v> gn
  233. Dec 04 13:05:36 <ScislaC> su_v!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  234. Dec 04 13:05:51 <su_v> ScislaC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+1
  235. Dec 05 05:10:39 <jabiertxof> Any one can share the log of the yestreday meet?
  236. Dec 05 05:10:56 <Mc-> 30s
  237. Dec 05 05:13:12 <Mc-> pm
  238. Dec 05 05:13:38 <jabiertxof> thanks




Board Meeting - December 4, 2015



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