This illustration of a Ferrari by Gilles Pinard was done by hand without any tracing. Gradients, blurs, and other various other techniques really bring this image to life.
Inkscape 0.48 now has a preference that allows users to take advantage of multi-threading for the Gaussian Blur filter. This filter makes one of the biggest impacts on Inkscape's performance when in use. Mariana Sing uses blur throughout this image for subtle details, smooth color transitions, and numerous effects. Thankfully the blur operation is now faster than before when using a multi-core or multi-processor computer.
After many years and countless requests, Inkscape 0.48 now supports editing multiple paths at the same time. Previously editing with the Node Tool had a limitation of working with only one path at a time. Thanks to happyline for the wonderful example screenshot.
Inkscape version 0.91 has a new Symbols dialog, with which you can manage symbols. The symbols can come from libraries that are already installed, or from a library that you install, or custom symbols that you create on the canvas.
There may be a bug in django-cms regarding admin. But this page is not affected.
Inkscape 0.48 has brought many improvements to the Text Tool. There are now controls for superscript, subscript, line spacing, letter spacing, word spacing, horizontal kerning, vertical kerning, and rotation. Thanks to Development Seed for contributing this screenshot.
This is a graph showing how much data the inkscape website is delivering via it's fastly cache. Most of these are downloads.
Shows Golden Ribbon's art in the front page setting.
In development, the look of the templates at r608
This inkscape website was down, this is some data.