Custom rounded corners rect

Mois MoshevCustom rounded corners rect

Mois Moshev

Ever wanted to make some of these fancy folder flap top-side only rounded corners? Or rounded corners with different radii? This extension allows the user to draw a rectangle with rounded corners as a path, specifying each corner's radius, in css order. It also provides an option to remove the selected rectangle when it's done. === Installation Use the included script: python install This will copy the necessary files to your extensions directory: * Windows - %APPDATA%\inkscape\extensions (e.g. C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming) * Linux - $HOME/.config/inkscape/extensions === Usage Select rectangles in the document, in the menu select Render->Custom rounded corners rect. === License GPL-2.0

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Paths to Lines

Scott PakinPaths to Lines

Scott Pakin

Paths to Lines converts a path to a sequence of lines, represented internally using your choice of SVG <line>, <polyline>, or <path> elements. It is similar to the Flatten Beziers, Straighten Segments, and Convert to Polylines extensions, but those always leave the path as an SVG <path> while Paths to Lines offers the user a choice among multiple SVG representations.

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