Beginners' Questions Copy and Paste From Inkscape svg to Another Inkscape svg sheet
  1. #1
    lc.inkscape lc.inkscape @lc.inkscape
    Hello everybody, I have a problem of image quality loss from an svg sheet previously created by me to a new project, I'll explain it to you with the photo. On the left my old project where I am going to copy this object, on the right a new project where I am going to paste the object, as you can see, I lose the resolution, I do not honestly understand why.


    Thank you advance for your answer :)



  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Inkscape version .9x.xx, on a Mac?  If so, see this:

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Copy and Paste From Inkscape svg to Another Inkscape svg sheet