Additionally I installed python-cssselect to satisfy the template (extension?) imports even though this package was not listed on the Arch page.
With the dependencies satisfied, Inkscape now opens a new window with the template visually set up as I knew it. However it keeps the "'Seamless Pattern' working, please wait..." dialog open (in a modal state?) and opens another message "Inkscape encountered an internal error and will close now.". Pressing "Close" kills the GUI and returnsto the terminal with these messages:
Emergency save activated!
Emergency save completed. Inkscape will close now.
If you can reproduce this crash, please file a bug at
with a detailed description of the steps leading to the crash, so we can fix it.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
This happens reliably every time.
I have tried to run the newest AppImage (Inkscape-dc2aeda-x86_64.AppImag) but the behaviour seems the same.
Is it something with my slightly minimal setup or can someone reproduce it?
Wanted to attach a crash dump but it exceeds the forum post character limit.
Hi all, first post here (*‾▽‾)ノ✨
Last year, ~July 2021 was the last time I used the "Seamless Pattern..." template and, while a bit hacky feeling, was blow away by how useful it is!
On newest Inkscape and a new laptop I can not open a new file using that template anymore 💦
Running Inkscape on an up-to-date Arch Linux (last year and now) with i3 window- and no desktop manager.
First had to install some optional dependencies listed here:
Namely: python-lxml, python-numpy, scour
Additionally I installed python-cssselect to satisfy the template (extension?) imports even though this package was not listed on the Arch page.
With the dependencies satisfied, Inkscape now opens a new window with the template visually set up as I knew it. However it keeps the "'Seamless Pattern' working, please wait..." dialog open (in a modal state?) and opens another message "Inkscape encountered an internal error and will close now.". Pressing "Close" kills the GUI and returnsto the terminal with these messages:
This happens reliably every time.
I have tried to run the newest AppImage (Inkscape-dc2aeda-x86_64.AppImag) but the behaviour seems the same.
Is it something with my slightly minimal setup or can someone reproduce it?
Wanted to attach a crash dump but it exceeds the forum post character limit.
Please add your findings to the bug report:
Oh thank you! I did look on gitlab but did not see this one. Having to log in to search is a bit inconvenient 💦
Actually this issue is even more relevant and exactly what I am experiencing, so nothing new to add:
Should I mark this topic or delete?
Agree, but worth it.
We will keep most topics active, in the event there are others who wish to add comments or information on updates.