Beginners' Questions UI still broken on M1 Macs
  1. #1
    mcandre mcandre @mcandre

    Many previously working UI elements are still broken on M1 Macs, including text copying and pasting into UI textfields.

    When I try to copy and paste canvas dimension lengths between the width and height fields, then goofy things happen.

    When I try to use the relative to dropdown menu to align to page instead of selection area, then the dropdown menu does nothing.

  2. #2
    GerBNL GerBNL @GerBNL

    I'm using 1.3 beta on a M1 Macbook, and although i had inkscape crash on me sometimes, i don't feel i'm familiar enough with inkscape to report anything yet.

    However, reading your post i noticed that i can't use Command-V to paste a value into a UI field. Control-V will work, but in the Edit menu, to the right from the word 'Paste' it says: โŒ˜V: Command-V.

    I tried looking into your other issues, but i'n not very sure what you mean. If you copy and paste, do you use the menu's, of keyboard shortcuts?

    If you mean the dropdown menu in the Align and Distribute tool, I'm noticing nothing strange. Can you elaborate? I have an inkscape 1.1.2 on an old linux machine, and to me, its behavious is similar (the dropdown remembers your choice)


  3. #3
    GerBNL GerBNL @GerBNL

    I managed to check on a few other machines:

    open a new document; draw a square (or whatever); now cutย 

    • An old laptop with semi-current linux mint on it (and inkscape 1.1): cutting and pasting text into a UI field works as one might expect
    • Old Mac mini with High Sierra (and inkscape 1.2.2): cutting and pasting is broken in the same way as it is with inkscape 1.3 (and prolly as @mcandre means) on my Macbook Pro M1.

    pretty sure this is not as it's supposed to be ...

    @TylerDurden: I tried to find this issue in the tracker, but failed miserably to find anything remotely recognizable... Do i need to register or am i simply inept at searching? tired to narrow down on m1, even mac issues. ๐Ÿ˜ข


    Edit: Au! au! au!ย  Of course: first complain, then find out how to 'Label is ~OS::macOS'...ย  Developers are aware of the issue...

  4. #4
    GerBNL GerBNL @GerBNL

    @TylerDurden: and now I'm bothering you with this, may i also ask how you make the nice little screenmovies? with keypresses and all?ย  (prolly this should be a new thread in the community of misc sections?)

  5. #5
    patricr patricr @patricr

    I have a problem with the ability to resize a window on a Mac M1. The cursor for resizing does not always show up, and when it does, it seems I need to wait 5 to 10 seconds before I can resize the window.

  6. #6
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenโš–

    @GerBNL, for recording activity on Windows I use ShareX, on Linux I use Peek.

  7. #7
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    @patricr I bet you're on "noted" macOS Ventura. No issues in this regard with BigSur.

  8. #8
    GerBNL GerBNL @GerBNL

    @patricr: Hmm, strange, i have no such problems (that i've noted). I run Inkscape full screen with the most used tools docked on the right. (oh, and @Polygon: I'm on Ventura)

    The things i mostly note on the windows/dialogs that remain is:

    • that an awful lot insist on opening at origin 0,0 of the screen (making me want to move them).
    • i rarely need/want to resize them (which may be the reason why i didn't run into your issue)
    • i can't close them in a consistent maclike way (which only can be really solved after the keybindings issue is solved).


  9. #9
    patricr patricr @patricr

    Yes, I forgot to mention, I am on Venturaย 13.4.1.

    Has this been "noted" in the forums or support?

    I did a search, but maybe I didn't use the right search terms.

    EDIT: I have downloaded ver 13Beta, and the ability to resize the window seems better.

  10. #10
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ


    This is from the official download section - pretty sure itยดs not solved for 1.3 yet: