Beginners' Questions Text Object To Path
  1. #1
    webcat webcat @webcat

    Hey, after you perform the Object to path to the Text that you use, I notice that you can no longer tell the fonts that were used. (I started a design late last night, woke up this morning and cant remember)

    Is there a way that you know of to see the fonts used or after you perform the Object to Path, it's pretty much a done deal, I'd have to undo until the point the Paths were Fonts again?

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Font info used to be saved in the style tags. 

    GitLab 1273

    After discussion here and IRC, I'll close this as "won't fix". Please reopen if you disagree.


    Maybe now related to this:

  3. #3
    webcat webcat @webcat

    Damn...Good one Tyler. Thanks A TON man, this was very helpful knowledge. Never even touched the XML editor before now 

    Wow. Thanks again