I should like to put a text in trapeze-shape, give the same perspective-effect like in Star-Wars floating text.
I made the text to path and the shape too, I selected bothe, choosed Perspective among Modify path, and it says that the second is not a path. But it is a path. What can I do?
I wanted to justify alignment first, to make equal lines, but it did not worked with any font in Inkscape. I use version 1.0.1 (0767f8302a, 2020-10-17)
The other alignments work, but it is not possible to justify. Could you help me with it?
The lines have very different lengths. It would help to use words that help make them closer in length.
If I had to make the ends align on all rows, I would manually use the letter spacing, kerning and word spacing to get as close as possible. These are found in the text controls bar (not the Text/Font dialog).
Yes, you are right, this is a doggerel. I would center align. Now I tried with continuous paragraph and the justify alignment works. Inkscape is intelligent.
Now it does not work. I make text to path, I union, but I get the message that it is a group. And really, it is possible to select one-by-one. How I can make union the text-path?
I should like to put a text in trapeze-shape, give the same perspective-effect like in Star-Wars floating text.
I made the text to path and the shape too, I selected bothe, choosed Perspective among Modify path, and it says that the second is not a path. But it is a path. What can I do?
I could solve it. It was not enough to make text to path, I had to Union too. I have very fine trapezoid text on my image:. https://scontent.fbud5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p180x540/132506243_3838314039526109_8386645923659530457_o.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=v7CqcEN9hl8AX_-Xf3l&_nc_ht=scontent.fbud5-1.fna&tp=6&oh=f70cd4241870340dd6e0cdf0dbb5b163&oe=6006505E
I wanted to justify alignment first, to make equal lines, but it did not worked with any font in Inkscape. I use version 1.0.1 (0767f8302a, 2020-10-17)
The other alignments work, but it is not possible to justify. Could you help me with it?
The lines have very different lengths. It would help to use words that help make them closer in length.
If I had to make the ends align on all rows, I would manually use the letter spacing, kerning and word spacing to get as close as possible. These are found in the text controls bar (not the Text/Font dialog).
Yes, you are right, this is a doggerel. I would center align. Now I tried with continuous paragraph and the justify alignment works. Inkscape is intelligent.
Thank you.
Now it does not work. I make text to path, I union, but I get the message that it is a group. And really, it is possible to select one-by-one. How I can make union the text-path?
I would ungroup or enter the group, then perform the combine operation.