1. #1
    Claudio chapaval rodrigues Claudio chapaval rodrigues @ccrfisio


    Good afternoon.

    I select any of the functions, for example, text box, and when I type, nothing appears, just like shapes and other functions.

  2. #2
    Hum Hum @Hum

    Hi. You need to share more details so someone can help you.

    What operating system? What Inkscape version? What file did you download - such as exe, msi,  or zip. Are there multiple versions if Inkscaoe being used?What function or functions or tools have you tried? What specifically is happening versus what you expect to happen?

    Also you probably will need to share a graphic or two and perhaps any svg file you have created that is troublesome..

  3. #3
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    In the lower left corner of your screen you'll see the fill and stroke colour settings for your selected text object. One way to change these is [left-click] a tile on the colour palette and choose [Set fill] or [Set stroke]. Check that the opacity box is set to [O: 100].

    I recommend reading through [Help > Tutorials > Inkscape: Basic] where there's a section dedicated to fill and stroke settings.