Beginners' Questions exclusion not working with vectorised drawings
  1. #1
    jokke_moose jokke_moose @jokke_moose

    Hi all,

    I vectorised a soccer ball and a drawing in pure black and white. Now, I want to put both images on top of each other, so that the drawing is on top of the soccer ball. If the square of the soccer ball is black, I want the drawing to be white and of course if the square of the soccer ball is transparant (or white), I want to be able to see the black drawing.

    It works perfectly if I draw a circle and a star shape, transform the shapes to paths, select them all, and then click path - exclusion. But this doesn't work with the soccer ball and the drawing. Any clue what extra manipulations I need to do to get this working?

    Best regards,


  2. #2
    phiscribe phiscribe @phiscribe

    Is the soccer ball one path or a group?  I believe it can't be a group.  If it is a group, ungroup and try combine or union.

  3. #3
    jokke_moose jokke_moose @jokke_moose


    Thanks for taking the time to help me out. The soccer ball was originally a jpg which i vectorised with inkscape to a svg file.


Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions exclusion not working with vectorised drawings