Welcome & congratulations to our 3 #GSOC participants 🎉 !Ravi Arora - Node Based Filter EditorSKIPPR - Improve UX of Node & Pen ToolManpreetXSingh - Support for .afdesign files#Inkscape is looking forward to work with them on their projects!For more info, visit:https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2024/organizations/inkscape
(via: inkscape vectors)
Welcome & congratulations to our 3 #GSOC participants 🎉 !
Ravi Arora - Node Based Filter Editor
SKIPPR - Improve UX of Node & Pen Tool
ManpreetXSingh - Support for .afdesign files
#Inkscape is looking forward to work with them on their projects!
For more info, visit:
(via: inkscape vectors)