1. #1
    livebrain livebrain @livebrain

    some stuff i made awhile ago.

    Lots of cool and interesting stuff in this forum so i decided to share my stuff also :)



    118558123 1634066563429499 4880782619510109096 N
    1276999 220514968118006 352472191 O
  2. #2
    Gerald Stiehler Gerald Stiehler @mondspeer

    Hey, looks cool.

  3. #3
    livebrain livebrain @livebrain

    The laptop was based on my own laptop and old h elitebook, something i did for work.

    The smileys was something i did because i was bored. Sometimes when im bbored i just add faded reflections to circles. 

  4. #4
    livebrain livebrain @livebrain

    My avatar im using for social online stuff.
