What version of Inkscape are you using? I know little about gcode. But, do know many previous versions of inkscape had extensions that used python2. Python2 isn't supported anymore. Inkscape 1.0 is moved on to Python3. Some extensions got left behind. If your using an old version of Inkscape, make sure the environment has Python2. If this is the new versions of Inkscape, make sure the environment is Python3. If you aren't using the new version because it doesn't have this gcode extension it is probably because it hasn't been updated yet.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "raster2laser_gcode.py", line 37, in <module>
import png
File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions\png.py", line 1885
except ValueError, e:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
What version of Inkscape are you using? I know little about gcode. But, do know many previous versions of inkscape had extensions that used python2. Python2 isn't supported anymore. Inkscape 1.0 is moved on to Python3. Some extensions got left behind. If your using an old version of Inkscape, make sure the environment has Python2. If this is the new versions of Inkscape, make sure the environment is Python3. If you aren't using the new version because it doesn't have this gcode extension it is probably because it hasn't been updated yet.
Or it could be something completely different.
ho lo stesso problema come si risolve?