Beyond the Basics Saving/Exporting font collections and creating collections from existing font directories
  1. #1
    Lizzie1 Lizzie1 @Lizzie1


    I was so excited by the new font collection feature that the letdown was quite brutal.😥 Not that it doesn't look great... but unless I'm missing something (I really hope it's the case) trying to use collections would require hours and hours and hours of work... that would all be lost if I needed to reinstall or use a 2nd computer!

    So my first question is : Is there a way to save the font collections we create? Or even better, to export and import them. 

    My other question is about creating the collections: Can we create collections corresponding to the fonts in the "Additional font directories" ? ** (already sorted by licenses and broad categories) (Note: If there was an easy/quick way to do this, saving wouldn't be such an issue... at least for me... I already back up those folders)  In case of a positive answer : Any way to have those collections be dynamic so fonts added to those "Additional font directories" are automatically added to the collections? 

    **Dragging over 300 fonts into collection isn't practical when they're all mixed up with system fonts... even if, in "preferences",  both "Use Inkscape's fonts directory" and "Use user's fonts directory" are unselected.

    I'm considering making feature requests but I first wanted to know if I'd missed something.

    Thanks for any help (I know font collections are still pretty new).

  2. #2
    RuaridhW RuaridhW @RuaridhW

    Hi there weird i was just looking into this myself. I've found that there is a fontcollections folder within my user location. In windows 11 that is:


    Whilst, they are simple text files with just the system name for the font the only way i've found to get a list of my font names is to export them from my windows registry (win 11).

    open regedit

    go to  Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts

    right click on fonts and export

    Export as a text file (txt)

    then import into excel

    Whilst a faff once you have that list of font names you can do bulk list creation, no ideal but probably quicker than a drag&drop-a-thon


    Now a dynamic populating option would be a cool option, if you post as a feature request pop a link in here and i'd definitely give that a thumbs up!

  3. #3
    Lizzie1 Lizzie1 @Lizzie1

    Thanks, but it doesn't seem to work for me (Windows 11). The font collection I began creating isn't listed in C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\fontcollections, the only thing there is :  recently_used_fonts.log ... and it's doesn't match the collection "Recently used fonts" in the font collection editor.🤔 I also tried creating a test.log file with a font name in it, but it didn't show in the font collection editor when I restarted Inkscape 😞 I'm not sure why it's different for me, I'll have to do some tests...

    [edit: Ok, my error, I tried again with test.txt and it worked 🤩🤩 That's a nearly 400 font collection created in a few clics : THANK YOU... but I still wonder where the collection created in the editor is...]

    As for your help on getting a list of the fonts, the main reason I'm interested in collections, is to get rid of all the system fonts in the Inkscape menu so I can find my commercial use licensed fonts easily (Most aren't even installed on my computer, I have access to them in Inkscape by adding their parent folder to the "Preferences > System> Custom Font Directories" and/or "Preferences>Tools>Text tool>Additional font directories" (seems to be the same, can't remember if I entered both) .

    But since I use Nexusfont, getting a text file listing my fonts isn't a problem (select font folder, right clic select all, "Edit>Copy Font Names" then paste in a new txt file)

  4. #4
    RuaridhW RuaridhW @RuaridhW

    Hurrah!!! and thanks for the font list tip. [Edit: nexusfont is epic many thanks from a font noob]

    It is weird, i had to make a fontcollection with a weird name with no spaces, close inkscape and then do a file search for that name.

    BTW I have also found that although i've setup a shared default resources folder inkscape is not taking any font collections from within that.

  5. #5
    RuaridhW RuaridhW @RuaridhW

    In case anyone is interested I've raised the lack of fontcollection functionality with shared default resources folder

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beyond the Basics Saving/Exporting font collections and creating collections from existing font directories