Hear me out, i have same probelm, guess what thanks to youtuber name "Davies Media Design" i can recover my file project, but yea still lost the latest project save from the crash This how you Restore you file. First you must make sure you have Auto save activate, gladly mine are active, and it default setting so...., and then you can check to auto save file here
C:\Users\ultra\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\inkscape (this is Mine)
or you can check to you ink space to check yours Edit > Preference > Input/Output > Autosave > autosave dircetory
you can't open direct from inkspace, idk why the file are not appeard its like invisibel so, im copy all of them and put it to new folder and open it from inkspace
I had the same "unspecified internal error, aborting" problem. It happens every time I open svg file directly from my file explorer. I have tried to use the autosaved files but only a few of them are free from this "aborting" problem.
Recently, I found that opening svg file indirectly via new Inkscape document could "solve" this problem. You just need to open your Inkscape App first and choose "new document". After that, you can open your svg file via File>Open.
Yo tengo el mismo problema pero sucede cuando le voy a utilizar filtro de mosaico. He pensado que talvez se cuelga por el peso del archivo pero en otros momentos he tenido archivos más pesado y no da ese problema. Debo agregar que toda la imagen la hice en el propio programa, la guarde, todo bien y cuando la volvi a abrir para seguir, fue cuando comenzo a dar ese problema.
I just had Inkscape crash ("unspecified internal error, aborting"). The file is only 178kb. I was moving nodes on a path. How to avoid this?
Bonus points, if you:
Did you solve this problem? I had the same crash.
Hear me out, i have same probelm, guess what thanks to youtuber name "Davies Media Design" i can recover my file project, but yea still lost the latest project save from the crash
This how you Restore you file.
First you must make sure you have Auto save activate, gladly mine are active, and it default setting so....,
and then you can check to auto save file here
C:\Users\ultra\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\inkscape (this is Mine)
or you can check to you ink space to check yours
Edit > Preference > Input/Output > Autosave > autosave dircetory
you can't open direct from inkspace, idk why the file are not appeard its like invisibel so, im copy all of them and put it to new folder and open it from inkspace
I had the same "unspecified internal error, aborting" problem. It happens every time I open svg file directly from my file explorer. I have tried to use the autosaved files but only a few of them are free from this "aborting" problem.
Recently, I found that opening svg file indirectly via new Inkscape document could "solve" this problem. You just need to open your Inkscape App first and choose "new document". After that, you can open your svg file via File>Open.
Yo tengo el mismo problema pero sucede cuando le voy a utilizar filtro de mosaico. He pensado que talvez se cuelga por el peso del archivo pero en otros momentos he tenido archivos más pesado y no da ese problema. Debo agregar que toda la imagen la hice en el propio programa, la guarde, todo bien y cuando la volvi a abrir para seguir, fue cuando comenzo a dar ese problema.