Beginners' Questions Stroke and Fill issue(s)
  1. #1
    Basil_Rathbone Basil_Rathbone @Basil_Rathbone

    Linux Mint 19.3 / In bothย Inkscape 1.0.2 and 1.2.2

    Display is normal, stroke and fill are correct ...

    Why won't it display in Linux Mint 19.3?

    20230304 174502
  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenโš–

    The object opacity seems to be at zero. I'd check check the bottom of the Fill/Stroke dialog.

  3. #3
    Basil_Rathbone Basil_Rathbone @Basil_Rathbone


    Thanks, Tyler - I have no clue how it got set that way ...

  4. #4
    Cindy Cindy @magnoliasouth

    Look at the very bottom in Fill/Stroke tool. You'll see Blur and Opacity. Set the opacity to 100, instead of zero.

    ETA: Oops, forgot to post my pic! I have it now.

  5. #5
    Cindy Cindy @magnoliasouth

    That's weird. The picture didn't post. Let me try that again, just in case. Maybe I posted before it was uploaded. My connection really is slow. ETA again, maybe the picture is too big, but you can see where it is in the image. Just at the VERY bottom.
