Beginners' Questions Sizing when exporting to pdf
  1. #1
    evanbedford evanbedford @evanbedford


    As seen in the screen capture, the grid shows that the image is about 17" wide, but the "W" indicator shows it to only be 0.688" wide.ย  And the resulting pdf is only 0.688" wide also.ย  How do I get the pdf output to mirror the grid dimension?ย  (Windows 10 and Inkscape 1.2)

    Thanks in advance.


    Pdf Try
  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenโš–

    The ruler is in mm.ย  I'd try setting the Display units in the Document properties to inches.

  3. #3
    evanbedford evanbedford @evanbedford

    That did the trick.ย  thanks!ย ย ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. #4
    evanbedford evanbedford @evanbedford

    Still having problems.ย  Inkscape says I'm exporting something that's just under 20" wide, but the pdf reader says it's 26" wide.ย  Is it likely to be a setting in Inkscape I've missed?ย  Or something wrong with the reader?

    Pdf Try 3
    Pdf Try 2
  5. #5
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenโš–

    For PDF files, I always use "Save a copy..." and select pdf as the filetype. A dialog window will open with the pdf settings.

  6. #6
    evanbedford evanbedford @evanbedford

    That doesn't seem to help.ย  Now I think it's the pdf viewer at fault.ย  I took an old file I did with Illustrator, and it's pdf dimensions are also now inaccurate.ย  Pdf viewer is microsoft Edge, so maybe I'll try something else (other than Adobe...don't get me started on that!)

  7. #7
    evanbedford evanbedford @evanbedford

    Yes, something is strange with the pdf viewer.ย  When I dragged the pdf document to an open browser page, the properties function showed that the pdf was sized correctly (ie, the same dimensions as were produced by Inkscape).ย  So I'll hunt around for an accurate pdf viewer.ย  So far, I've tried Slim Pdf, but it doesn't seem to have a properties function on it that would show dimensions.ย ย 

  8. #8
    evanbedford evanbedford @evanbedford

    OK, so Javelin3 pdf reader DOES work.ย  It only gives dimensions in metric, but they're spot on when I convert to imperial, so I'm ok with that.ย  Good-bye Microsoft Edge!

  9. #9
    Pepe_Kbron Pepe_Kbron @Pepe_Kbron

    In preferences all images, import export and renders have to 300ppp and in Export adjust a 300ppp for output. For PDF use Save as...and look for PDF extension. NOT PRINT.