Creating New Extensions When the extension dialog window needs to stay on top
  1. #1
    DrWiggly DrWiggly @DrWiggly

    In at least some of the extensions, the dialog window is pushed underneath the main window when the user clicks on some other part of the UI. If the user wants to use the extension repeatedly, it is frustrating to have to bring the window to the foreground over and over. Is there some way to have the extension dialog stay visible until dismissed?

  2. #2
    inklinea inklinea @inklinea⛰️

    Can you give an example of the extensions and OS which do this ? 

    For a standard Inkscape extension which uses the extension gui Inkscape provides, i.e. the gui elements are defined by an .inx file, then this should not happen.

    If the extension uses an gui separate to Inkscape ( python Tkinter or Gtk3 ) this is mostly unavoidable. 



  3. #3
    DrWiggly DrWiggly @DrWiggly

    The Jitter nodes extension is an example of the behavior I mentioned.

    I did the following test.

    1) Draw a line using Draw Bezier curves

    2) Open the Jitter nodes extension.

    3) Click on Apply.

    4) Click on the main windows anywhere outside the extension window, and the extension window disappears.

    ASUS VivoBook laptop

    Windows 10

    inkscape 1.1


  4. #4
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Same on macOS. That´s why I disabled the Welcome-screen because when I open a file while Inkscape isn´t running in first place the Welcome-screen is hiding behind the main window and you can´t do anything until you find it and close it. Learned it the hard way.

  5. #5
    inklinea inklinea @inklinea⛰️

    I've booted into my windows 10 machine, with Inkscape 1.1, you are correct. I didn't realise this

    The behaviour I described is from my Ubuntu machine. 

  6. #6
    hildybingen hildybingen @hildybingen

    Yes.  I'm on Windows 10.  I often have several windows up, so it's a pain to find the dialog.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Creating New Extensions When the extension dialog window needs to stay on top