In Inkscape 1.1, I'm not seeing an option to save to a strictly SVG v1.1 formatted file. I've seen screenshots of past versions that had a checkbox for this option. In renderers using batik 1.14, such as Apache FOP, Batik Squiggle, and OxygenXML, I'm seeing errors of the nature:
The attribute "fill" represents an invalid CSS value ("context-stroke"). Original message: The "context-stroke" identifier is not a valid value for the "fill" property.
In Inkscape 1.1, I'm not seeing an option to save to a strictly SVG v1.1 formatted file. I've seen screenshots of past versions that had a checkbox for this option. In renderers using batik 1.14, such as Apache FOP, Batik Squiggle, and OxygenXML, I'm seeing errors of the nature:
From source such as:
<marker id="marker16573" orient="auto-start-reverse" refX="5" refY="3">
<path d="m10 3-10 3v-6z" fill="context-stroke" stroke="#000"/>
The auto-start-reverse option for the orient attribute wasn't added until SVG 1.2.
So how can I get a strict SVG 1.1 output from Inkscape. I've tried the Plain and Optimized SVG formats and they still include these attributes.
I also see errors about aria-labels in other instances depending on which SVG Optimizer I try.
The checkbox exists for me in the Save as... dialog. Additionally, the marker options are available in the preferences, in the SVG export section.
I ran into the same problem. I filed this issue:
#7814: Cannot prevent arrowheads from using `orient="auto-start-reverse"`
Solución? También necesito exportar como SVG1 1 y no encuentro como hacerlo