Beyond the Basics Divide path into outside and inside contour
  1. #1
    dmt05 dmt05 @dmt05

    External contour of tail was a stroke. Then I made it a path because i could not make sharp angles for tail parts.

    Now I have a problem - I need to color the space inside the "inside contour" of path. But bucket leaves a lot of unpainted space: (path6777)

    Seeing that path is like combination of outside and inside lines - Can I break it into 2 areas - external contour and inside contour?


  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Paint Bucket tool work zoom depend - the larger on the screen the more precise it gets.

    Other method is to use a Clip group;  See attachment.


  3. #3
    David248 David248 @David248

    Seeing that path is like combination of outside and inside lines - Can I break it into 2 areas - external contour and inside contour?

    If the original (before stroke to path) path was a closed one (you have then two subpaths after stroke to path), you can duplicate and break apart (ctrl+shift + K) to get inner path and outer path (outer path will be above).

    If the original was not closed (so, after  stroke to path you have one continous path), you'll have to break it where were the endpoints of the path before Stroke to path : 

    • duplicate
    • break the continous path at the two former endpoints, either using (node tool)  Break path at selected nodes (shift + B)  or Delete segment between two non end points (alt + Backspace). 
    • Then you can break it apart.

    Another (better and) quickier way is to use shapebuilder tool to simply select what was the fill before Stroke to path. Disable the Replace Objects Option. Sometimes inkscape struggles and the wanted area is displayed dark grey and isn't selectable. Just draw a random path over this problematic area (as if you wish to cut the area into two halves) and select it along with the rest. The two halves become displayed light grey and a click and drag selects the whole).

  4. #4
    dmt05 dmt05 @dmt05

    ctrl+shift + K worked for closed path

    But for not closed path shapebuilder tool says it need regular shape to be selected (inkscape-1.3_2023-07-21_0e150ed6c4-x64) - cant use with my stroke

  5. #5
    dmt05 dmt05 @dmt05

    Trying to understand how this works

    • duplicate
    • break the continous path at the two former endpoints, either using (node tool)  Break path at selected nodes (shift B)  or Delete segment between two non end points (alt Backspace). 
    • Then you can break it apart.

    My path:


    After "Break path at selected nodes" I am actually getting a closed path

  6. #6
    David248 David248 @David248

    When you select a node and do Break path at selected nodes inkscape creates two (end)nodes instead of one, hence creating two subpaths with an open path as on your screenshot. If your path is a continous one, you have to make two breaks to get two subpaths.

    Do I answer your question ?

  7. #7
    dmt05 dmt05 @dmt05

    What I am trying ot understand is:

    I have opened curve (See above)

    path->Stroke to path - each end of the curve gets 2 new points

    When you select all those 4 points

    and do "Break path at selected nodes " - you get a closed path

    How does breaking lead to closed path?


Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beyond the Basics Divide path into outside and inside contour