1. Dec 01 09:31:37 <bryce> ****** Board meeting here in 30 min ******
  2. Dec 01 10:00:18 <Mc>
  3. Dec 01 10:00:50 <rindolf> meeting time
  4. Dec 01 10:01:34 * ChanServ has changed the topic to: www.inkscape.org || Draw freely! || Development discussion channel || Next board meeting: `date -d 'TZ="America/Los_Angeles" 10:00 Fri Jan 5 2018'`
  5. Dec 01 10:01:44 <bryce> I'm sure everyone is going to be tied up with holidays this month
  6. Dec 01 10:01:52 <bryce> so let's keep action items light :-)
  7. Dec 01 10:01:58 <bryce> thanks for coming, let's get started
  8. Dec 01 10:02:13 <Tavmjong> Who's here?
  9. Dec 01 10:02:13 <bryce> == Board election process review [tedg] ==
  10. Dec 01 10:02:17 <tedg> Heh, it's okay. I haven't finished mine from last month -- so, I'll have things to do :-)
  11. Dec 01 10:02:23 <Mc> o/
  12. Dec 01 10:02:35 <tedg> I'm going to have to punt that until Jan. Sorry folks.
  13. Dec 01 10:02:43 <bryce> tedg, ok no prob
  14. Dec 01 10:02:50 <bryce> Task seems to have escalated itself, sorry 'bout that but thanks
  15. Dec 01 10:03:08 <tedg> I started to make the repo and stuff this morning, I'm sure people saw the backlog.
  16. Dec 01 10:03:16 <tedg> I'll try to get that all together.
  17. Dec 01 10:03:20 <bryce> tedg, I'll definitely lend a hand md'ing docs once repositories are settled
  18. Dec 01 10:03:33 <tedg> Cool, thanks!
  19. Dec 01 10:03:44 <bryce> you might have seen I've started using that format for referendums
  20. Dec 01 10:04:02 <bryce> speaking of which...
  21. Dec 01 10:04:03 <rindolf> bryce: md==markdown?
  22. Dec 01 10:04:07 <Mc> yes
  23. Dec 01 10:04:09 <bryce> == Infrastructure backup/alternate hosting ==
  24. Dec 01 10:04:16 <bryce> We've received a single offer, I'd like to move ahead with it.
  25. Dec 01 10:04:22 <bryce> I posted a referendum to vote for it, if you haven't voted please do
  26. Dec 01 10:04:46 <Tavmjong> I need to read it a bit more carefully... I'll try to get to it this weekend.
  27. Dec 01 10:05:05 <bryce> I've spoken with brett at conservancy, the board vote's needed for them to register us
  28. Dec 01 10:05:36 <bryce> Tavmjong, thanks.
  29. Dec 01 10:05:39 <Tavmjong> There was one no vote.
  30. Dec 01 10:06:24 <Tavmjong> Does the $500 credit have a time limit?
  31. Dec 01 10:06:30 <tedg> bryce: I kinda got the impression it might be yearly?
  32. Dec 01 10:07:05 <bryce> Tavmjong, not afaict
  33. Dec 01 10:07:16 <tedg> Is that not explicit, or have they said no yearly?
  34. Dec 01 10:07:17 <bryce> tedg, howso? I didn't get that impression
  35. Dec 01 10:07:38 <Tavmjong> How much will be use per month?
  36. Dec 01 10:07:41 <tedg> bryce: Other people seem to have been using it that way for a while. I got the impression it was a 'program" not a one time thing.
  37. Dec 01 10:08:30 <bryce> "We’d be proud to support your endeavor by offering you $500 in DigitalOcean
  38. Dec 01 10:08:30 <bryce> hosting credit. Unfortunately, due to the number of requests we receive, we
  39. Dec 01 10:08:30 <bryce> cannot offer any more than that."
  40. Dec 01 10:08:43 <bryce> tedg, oh, do you have links? I'd like to see if that's the case
  41. Dec 01 10:09:08 <bryce> Tavmjong, initially while kicking tires I'll go with the minimum level which is $5/month
  42. Dec 01 10:09:15 <tedg> Let me see if I can find what I was looking at, don't remember who it was.
  43. Dec 01 10:10:05 <bryce> there are levels at $10, $15, $20 with more capacity.
  44. Dec 01 10:10:48 <Tavmjong> So at $20 per month we are looking at 2 years of hosting.
  45. Dec 01 10:11:15 <Tavmjong> Let me come from a different angle, if we need to spend $20 per month after two years it would not break our bank.
  46. Dec 01 10:11:21 <bryce> I don't imagine we'd need more than maybe the $10 level. That's around the same scale as what we have set up with OSUOSL for the website (although it's not quite apples-to-apples)
  47. Dec 01 10:11:32 <bryce> Tavmjong, that's true
  48. Dec 01 10:11:59 <tedg> I think we might be better off using mutiple $5 instances though, makes it easier to move if we need to. Can move them one at a time.
  49. Dec 01 10:12:09 <tedg> I can't seem to find what I was reading there. :-(
  50. Dec 01 10:12:23 <bryce> tedg, ok well if you find something shoot me an email or msg
  51. Dec 01 10:13:59 <bryce> ok, thanks everyone for voting, if there's no other discussion I'll move on
  52. Dec 01 10:14:04 <Mc> multiple instances are better than one instance running containers/VMs for different services ?
  53. Dec 01 10:14:40 <bryce> they support docker, so that might be an option to think about
  54. Dec 01 10:14:44 <tedg> Mc: Generally that's the way the world is going. Micro-instances and lots of them.
  55. Dec 01 10:15:11 <bryce> I definitely want whatever we do to be replicatable/portable, even if it's just via scripts and good note taking
  56. Dec 01 10:15:20 <tedg> I'm sure someone will put them all together at some time and "innovate". They'll call it a super-computer ;-)
  57. Dec 01 10:15:25 <Mc> intuitively i thought that it would allow us more balancing over instances to have several on one controlled hardware
  58. Dec 01 10:16:15 <bryce> possibly. I'm kind of old school used to running on actual hardware, but certainly willing to learn the new cloudy ways of things
  59. Dec 01 10:16:40 <bryce> ok next item
  60. Dec 01 10:16:43 <bryce> == Preparations for 0.93 ==
  61. Dec 01 10:16:48 <bryce> tav, thanks for keeping the gtkv3 page up dated
  62. Dec 01 10:16:54 <Tavmjong> No problem...
  63. Dec 01 10:16:55 <bryce> glad to see the progress on the HiDPI bug
  64. Dec 01 10:17:08 <bryce> do you happen to know if there's been progress on the windows performance regression?
  65. Dec 01 10:17:47 <Tavmjong> No. And it's the one thing I can't work on. I'll send out an email to inkscape-devel to solicit help.
  66. Dec 01 10:18:15 <Mc> iirc the problem was in the gtk window decoration handling ?
  67. Dec 01 10:18:17 <Tavmjong> I've got the color pallette bug almost done... just need to clean it up a bit.
  68. Dec 01 10:19:26 <bryce> Tavmjong, thanks yeah a call to action makes sense
  69. Dec 01 10:19:46 <bryce> launchpad's been broken for a week or so, I'm getting error emails daily
  70. Dec 01 10:20:02 <Tavmjong> Do you know why it is broken?
  71. Dec 01 10:20:18 <bryce> I think jabier had looked at it but I didn't understand the problem, and haven't had time to look myself
  72. Dec 01 10:20:49 <Mc> iirc it already happened, was about upload permissions to the ppa (is there such a thing ?)
  73. Dec 01 10:21:18 <bryce> Mc, upload permissions?
  74. Dec 01 10:21:47 <bryce> anyway, something we should get figured out
  75. Dec 01 10:21:48 <Mc> whatever pushes from the build to the ppa repo
  76. Dec 01 10:22:41 <bryce> maybe I'll rope alex in, esp. if it's a configuration thing
  77. Dec 01 10:23:09 <Tavmjong> There are two other items under the 0.93 section.
  78. Dec 01 10:23:14 <Mc> (maybe the stable ppa is "locked" in some sense)
  79. Dec 01 10:23:22 <bryce> given this issue, and also the need for more testing on windows, I'm leaning towards rolling some testing builds
  80. Dec 01 10:23:22 <Tavmjong> What needs to be done for the GPLv3 problem?
  81. Dec 01 10:23:33 <bryce> maybe after the first of the year
  82. Dec 01 10:23:53 <bryce> I want to make something easy for testers, but I don't want users using it as a quasi-release
  83. Dec 01 10:24:01 <Mc> I can arrange for testing build to be available to people on windows10
  84. Dec 01 10:24:05 <tedg> Was there a service that does like a CI builder for Windows?
  85. Dec 01 10:24:16 <Mc> tedg: there is (appveyor), we use it
  86. Dec 01 10:24:18 <bryce> right, the GPLv3 issue is with one gimp widget that's explicitly licensed as gplv2-only
  87. Dec 01 10:24:27 <Tavmjong> Which one?
  88. Dec 01 10:24:27 <bryce> we need to excise that widget
  89. Dec 01 10:24:29 <tedg> Mc: Ah, cool. Does it help?
  90. Dec 01 10:24:48 <Mc> it ensures we can always build for win ^^
  91. Dec 01 10:25:02 <tedg> Mc: Are the builds pushed somewhere?
  92. Dec 01 10:25:11 <Mc> no
  93. Dec 01 10:25:28 <Mc> I also created a hidden "inkscape-devel" app on the windows app store for windows (not yet advertized it)
  94. Dec 01 10:26:03 <tedg> Ah, that's cool.
  95. Dec 01 10:26:37 <Mc> it provides automatic upgrades which is very good for testing builds, so once it's ready I'll update it every month or so
  96. Dec 01 10:26:38 <bryce> Tavmjong, hmm I don't have the info right at hand, but it got discussed and I think documented somewhere
  97. Dec 01 10:27:06 <bryce> Tavmjong, I'll dig around post-meeting and send you the info
  98. Dec 01 10:27:21 <bryce> RMS himself pinged me about the issue in fact. :-P
  99. Dec 01 10:27:36 <bryce> would be lovely to get that sorted and have the license clean for the release
  100. Dec 01 10:27:38 <Mc> tedg: @appveyor: it creates artifacts (a 7z archive of the build with a standalone executable) https://ci.appveyor.com/project/inkscape/inkscape/build/master-755/job/t52ikb0e4ov5df2w/artifacts
  101. Dec 01 10:28:16 <tedg> Mc: Ah, cool, I think the windows store channel is probably better though. I didn't realize you had that all setup.
  102. Dec 01 10:28:42 <bryce> Tavmjong, I seem to recall it's a spinner or something. kk thought we could reasonably do with just stock widgets for that
  103. Dec 01 10:30:03 <Mc> btw the windows store version has passed the 100k downloads
  104. Dec 01 10:30:12 <bryce> kewl
  105. Dec 01 10:30:27 <tedg> We should tweet that...
  106. Dec 01 10:31:10 <Tavmjong> bryce: There are three widgets in src/widgets/gimp, all three are licenced gplv3
  107. Dec 01 10:31:20 <bryce> the hosting stuff has been at the top of my todo list but once that's cleared I want to shift my focus to helping prep the testing builds
  108. Dec 01 10:31:22 <Mc> dev version link (from 1month ago, I'll probably update it in a few days (maybe this weekend)): https://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/store/p/inkscape-development-unstable/9nk8xrpg9mjr?rtc=1
  109. Dec 01 10:31:52 <Mc> what we would really need would be macOS test builds that people could just test
  110. Dec 01 10:32:15 <Mc> without the need for compiling
  111. Dec 01 10:33:33 <bryce> sorry I should have said gplv3-only
  112. Dec 01 10:35:17 <bryce> I need to dig up kk's email. He had contacted the authors to see if they were ok with them being used under gplv2, and two were ok but one was not
  113. Dec 01 10:36:01 <Mc> maybe a naive question (I'm not well versed into license stuff), can't we just "upgrade" inkscape license to gplv3 ?
  114. Dec 01 10:36:05 <bryce> the widget boilerplates say gplv3, however Inkscape is released as gplv2 or later
  115. Dec 01 10:36:17 <Tavmjong> bryce: Ahh, then all three widgets may need replacing.
  116. Dec 01 10:36:49 <bryce> Mc, it's not a naive question. in fact it's an issue the board voted on a while back. we decided we wanted to stay v2 or later
  117. Dec 01 10:37:18 <tedg> I'd love to go to v3+ at some point. Not sure that this is that point though.
  118. Dec 01 10:37:31 <bryce> Tavmjong, again I need to dig up kk's email but we got cleared for two of the widgets, so really just need to note the permissions for those and drop the third.
  119. Dec 01 10:37:49 <bryce> https://sourceforge.net/p/inkscape/mailman/message/29596791/
  120. Dec 01 10:38:31 <bryce> hopefully we have no v2-only code :-P
  121. Dec 01 10:39:25 <bryce> ok, any other thoughts on 0.93 preparations?
  122. Dec 01 10:39:55 <Tavmjong> I'm not sure I'm the right person to review release management...
  123. Dec 01 10:40:26 <bryce> Tavmjong, I don't even remember what the question was for that...
  124. Dec 01 10:41:09 <Tavmjong> I do think we need someone to come up with a plan... doesn't have to be a board member.
  125. Dec 01 10:41:14 <bryce> Tavmjong, but if I remember I can find you :-)
  126. Dec 01 10:42:31 <bryce> one thing I'd like is if we can get the bug work done independently of the release process. Having the release process blocked waiting on bugs to get resolved is a bit soul crushing
  127. Dec 01 10:43:06 <bryce> not sure how to approach that though. but I'm concerned it's going to be a larger problem this release with the gtk3 change
  128. Dec 01 10:43:15 <Mc> yeah but doing a major release that gets bad press because it's much slower or looks unpolished or other major problem is also soul crushing ^^
  129. Dec 01 10:44:15 <bryce> I'm certainly not arguing for putting out a buggy release.... ;-)
  130. Dec 01 10:44:55 <bryce> ok, onward
  131. Dec 01 10:45:01 <bryce> == Merchandise sales ==
  132. Dec 01 10:45:07 <bryce> C R has been doing great on the stickers
  133. Dec 01 10:45:23 <bryce> we seem a bit stalled for general merchandise though
  134. Dec 01 10:45:40 <Mc> I think Martin wanted to compare quality of different stuff ?
  135. Dec 01 10:45:55 <bryce> probably too late to worry about for christmas, so another thing to maybe pick up again in jan/feb unless someone is interested in working on it
  136. Dec 01 10:46:03 <tedg> So I've bought a few shirts from Cotton Bureau and liked their stuff https://cottonbureau.com/
  137. Dec 01 10:46:18 <tedg> I was thinking about approaching them, but they'd be kinda expensive.
  138. Dec 01 10:46:30 <tedg> Probably a $30-35 t-shirt with a reasonable donation.
  139. Dec 01 10:46:46 <bryce> tedg, do they do one off sales or would we need to buy a run?
  140. Dec 01 10:46:52 <tedg> Plus, I don't think they have anything for Europe.
  141. Dec 01 10:46:59 <Mc> :(
  142. Dec 01 10:47:30 <tedg> bryce: They do runs, based on demand. So they'll put it out, print 50 of them, then take e-mail addresses for another group. I've see those groups been as few as 20.
  143. Dec 01 10:47:37 <bryce> well, the main thing to keep in mind is whatever we do is going to need set up through Conservancy
  144. Dec 01 10:48:06 <tedg> It would be different, but it'd get us screen-printing and a high quality T-shirt, without managing supply ourselves.
  145. Dec 01 10:48:15 <bryce> even with spreadshirt things aren't quite fully set up (namely, the cash hasn't been arriving in our ledger)
  146. Dec 01 10:48:46 <Mc> I just looked at VLC, they use "unixstickers" for their stickers, but that site also does goodies apparently
  147. Dec 01 10:48:47 <bryce> tedg, a run of 20 might be doable
  148. Dec 01 10:49:13 <tedg> Yeah, I figured we could promote it when it opens... etc.
  149. Dec 01 10:49:41 <bryce> tedg, can you investigate cottonbureau a bit more and if it looks like something we should dig into, send me an email with your findings and I'll work on it
  150. Dec 01 10:50:10 <tedg> bryce: Cool, wanted to check to see if people thought the restrictions were reasonable first.
  151. Dec 01 10:50:10 <Mc> (including "git" stuff which is also SFC iirc)
  152. Dec 01 10:50:57 <tedg> Also, the other thing I found is a company that does custom keyboards that would be willing to do an Inkscape keyboard.
  153. Dec 01 10:50:58 <bryce> Mc, oh interesting. Yeah projects that are already set up with SFC may have merchandise options already primed with them, so that may be an easier path
  154. Dec 01 10:51:04 <tedg> I need an artist to help there.
  155. Dec 01 10:51:11 <Mc> mh, interesting, they already sell inkscape sticker
  156. Dec 01 10:51:41 <tedg> I pinged Josh, but didn't get a reply.
  157. Dec 01 10:52:19 <bryce> tedg, yeah I haven't been able to raise Josh either, I hope he's ok
  158. Dec 01 10:53:08 <bryce> http://www.unixstickers.com/stickers/software_stickers/inkscape-drawing-software-logo-shaped-sticker
  159. Dec 01 10:54:02 <bryce> Mc, unixstickers looks right up our alley
  160. Dec 01 10:54:04 <tedg> At least they admit they're not donating anything to Inkscape :-)
  161. Dec 01 10:54:16 <Mc> they are donating 0$ to ""
  162. Dec 01 10:54:24 <bryce> Mc, yeah, heh
  163. Dec 01 10:54:48 <bryce> I wonder how their product quality is
  164. Dec 01 10:55:08 <bryce> anyway, worth a spot on the todo list.
  165. Dec 01 10:55:23 <tedg> We need to get bryce on here: http://www.unixstickers.com/signed-stickers
  166. Dec 01 10:55:32 <bryce> ok anything else on merchandising? I'll try to put some cycles into it myself but not for a few months
  167. Dec 01 10:56:29 <bryce> == Hackfest ==
  168. Dec 01 10:56:36 <bryce> I see we have http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2018
  169. Dec 01 10:57:14 <Mc> LGM is in spain in April 26-30
  170. Dec 01 10:57:20 <Tavmjong> I think we need to get moving on this... I was hoping would be here.
  171. Dec 01 10:58:02 <Tavmjong> There may be some money to sponsor a few people to go to LGM to work on Variable Width fonts, something Google is pushing.
  172. Dec 01 10:58:57 <Tavmjong> It probably wouldn't take much work to support them as the font stack is almost ready (freetype/pango/harfbuzz).
  173. Dec 01 10:59:56 <tedg> What town in Spain? (I forgot)
  174. Dec 01 11:00:07 <tedg> I think that Spain is generally good. Reasonably priced and easy to get to.
  175. Dec 01 11:00:23 <Tavmjong> Seville
  176. Dec 01 11:00:29 <bryce> Tavmjong, yeah we could certainly afford to sponsor folks to go to LGM for that, if it's going to get worked on there. Do you want to try to recruit inkscapers to go?
  177. Dec 01 11:01:32 <Tavmjong> Yeah, I can do that. It's pretty easy to get to Seville from most of Europe... and Jabier is "local".
  178. Dec 01 11:01:39 <tedg> Do we have anyone local in Spain?
  179. Dec 01 11:01:42 <bryce> I likely wouldn't go myself, Europe is far from Portland, and I haven't done much font coding
  180. Dec 01 11:01:43 <tedg> Ah, cool.
  181. Dec 01 11:02:05 <Tavmjong> Mc: Are you interested in going?
  182. Dec 01 11:02:19 <Mc> I'm not sure I'll be able to
  183. Dec 01 11:02:29 <Mc> I'll start a new job at the beginning of february
  184. Dec 01 11:02:38 <Tavmjong> !!!
  185. Dec 01 11:02:48 <bryce> Mc congrats
  186. Dec 01 11:02:54 <Tavmjong> With who?
  187. Dec 01 11:03:00 <Mc> (R&D at Télécom Paristech)
  188. Dec 01 11:03:21 <Mc> (a french public higher education institution)
  189. Dec 01 11:04:01 <Mc> (mostly working with research teams in CS, on big data stuff)
  190. Dec 01 11:04:16 <bryce> didn't alex roman do some text stuff? he's in romania iirc
  191. Dec 01 11:04:54 <Tavmjong> Mc: They were members with the SVG working group...
  192. Dec 01 11:05:14 <tedg> So do we just want to attend LGM or have a hackfest next to it?
  193. Dec 01 11:05:22 <bryce> guessing Ede_123 is in europe. mapreri is in italy
  194. Dec 01 11:06:07 <Tavmjong> tedg: I think were committed to the Boston hackfest... but it wouldn't hurt to have a mini meet-up at LGM considering how many people are within a couple hour flight.
  195. Dec 01 11:06:09 <Mc> iirc Ede_123 is in germany
  196. Dec 01 11:06:46 <bryce> a mini meet up makes sense
  197. Dec 01 11:07:10 <tedg> Tavmjong: K
  198. Dec 01 11:07:14 <bryce> if it's kept focused on european attendees, costs shouldn't be too bad
  199. Dec 01 11:08:06 <Tavmjong> s/I was hoping would be here./I was hoping Martin would be here./
  200. Dec 01 11:08:38 <bryce> maren's in germany too right? I'd love to see her at an LGM, I bet she'd get a lot out of it.
  201. Dec 01 11:08:52 <tedg> +1
  202. Dec 01 11:09:44 <Tavmjong> I propose that we sponsor attendees the same as in the past for the Boston hackfest and at a lower amount for LGM.
  203. Dec 01 11:10:01 <bryce> Tavmjong, sounds good to me
  204. Dec 01 11:10:22 <bryce> is the venue locked in for Boston?
  205. Dec 01 11:10:33 <Tavmjong> I think so...
  206. Dec 01 11:10:44 <plinnell> lo
  207. Dec 01 11:11:09 <plinnell> bryce: o/ when is the event in Boston, I moved back home to Massachusetts
  208. Dec 01 11:11:11 <bryce> ok, well if it falls through for any reason, let's still do a main hackfest US-side at some point next year, and keep LGM to a mini-meet
  209. Dec 01 11:11:26 <bryce> plinnell, http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2018
  210. Dec 01 11:11:32 <bryce> plinnell, March
  211. Dec 01 11:11:34 <Tavmjong> Inkscape Hackfest 2018 - March 26th-30th (Boston, USA)
  212. Dec 01 11:11:47 <Tavmjong> LGM 2018 - April 26th-30th (Seville, Spain)
  213. Dec 01 11:12:02 <plinnell> If I can join you in Boston I will
  214. Dec 01 11:12:25 <bryce> plinnell, great, I should be there too
  215. Dec 01 11:12:30 <bryce> == Other Business ==
  216. Dec 01 11:12:37 <bryce> I'm going to try to get the FY2018 budget put together
  217. Dec 01 11:12:47 <bryce> (I don't want to be as delayed on that as I was this year...)
  218. Dec 01 11:12:52 <bryce> so if you have suggestions/ideas for budget stuff please toss 'em my way
  219. Dec 01 11:13:46 <bryce> ok, anyone else have any other adds? if not we can close.
  220. Dec 01 11:14:39 <tedg> Nope, thanks bryce!
  221. Dec 01 11:14:46 <Mc> not strictly board-related, but I added an item to gsoc proposals for a gui-less inkscape (being able to compile inkscape without gtk and use verbs, etc)
  222. Dec 01 11:14:54 <Mc> gui-free*
  223. Dec 01 11:15:22 <bryce> Mc, great idea
  224. Dec 01 11:15:48 <Tavmjong> Mc: Sounds like a good idea! But how easy is it? We don't get a KK or a Johan too often.
  225. Dec 01 11:15:55 <Mc> http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Google_Summer_of_Code#P5._UI-Free_Inkscape
  226. Dec 01 11:16:55 <bryce> I know for some time we've wanted to better tease out inkscape's engine from the UI
  227. Dec 01 11:17:21 <bryce> easier said than done though. perhaps something worth roadmapping post-1.0
  228. Dec 01 11:17:54 <bryce> btw, another topic that has come up is using cairo's GL backend for performance improvement.
  229. Dec 01 11:18:13 <Mc> agree
  230. Dec 01 11:18:16 <bryce> I've been working on a benchmarking program called caskbench to compare cairo performance with various backends
  231. Dec 01 11:18:53 <bryce> I just added XCB support this week, so can now directly compare GLX vs XCB. should have some numbers soonish
  232. Dec 01 11:19:36 <bryce> ok, if there's nothing else let's wrap
  233. Dec 01 11:19:41 <bryce> thanks all for coming, see you in Jan and if I don't see you before, have a great Christmas!
  234. Dec 01 11:19:49 <bryce> === EOM ===
  235. Dec 01 11:19:51 <Tavmjong> Thanks all...
  236. Dec 01 11:20:35 <Mc> thanks all !
  237. Dec 01 11:21:33 <Mc> (NB: if you're unsure about the time of meetings (but timezonechange season has passed for the next 5 months, so it should be ok), you can run the command in the channel topic)
  238. Dec 01 11:21:57 <Tavmjong> Mc: Cyril Concolato was the person from telecom-paristech who was active in the SVG working group. He moved this past year to Netflix.
  239. Dec 01 11:22:59 <Mc> ok
  240. Dec 01 11:25:15 <rindolf> thanks all
  241. Dec 01 11:29:38 <jabiertxof_> Board meeting is end :(
  242. Dec 01 11:31:07 <jabiertxof_> Im thinking usualy is on half hour,but seems is one hour an a half in the past
  243. Dec 01 11:36:39 <Tavmjong> jabiertxof_: Sorry you missed the meeting... We're proposing a mini-hackfest at LGM in Seville (April 26th-30th). Are you interested?
  244. Dec 01 11:40:11 <jabiertxof_> Yes Tavmjong
  245. Dec 01 11:41:00 <Tavmjong> Excellent!
  246. Dec 01 11:41:17 <jabiertxof_> Also there is another in Spain about GTK. maybe i can think about
  247. Dec 01 11:42:24 <jabiertxof_> But Boston seems too much to me, but realy want to see doctormo city!!!
  248. Dec 01 11:48:31 <Ede_123> Mc: You were talking about me before? Anything I missed? (I missed most of the meeting; only have the part about the mini-hackfest in my log
  249. Dec 01 11:53:59 <Tavmjong> jabiertxof_: I forget, which city are you in?
  250. Dec 01 12:07:49 <jabiertxof_> Sorry Tavmjong, Im from Pamplona/Iruña, in the north
  251. Dec 01 13:17:51 <Lazur> hey
  252. Dec 01 13:18:19 <Lazur> any announcement/sheduled date for the next meeting(s)?
  253. Dec 01 13:18:43 <Lazur> >vector meeting was overlooked last time
  254. Dec 01 13:20:46 <bryce> hi Lazur board meetings are typically always first Friday of the month, and I usually put an announce out to inkscape-devel@ a few days ahead.
  255. Dec 01 13:21:34 <Lazur> so then it's today?
  256. Dec 01 13:22:06 <rindolf> Lazur: it was
  257. Dec 01 13:22:43 <Lazur> oh :S
  258. Title: Board Meeting - December 1, 2017
  259. Text Format: IRC logs
  260. License: CC-BY-SA


Board Meeting - December 1, 2017

Board Meeting - December 1, 2017


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Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
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