Inkscape Board elections, trademark update
19. November 2012 18:54
A while ago the community of Inkscape developers voted for new members to enter Inkscape board — a committee that makes the most important decisions in the life of the project.
As the result, Johan Engelen and Tavmjong Bah have joined Bryce Harrington, Ted Gould, mental, Jon Cruz, and Josh Andler. Aaron Spike decided to resign as a board member due to his current inactivity in the project.
Aaron is one of the earliest contributors in the project, He's also the person who personally promoted the extensions system which many users now rely on for sophisticated modification of paths, creating rich content powered presentations, personal manufacturing and so on. We thank Aaron for being an invaluable asset in the project and a great friend, and we are not saying goodbye!
Both Johan and Tavmjong are an important part of our community. Johan is the person behind live path effects, axonometric grid, and other features. Tavmjong wrote the first complete guide to Inkscape and later became developer who seriously improved the Text tool. Tavmjong is also our representative in the W3C SVG working group.
On top of that there is some progress with the trademark. We didn't talk much about it publicly, but we thought it wouldn't be fair not to share this, after all.
In 2009 we asked Software Freedom Conservancy to file a request for us to register a trademark for Inkscape. The request was granted later same year. We are now working our way towards having a clear trademark policy that will be quite liberal. It won't impose any restrictions whatsoever on fair use of the trademark. You only need not to pretend to be us.
Further information will be posted once available.