Beginners' Questions Newbie Starting Tips
  1. #1
    domjkb domjkb @domjkb


    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Hopefully this is a very simple question. So I am trying to create a badge. So I draw a circle (layer 1) and then put content in the circle (layer 2)

    How to do I save just the completed badge / circle and not the canvas as well?


  2. #2
    Guerreiro64 Guerreiro64 @Guerreiro64

    You say the bottom of the page? Inkscape doesn't export the page, only the drawing... and you can select what you want to export. In this example, I just want to export the object on the right, so I selected it and checked the option, in the dialog, on the right:


    ==>> Edit: In that case I would also have to select the "selection" tab in the dialog...

    Export Question123
  3. #3
    domjkb domjkb @domjkb

    Thank you @Guerreiro64