Very new Inkscape user here! I just downloaded it today, so this is very likely a me issue. I love the software so far! It is incredible except for this one thing. So, I use this to digitize my designs to then embroider them - so I have InkStitch also installed. I run MacOS Monterey and downloaded Inkscape via a .dmg file.
The Issue:
I'm running into an issue where all of a sudden I am unable to move any part of my design anymore. I use the "trace bitmap" feature and then the "break apart" (both required to do what I'm using this software for) feature, I then just drag things around being nit-picky to make sure everything looks good before I export it. This has happened every time I've been editing something that takes me more than 15 minutes. I am also unable to "select" anything after this happens. I'm pretty much stuck and can't do anything.
Things I've Tried:
While researching the web and the "Help" bar in Inkscape I found the "unlock all" feature. When I use that, nothing happens. I've also tried making sure all the layers are unlocked. No avail. I've noticed that when I can move things around, there is a little lock at the top of my screen by the X and Y markers. When it locks up, the X and Y markers move to a different part of the screen and that little lock is gone. I will upload screenshots of this.
The two locker icons that you can find are used to differents things and have, IMHO, little to do with your issue :
- on selector tool control bar, next to the W: field : this icons locks the aspect ratio of an object, so that if you alter width of the object, height varies in proportion.
- on canvas, in the upper left corner, when rulers are displayed : this locks the guides you've created, so that you can't move them by mistake.
In object's panel, there are also lockers icons that allows you to lock objects (a closed locker is displayed if object is locked, click on it to unlock the object). Locking a group locks every object inside this group, locking a layer also locks everything within it. By default, nothing is locked : you have to manually lock objects. There is no default keyboard shortcut to lock objects you could have used by mistake.
My guess is that, when dealing with very big numbers of nodes, inkscape takes a while to respond or freezes. I'd try to simplify (ctrl-L) the paths created after tracing to reduce the number of nodes, or tweak the settings of tracing to see if you can reduce the number of nodes without significant quality loss.
Very new Inkscape user here! I just downloaded it today, so this is very likely a me issue. I love the software so far! It is incredible except for this one thing. So, I use this to digitize my designs to then embroider them - so I have InkStitch also installed. I run MacOS Monterey and downloaded Inkscape via a .dmg file.
The Issue:
I'm running into an issue where all of a sudden I am unable to move any part of my design anymore. I use the "trace bitmap" feature and then the "break apart" (both required to do what I'm using this software for) feature, I then just drag things around being nit-picky to make sure everything looks good before I export it. This has happened every time I've been editing something that takes me more than 15 minutes. I am also unable to "select" anything after this happens. I'm pretty much stuck and can't do anything.
Things I've Tried:
While researching the web and the "Help" bar in Inkscape I found the "unlock all" feature. When I use that, nothing happens. I've also tried making sure all the layers are unlocked. No avail. I've noticed that when I can move things around, there is a little lock at the top of my screen by the X and Y markers. When it locks up, the X and Y markers move to a different part of the screen and that little lock is gone. I will upload screenshots of this.
Any and all suggestions are appreciated!! Ty.
The two locker icons that you can find are used to differents things and have, IMHO, little to do with your issue :
- on selector tool control bar, next to the W: field : this icons locks the aspect ratio of an object, so that if you alter width of the object, height varies in proportion.
- on canvas, in the upper left corner, when rulers are displayed : this locks the guides you've created, so that you can't move them by mistake.
In object's panel, there are also lockers icons that allows you to lock objects (a closed locker is displayed if object is locked, click on it to unlock the object). Locking a group locks every object inside this group, locking a layer also locks everything within it. By default, nothing is locked : you have to manually lock objects. There is no default keyboard shortcut to lock objects you could have used by mistake.
My guess is that, when dealing with very big numbers of nodes, inkscape takes a while to respond or freezes. I'd try to simplify (
) the paths created after tracing to reduce the number of nodes, or tweak the settings of tracing to see if you can reduce the number of nodes without significant quality loss.