Share Finished Artwork Dillerkind's Image Pool v3
  1. #1
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello fellow Inkscapers and hello world in general! Sooo... new OFFICIAL forum, huh? Hell, it's about time! :D But seriously, good to see Inkscape finally got one (not that there was anything wrong with the other ones). I hope to see lots of activity here in the future. So, start posting and have fun! :)

    As for this thread, I intend to do "business as usual", that is whenever I finish some new drawing, I'm going to post it in this thread instead of creating new threads.

    Just testing for now...

  2. #2
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    Sven, you can change the artworks to be 'embeded' in the comment form by hitting the paperclip icon (the icon will change to an image). I'm surprised they didn't auto-embed for you.

  3. #3
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    fyi.  Sven/Martin, clicking on the attachments takes me to a page not found error.

  4. #4
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Whoa!  Attachments button?  That's the first time I've seen that!  How does that happen?

    The 2nd part of this message tells how to attach files here:

    Images are supposed to be displayed in the message, like the other forums.

    Yes, when I click on a specific file under that attachments button, I also get page not found error.

  5. #5
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    I will look into the errors.

  6. #6
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @doctormo To be honest, I was a bit confused with the whole attachment/embedding images thing. In total I added three image links, two of them showing that little chain link, one showing the blue image thingie, just so I could see the difference between the two options. Turns out, none of the images showed up though the linked ones can be reached via the attachment page.

    @brynn Thanks! Yes, that's one of the threads I was looking at before/while cooking up the post above because, you know, confusion on my part :D

    I've got a few questions:

    • Is it possible to see a preview of a post before actually sending it out?
    • When adding multiple image links and the embed option, is there a way to specify the position of these images within the post or will they simply be added at the end or something?
    • In another thread there was talk of a "lightbox". I believe this is a sort of mini-gallery overlay that shows a list of thumbnails of all the images attached to one post and the currently selected image in full-view, right? Is this working in this forum and if so, does this work only with directly attached (i.e. uploaded) images or embedded ones as well?
    • What's the little turtle icon next to brynn's username? Unlike the others, this one doesn't show a mouse-over text. I'm also curious if these icons are added automatically due to certain settings or account-specific things or if they are given by the "authoritites".
  7. #7
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    To add to Sven's list, am hoping the attachment look can change too, having one 'real' attachment on top of itself, on a transparent screen is confusing. 

    I'd also like to be able to place the attachment other than at the top. 

    Is there a key to what the icons mean?  Can't figure out why Brynn has a turtle either, she's not THAT slow, ha ha ha.  (kidding).  Maybe it's has to do with the number of posts one makes?


  8. #8
    brynn brynn @brynn
    • Is it possible to see a preview of a post before actually sending it out?
    • When adding multiple image links and the embed option, is there a way to specify the position of these images within the post or will they simply be added at the end or something?
    • In another thread there was talk of a "lightbox". I believe this is a sort of mini-gallery overlay that shows a list of thumbnails of all the images attached to one post and the currently selected image in full-view, right? Is this working in this forum and if so, does this work only with directly attached (i.e. uploaded) images or embedded ones as well?
    • What's the little turtle icon next to brynn's username? Unlike the others, this one doesn't show a mouse-over text. I'm also curious if these icons are added automatically due to certain settings or account-specific things or if they are given by the "authoritites".

    I've asked for that myself, but I've been told that since the editor is wysiwyg, we don't need a preview.  I have argued that it is not exactly wysiwyg.  I would like to see a preview as well.

    As far as I understand, you can choose whether you want the images before or after the text (although I haven't had a chance to look for it yet).  At this time, there is no inline option for images.  We could always request it though.  If you want to make a feature request, you can make a new Issue here:    Or I could make it, if you don't want to reg on gitlab.

    Yes, the lightbox is what we're supposed to be seeing.  The image should show at full size in the message, and when you click on the image, the lightbox will open.  You can see that working in the Testing board, in the lightbox topic.  I honestly have never seen that blue Attachments button, and I'm not sure how you did it.  I'm also not sure how it's supposed to work.  Maybe it's supposed to use the lightbox too??

    I just feel like I'm getting older and slower, so I chose the turtle.  I thought it was probably self-explanatory, so I didn't add any text.  You can ask a moderator to give you an icon and hover text.  They are all "emojis".  So if you know of an emoji that you like, just tell a moderator the characters it uses, and the text you want, and the moderator can add it for you.  You can use PM (via that moderator's profile) or I guess you could post in the Community Cafe board and ask that way, as well


    To add to Sven's list, am hoping the attachment look can change too, having one 'real' attachment on top of itself, on a transparent screen is confusing.

    I think what you're describing is the lightbox.  If you click on an attached image, it puts the image on a partially transparent gray background, and if there is more than one attachment, there will be an arrow on the right, like a slideshow, and you can cycle through them.  But they should be showing as close to full size as will fit in a message.

    You can choose whether you want the attachments on top of the text or below the text.  I just learned about it recently myself, and haven't figure out how to choose.  I will do that shortly, and post what I learn.  To be continued....

    Oh no, this is a very bare bones forum.  We don't even have post counts, much less automatic badges.  I thought the turtle icon would be self explanatory, so I didn't put any text with it.  Except for the animal ones, I don't like emojis.  I tried to get the old fashioned smileys, but was told no.  As far as I understand, this forum is in a trial period.  If we find out after using it for a while, it doesn't meet our needs, I guess we could install a more traditional software.

    I'll be back shortly regarding how to choose top or bottom for attachments.

  9. #9
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Ok, so here's the story.  Since I thought everything was finished, there were some changes with attachments.  Now I've edited the message about how to use attachments, so it should be making more sense now.  I apologize for the confusion.

    As far as I can tell, the option to display attachments above or below the text has been removed.  I couldn't find any way to do it.

    The blue attachments button is meant for if you want to download the file.  So if you want to upload or otherwise share a file which is meant to be downloaded, use the piece of paper icon.  If you want the image to show in the message, use the blue picture icon.

    If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

  10. #10
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    Thx Brynn!  Q - for attachments, is there a way to be able to embed the image AND provide a link for the download at the same time?   I thought we had that feature on your forum, but maybe not.  (not a pressing question, but maybe for down the road if you are keeping a list).  

    Thx for explaining that the turtle is a personal icon (I thought that's why we had an avatar, never would it have dawned on me to have a personal icon). Again, for down the road, is there some list somewhere of icons to choose from? (it'd be nice if we could create own our).  ps I miss the smilie emojis!  

    off topic - I have to get used to your new avatar, love it btw.  would love if we could click on the avi and it be a short animated gif (then stop), I want to see your avi spin!  I'd love to animate my 'mingo.

  11. #11
    brynn brynn @brynn

    It would work essentially the same as on Inkscape Community.  Just a little different.  If the image is not displayed, and the SVG file is under the blue Attachments button, we would download it from there.  I think....that's as far as I understand, but it's not working yet, so I can't test.  If the SVG is displayed, you would right-click > Save Target As, or maybe Save Image, or something like that, depending on your operating system.

    I'll explain how the personal emojis work soon.  I'll post a message for you in the Moderators board, and start to explain all the features.  From the first time I saw it, I thought we would get requests for members to be able to pick their own emoji icon/hover text.  But for now, just moderators can do it.  I guess we're trying to keep this forum lean and minimal as possible.

  12. #12
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Okay, I'll try again... In case the image doesn't show up, see this blog-post for my newest pic.

  13. #13
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    Sven.  So much for the attachment, still not showing.  But I love the girl, well done (I commented in another forum too!, nice work. 

  14. #14
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hey @flamingolady! Yes, I remember the other comment. And of course you have my thanks again :)

  15. #15
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    I did some pixel stuff recently but am now back in Inkscape-Land. Here's a little teaser.


  16. #16
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Finally got this thing done. I'm assuming that linking images still doesn't work..? So, here's the link to the latest blog-post with two variants and a (edited) outline view.


    Embedding linked images into a post still doesn't seem to work, the image can be seen via the attachment button though. Still there's more material in the blog-post linked above.

  17. #17
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    Sven, cute gal (ps shouldn't she have a belly button)?  Took my pc forever to load.  oh, I did seethe word linked something or nother so it must be working ok.  

  18. #18
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Thank you! You're absolutely right. It works... I'm just dumb! Instead of clicking it, I hovered over the attachments button the second time, which then simply showed the url of this thread instead of the linked image.

    Regarding your ps, she does have a belly button though it's only visible in the jacket-less variant (see blog-post).

  19. #19
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Finished another piece last night. See this blog-post.

  20. #20
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Next one. Posted in this blog-post.

    Still confused why there's a button to embed video links but none for images... or am I missing something?!?

  21. #21
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    No, it's a bug. I spent a few hours trying to pick through exactly why, but couldn't figure it out.

  22. #22
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    Great expression on angry hairry


  23. #23
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @doctormo Oh wow... I'm tempted to say I want to take a look, just for the challenge, not that I'd expect to find something where you were unsuccessful. Unfortunately though my coding skills are somewhat rusted and I've never dealt much with web/forum related stuff.

    @flamingolady Heh thank you! It's a rather typical expression for me. Girls I draw tend to smile, guys usually frown or look angry :D

  24. #24
    brynn brynn @brynn

    You can put images in messages that are not hosted here.  In the 2nd message of this topic, look at item #3:

    For some reason, it does not work for images in our own gallery.  That might be a bug.  But it should work to show your images, hosted wherever you host them.

    It's a clunky process, but at least there's a way to do it.  I'm not sure what embedding bug Martin is talking about.  But that process outlined in that message does work.  I've tried it.

  25. #25
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    @Dillerkind I hope you're taking part in the About Screen Contest for 1.0?

  26. #26
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @brynn Thank you... That's exactly what I've done. Tried both ways, with the blue image icon and the link as well. The link version works, in that the little attachment link thingie gets added to the post. The blue image, however, doesn't do anything. I've tried this probably a dozen times and no luck. There's simply no means of adding the image manually somewhere in the post and it doesn't show up "automatically" either. Martin said it's a bug that he hasn't been able to track down. Odd that something as basic as adding images causes a bug in a forum software 🤔

    @Moini I have thought about it but unfortunately haven't had any cool ideas for it yet. My creativity only visits sporadically - which is why I often use rather old sketches for drawings, rather than drawing new ones.

    Oh btw, only now I realize that you're Moini and we've been talking on the old forums quite a bit. For some reason I always thought Moini was a guy. Don't ask me where I got that idea... I'm feeling pretty dumb right now :D

  27. #27
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    (You're not the first one, Sven - happens regularly, I guess it's a matter of probability)

    I hope your creativity visits you 🧚‍, because I'd really like to see a contest entry made in your style! (no pressure! ;-) )

  28. #28
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    Sven, here's something to get you thinking re the contest.  maybe it's time inkscape had an expressive mascot with skinny legs.  (inky or perhaps an expressive flamingo if I  may suggest that, ha ha ha).  and ps I didn't realize maren was moini for at least a month!  didn't know sven = dillerkind for a long time either.  I'm sure no one recognized me either, so (and don't tell anyone) but I changed the first name to my username, issue resolved.  Wish we'd just use the username...

  29. #29
    brynn brynn @brynn

    The blue image, however, doesn't do anything. I've tried this probably a dozen times and no luck. There's simply no means of adding the image manually somewhere in the post and it doesn't show up "automatically" either. Martin said it's a bug that he hasn't been able to track down.

    Well, I believe you that you've tried it many times.  But I've tried it with images on my server, and it works just fine.  I wonder if it's something with your server?  Do you see the attached image here?  Or do I see it because I'm the only one who sees it?  (it's my old avatar) 

    @doctormo Why can I use an image from my server, but Dillerkind can't use one from his?

  30. #30
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @Moini I'm glad it's not just me. I still can't say why I even thought so. I may have thought of a guy I knew who always used to greet everyone with "Servus!", no matter the time or person he was greeting. So, at some point I simply started calling him Servus. I guess with Moini I felt the same... "Probably some dude who likes to greet people with Moin Moin and thus has earned the name Moini among his friends" :D

    Regarding the contest, I recently said something very similar to somebody. Told him that I'd love to see one of his character artworks in the contest, and preferably even winning. In the past there have mainly been abstract shapes and stuff, rarely any characters. Not that there's anything wrong with the images that were used so far, I'm just more into characters rather than some "abstract artsy stuff" ^^

    @flamingolady About the names (this next paragraph is going way off topic)... I guess in my case it's even more confusing since I'm using a bunch of names. I usually put an ey_sventura under my images. Dillerkind I use primarily as an online user-name. It was the name I used when I registered an account in a forum for the very first time in my life in the early 2000s and somehow it stuck (except for my wordpress blog, where for some reason I used the other one... duh). My old traditional drawings were mainly signed with my initials, later on I began using the ey_sventura name. Among friends I'm often called Svenson and I sometimes put this on drawings too. Zwänn is yet another version/misspelling/mispronunciation of my first name, though this one is mainly an insider that only very few people use. In pixel-art I still use mainly my initials, simply because the other names are quite long to put under an image that's hardly over 100px wide.

    Alright, that's that. Back to the actual topic. Believe it or not, I've been thinking about Inkscape's mascot (or the lack thereof) too. I might even have brought this topic up somewhere... in the old forum or the FB group? Can't recall. The thought first came when I saw Krita's cute bunny/squirrel (???) mascot a couple of years ago. I know, there's the Linux penguin too, though I have to admit that I've never been a fan of this one. Not very appealing, for me at least. But hey, I guess it's memorable and other people probably have more love for it. Be that as it may, I agree with you that giving Inkscape a face could help. At the very least a mascot could draw people's attention who don't know the program yet. People do fan-art all the time. They draw the penguin (sorry, forgot his name); they draw the cute Krita mascot; hell, I've even seen drawings of the Firefox which isn't even a real character. And of course a mascot could be used for official merch, too. I wonder if there are any strong arguments against having a mascot.

    @brynn In the post you linked I can see a small image of a celtic knot, if that's what you mean. It's at the bottom of the post and clicking it opens a lightbox overlay. The images I've tried to include are all stored on wordpress (the main wordpress site, I don't have a personal installation or server or whatnot). The URLs look something like this: . I don't use any special characters in my filenames, just numbers, letters and underscores. When I add the the url in the attachment section, it checks out. No error that the url can't be read or some such. There's just no way to insert the image into the post.

  31. #31
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    Brynn, I see your old avi now.

    Sven.  hmmm.  it'd be kinda neat to have a contest for a mascot....  and name it Inky after a character in my 70's fav game of Pac Man.  re the name, I thought I had a lot of nicknames, ha.

  32. #32
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    Here's Martin's interpretation of Inky:

  33. #33
    brynn brynn @brynn

    No offense, but I thought "Inky" was a rock, for the longest time!  When I think of a drop of ink, I think of a raindrop type of shape.  Or maybe if it was flatter (more flat?)

  34. #34
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    He's (Inky) cute whatever he is!  But I thought it was a cute landscape, lol.  I still think there's room for a mascot (and a contest).  If Word can do a paperclip - we ought to be able to do something really cool. 

  35. #35
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    @brynn I thought it was a cute blob of jell-o ... :) (and of course, told Martin so when I first saw that page, because I was a bit confused what that dark grey jell-o blob was doing there on the CoC page, lol).

  36. #36
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    I thought it's the mountain from the Inkscape logo. I mean Martin wouldn't have just made any random cone-shaped character, right?!? :D I agree with Flamingolady about there being room for a mascot and contest. Maybe something a little more... I don't know... versatile? More than a featureless blog. Don't get me wrong. I like the cute and simple design of the little fella. I'd just love to see some more options first.

  37. #37
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    Sometimes these designs happen because there wasn't the wide invitation at the time. The Inkscape community is much stronger now, so a competition for a mascot would be a really nice idea.

    Something for a vectors meeting?

  38. #38
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    I'd love to see a contest entry from Sven first ...

  39. #39
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    me too Maren.  I'd like to see a contest happen after the splash screen winner is chosen, as a mascot might go hand in hand with the winner of that one.  examples, a mountain scene wins the splash contest then perhaps a big ole yeti could be a mascot!  (and I'd love to see sven's yeti, laughing just thinking about it!!).  If we did CBT training, Inky the yeti could intro it and guide one through it. If a beach scene with palm trees wins, Inky the Flamingo could be a cool mascot! I can see a robotoic mascot too.  and I could see Sven winning hands down!

  40. #40
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    An entry from me... Me winning hands down... no pressure, huh? I wish I had that sort of confidence... Either way, Martin's right. I think this should definitely be brought up in a more official context, that is not just inside this here thread ^^

  41. #41
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    Haha, I just selfishly like your drawings, Sven, and want to see more ;-) It doesn't need to be 'the' mascot. Just an entry. Look at those we already have - a figurative entry would really stand out there.

  42. #42
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    I've found and fixed the issue, it appears Sven that you have links to images, which are not uploaded to and don't have renderings, thumbnails or any other reference. I didn't account for this, so the big question is: how have you need attaching images? (because I need to fix it, this is not how the forum is supposed to work)

  43. #43
    brynn brynn @brynn

    I've been confused Martin.  Because following the instructions, I'm able to show things in the forum from my server.  I don't understand why it doesn't work for him.

    Hhmm....maybe I can snatch the address from an image in his blog, and do my own test...

    Oh great, you changed it again!  I have the url, but I don't know what the new options mean.

    Please explain.  I assume "attachment mode" means the image is going to show up under the blue Attachments button, right? 

    I might guess, because it's the same icon, that "Gallery mode" means the image is supposed to show in the message?  Or does it mean that it will also upload to the gallery?

    And what is "embed into html"?


  44. #44
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Sorry, I just saw your other message.  I'll discuss over there.

  45. #45
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    OK, so this is what's going on. Dillerkind pastes in a link to his wordpress blog say "" which asks the forum to link to and download a thumbnail so we can inline the image. The wordpress server tells our server that the file doesn't exist (it thinks our server is a bad actor and is likely not letting us download the image). But when I test this from my own computer running a copy of the website, it works, because my computer gets the file when it asks wordpress for it. Likely our server is blocked by ip-address.

    So firstly. I've fixed it so it won't allow creation of empty links, it wasn't supposed to allow them. Now it gives the user the error message. This also works if they mistype the url.

    Secondly I've manually "repaired" all of Dillerkind's existing images by manually downloading the images and inserting the thumbnails myself. BUT Dillerkind will find entering a url will fail going forwards (because the above which we can't changebecause we're not wordpress). But they can upload the image as a file instead and that will work.

  46. #46
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Ooooohh, it's our server!  Then don't we need to change something about our server?  Wordpress is a very popular media outlet these days.  We really can't afford to be seen by them as a bad actor, can we?  Why would they have us blocked?  Do you have any idea?  Or is this where we still desperately need a sysadmin?

  47. #47
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    I'd say this is where wordpress needs an admin... But who knows, maybe we're listed in some spam list and that is used by them.

  48. #48
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Must be my fault. I've been using this blog for almost a decade and linking the images in the old Inkscape forum. Now somebody at WP probably thought "Hey, I heard that forum is kinda dead... yet there's some guy still linking stuff there. Must be a spammer or something. Let's block all links to our blogs on Inkscape-related websites" :D


    Haha, I just selfishly like your drawings, Sven, and want to see more ;-)

    That's a mild sort of selfishness.. It's okay and won't make the world worse for everybody else, I guess ;) Still not sure what to do about the contest. I think it's on the final stretch by now and I've only had a vague idea (while I was going for a walk today) that might turn out to be a fun little drawing. I'll have to see if I can make this a reality, let alone in time for the contest. I hope to get started with this tomorrow. But then again, even if I finish it too late, it's still another drawing, which is good in itself ^^

    @doctormo Sorry for all the trouble you had because of me. I appreciate your efforts!

  49. #49
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    No problem Sven, your issues found real bugs in the forum code that I've fixed. :-)

  50. #50
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini


    It's still a full week, until next Sunday night. The About screen isn't so very large in the program, so it doesn't seem to need to be extremely detailed (hope that helps encouraging you, Sven).


  51. #51
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Just a quick headsup... Sooo, apparently I didn't make it in time. Began working on the image too late and scrapped an idea that had briefly popped up in my mind, to make a simplified version for the contest and then a more fleshed-out one later on. I decided to take my time with it and simply post it whenever it's done... which should hopefully not take much longer now.

  52. #52
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    Thanks for the update, Sven :) Have you voted already?

  53. #53
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    I haven't voted yet. I haven't even seen most of the entries yet.. only maybe a handful of the actual images and the overview image with all the entries. I'll have to take some time this week to look through all of them - and eventually make a decision. God, I hate making such decisions... :D

  54. #54
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    Haha, yes, it's hard with all those great images to choose from :)

  55. #55
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Okay, so it did take longer than I expected when I wrote that it shouldn't take much longer. I should really stop making such remarks because everytime I do, things are sure to slow down and take a lot longer than anticipated :D Anyway, I finished the piece last night. Sketch, variant and outline in this blog-post.


    Inkscape3 Vector
  56. #56
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's something new. I felt like trying something a little different :D (current blog-post)

    Fluffball Vector
  57. #57
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Hah!  Last night I watched the Star Trek episode "The Trouble with Tribbles".  It looks a lot like a tribble!

  58. #58
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    That's funny, last night we watched "The trouble with Edward" short trek (about tribbles). You're right it is a bit tribbly.

  59. #59
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    I've heard of the Trouble with Tribbles episode but haven't watched it. I was actually looking at pics of Pomeranian puppies for reference (although I think the result still looks more like a cat...)

  60. #60
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello all. Here's my latest piece for this year. (latest blog-post)

    Btw. it seems that the old forum is dead now. Thanks for everybody who visited my thread there and helped bumping it up to 300k views over the years ^^

    Wastelandraider2 Vector
  61. #61
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Still viewable in the archive:

  62. #62
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello all. A bit late but I still want to wish everybody a Happy New Year! I've been doing a bit of traditional stuff lately and Inkscape was beginning to get dusty :D In order to change that, here's a little something I just finished the other day. Latest blog-post can be found HERE. Oh cool, I just noticed that images can be embedded in the post now. Thumbs up for that!

  63. #63
    Gelöschter Benutzer [reacted] 🚫
    Removed by GDPR request 2023-01-14
  64. #64
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @Jellyfish Thanks for the compliment! I've been thinking about doing a short comic for ages. Unfortunately I've never been very creative with story ideas and such and due to this lack of actual ideas for a comic project I've never gotten anywhere. Never got past a few very early character concepts. I'm still hoping to do at least a short story at some point.

  65. #65
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    I've been working on a new piece for a bit but felt I needed a break from it. Now, what did I do? Another piece of course :D Here's the result. It's in a simple, flat style - no gradients and stuff - feels kinda like a nice throwback to my early Inkscape days. Sketch and outline view in the latest blog-post.

  66. #66
    Gelöschter Benutzer [reacted] 🚫
    Removed by GDPR request 2023-01-14
  67. #67
    brynn brynn @brynn

    I've also asked, in the past, if there are any stories behind the many characters Dillerkind creates.  I think it might be fun to have sort of a....well, not really a contest.  But maybe sort of....a rodeo, where people can make up stories from their own impression of a particular character.  I could imagine a good writer could create a whole novel to go with some of them!

    Dillerkind, maybe you could team up with a writer?

  68. #68
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @Jellyfish You're right about the "reduction in style". There's a perfect reason why many comics are a bit more on the economical side when it comes to their style, the level of detail and such. And seeing how much time I need for every single image I create, that's exactly what I'd need to do as well. Without this it would take me months for even just a very short project with maybe a handfull of pages. I'm sooo slooooow LOL
    The question about my characters' backstory, well... usually there is none. The thought process rarely goes beyond "hmm, I think today I wanna draw some wasteland raider dude" and then I'll just keep adding stuff and details that I think would fit that type of character. Weapons, armore, that sort of thing. I might add scars that make him look like he's gone through rough times but I can't really tell you what exactly happened to him, where he came from, his family background, origins, race or whatever. My drawings usually just depict a moment in time. I don't know... I'm no storyteller. Never was, not even as a child and you know how children can come up with all sorts of crazy stuff.

    @brynn Collaborating with another person would be an option. To be honest, I haven't really considered this option for this sort of project yet. I've only done very few single image collabos yet. They were fun and all, yet I'm still hesitant to start a bigger project like a comic with somebody. Probably just me worrying way to much about all the things that might go wrong and not work out as expected, but what can you do...

  69. #69
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's a new piece of fan-art. Variants and outline view in the current blog-post.

  70. #70
    TREINOR TREINOR @treinor

    Beautiful student!...and breaking some small rules in class! 😁, good job

  71. #71
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    Your work always amazes me.  I hope you are an illustrator for books!

  72. #72
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    Sorry, duplicate

  73. #73
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @treinor Thank you! Well, certain shady parts of the internet teach us that people do this kind of thing... sometimes... 🤣🤓 Btw cool avatar!

    @flamingolady Thanks a lot! You're too kind. No, I haven't illustrated any books yet.


    Totally unrelated.. I'm currently experiencing strange behavior with this thread. Whenever I open it (directly via a bookmark I've saved or through the forum topic list), it will only show me posts up to #8 and even this one gets cut off. Other posts beyond #8 don't show up, and neither does the reply box or anything else below it. The only way I was able to post, was by opening the link in a notification email I received. It worked alright when I posted the last image (student girl). Anybody else experiencing something like this?

  74. #74
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's a new piece. Sketch and outline in this blog-post.

  75. #75
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's something new. This was originally made for a website that collects donations for premies but I thought it would be a neat addition to my RedBubble store as well. Outline view, sketch as well as links to said website and the store can be found in this blog-post.

  76. #76
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's a new selfie... :D Latest blog-post with sketch + outline HERE.

  77. #77
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello hello. I hope you're all in good health. Here's a new piece. Outline, variant with a big cap and store link in this latest blog-post.

  78. #78
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    Really nice! So good to see.

  79. #79
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Thanks Martin!

  80. #80
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's a new pic, based on a piece by @TimJones. A variant, outline view and sketch can be seen in this blog-post. Oh, and thanks for that Rockstar badge, whoever awarded me with that!! :D

  81. #81
    TREINOR TREINOR @treinor

    Awesome art man, very inspiring!

  82. #82
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    @Dillerkind you should consider publishing the pieces into a gallery here:

  83. #83
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @treinor Hey, thanks a lot! That's good to hear :)

    @doctormo That's a good point. I just saw that there's a copy-to-gallery button so I guess this can be done without much hassle. My only concern is that it says that my upload quota is at 19% already :D


    Here's an early teaser of something I'm working on at the moment.

  84. #84
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    @Dillerkind If you need more quota, you let me know. Your use of Inkscape's server space is very much what we want to encourage.

    Don't forget to edit each of the pieces as while you can see them in the gallery WIP, no one else can because they're not published.

  85. #85
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Thanks Martin! Will do.


    Here's a small new piece. Outline view in this blog-post and I also made another (physical) version prior to this. Btw. I'm still working on the piece from the previous teaser - it's not abandoned or anything, just taking a little longer than expected.

  86. #86
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Just wrapped up the piece from the teaser a few posts above. A couple of years ago I already made a similar image, a 1-vs-1 fighting game mockup. This time I joined forces with a friend (Namy Guap) and each one of us made one fighter. There are some outfit variants as well as the (by now almost obligatory) outline view in this blog-post.


  87. #87
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Forgot to post this here as well. This was a quick edit of another user's (@Usama.ibraheem) drawing, following a call on FB to create a graduation hat. The original is linked in my gallery. @doctormo, my pleasure, although I can't take much credit for it since the main bulk of the work wasn't done by me. Btw is there a way to reply to comments in the gallery so the other person gets notified of the reply? I'm probably just blind but I haven't been able to figure this out... I only just found out how to add existing gallery items to a post 🤣

  88. #88
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀


    Firstly, thank you so much for the improved artwork. I mentioned in the mentor's day hackfest that this graphic was so kindly developed by multiple people collaborating and contributing to Inkscape from a request. I was using it as an example of how we can ask each other for help and not feel too shy about it.

    There is a way for you to get notified, you change the notification settings but it doesn't include notifying other people who have commented in the same way as the forum does. Maybe something we should fix in some way.

  89. #89
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @doctormo I think it would be nice to be able to @ somebody in the gallery the same way you can in the forums. Can't speak for everybody else of course. Maybe it's really just me.

    I saw the hat image being used on the announcement post for the hackfest. Sadly I missed most of the hackfest events. Forgot about it and thus missed the first round, watched the second one (the one with the paper cuts) but then went on vacation with the family and due to a lack of computer and internet missed the other ones too. Glad I was able to contribute at least a tiny bit for once. On most such occasions I'm either out of ideas or too late 😑

  90. #90
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello. It's been a while. Here's a new pic I finished last night. Outline view and some work-in-progress steps can be seen in this latest blog-post. I also added it to my store, if that's of interest to anybody.

  91. #91
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Some fluffy animal... umm.. yeah, that's all I can say. Outline view and a *cough* variant image in this blog-post :D

  92. #92
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's a new random character. Sketch and outline in this blog-post.

  93. #93
    Bartleboom Bartleboom @Bartleboom

    Simply great. You are an artist. My best compliments.

  94. #94
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @Bartleboom Hehe, thank you very much! That's very kind of you :)

  95. #95
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's my latest piece, a cute girl with a ridiculously large sword - one of a bunch of recurring subjects in my pics :) Outline, in-progress steps, etc in this blog-post.

  96. #96
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's a simple new piece... a cave troll. And yes, they are obviously a very intelligent species :D

  97. #97
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hey all. We're not fully there yet but here's a little christmas-themed something I made for my sister. Hope y'all like it ^^ Latest blog-post with sketch and outline view can be seen here.

  98. #98
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    Really well done!

  99. #99
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @pacer Thank you! :)

  100. #100
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello hello and happy new year! Hope you've kicked off 2021 in an awesome (yet safe and responsible :D) way. Here's a little snowman that I finished yesterday :) I made an alternative version with falling snow too but couldn't decide which one I like better. It's in this blog-post.

  101. #101
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    @Dillerkind Nice! Looked at your blog post. The snow in the second graphic feels, to me, more inviting and festive. I think it brings the whole image together perfectly. Just my thoughts. Happy New Year!

  102. #102
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @pacer Thank you! You've got a point there. I guess I just wanted a version where he isn't obstructed by random white blob particles :D

    @doctormo I just noticed that clicking on those reaction emoticons increases the count with each click. I didn't even mean to bump up those numbers, just accidentally did it the first time and then did it again to see if that's indeed how it works. Is that how it's supposed to work? Normally when I see this kind of reaction clicky thingies, it's possible to just click one per post 🤔

  103. #103
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    @Dillerkind Don't worry, that's just an aberration bug, it doesn't change the actual count.

  104. #104
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @doctormo Ah okay, thanks for the info!


    And here is a new piece... one that I had originally thought would be done around the beginning of this week 😅 Sketch and outline view can be seen in this blog-post. Hope y'all like her :)

  105. #105
    vikyr vikyr @vikyr

    Amazing, as always ;-)

  106. #106
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @vikyr Thank you!

  107. #107
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's a little addition to the previous post that I forgot to add the first time. It's a short video that... ehm.. just see for yourself 😁 Just a bit of silly fun, put together in the Godot game engine.

  108. #108
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello hello... Here's a new piece. I call it "Beartist" 😂 Sketch and Outline view in this blog-post.

  109. #109
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's a new pic, a very simple one. Latest blog-post with sketch and outline view is here.

  110. #110
    Gerald Stiehler Gerald Stiehler @mondspeer

    Saw this on deviantART. Neat. I really like the facial expression of the dog. :-)

  111. #111
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @mondspeer Hehe.. yeah, I thought it would be funny to give him this part smug, part annoyed expression :D Glad you like it.

  112. #112
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Please don't feed the monsters 🤓 This is my first v1.x piece. Yeah, I'm late... Blog-post with outline view and a bunch of w.i.p steps can be found HERE.

  113. #113
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    :) We'll be at 1.1 in a few weeks from now - you didn't beta-test, but use the stable 1.0.2, right?
    I like the courageous yellow-green border, that's a cool (lighting) idea! (and makes it look much more poisonous, too).

  114. #114
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    (a beta test would help us know what really needs to change before a release, so if you have some time .... )

  115. #115
    Gerald Stiehler Gerald Stiehler @mondspeer

    Wow, Sven, this monster looks great. 

    I promise, I won't feed it after midnight. 

  116. #116
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @Moini Thank you. Yes, I've only just switched to the 1.0.2 version. Maybe I can have a go with 1.1, to be honest though, I doubt I'll be able to do extensive testing on it.

    The green lighting.. yeah, I don't do this kind of thing very often and thought it would be neat to try it out at least this once. I think the effect turned out pretty cool, considering how simple it's actually done :D

    @mondspeer Thank you! For the compliment, and for not feeding the creature. It has a rather peculiar diet and needs to be fed by our specialist staff ;D

  117. #117
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    I just saw @zerocinquanta's isometric building image and remembered that I had done some small isometric experiment myself, years ago. It's nothing to write home about but I thought I'd dig it up and post here too. Just random shapes and an infinite light source. If I recall correctly, after posting this back in the day, I found some flaws in the shadows. So, I'm not giving any guarantee that these are 100% correct 😅 For some odd reason I also used a scanned paper texture in the first one... What was I thinking?!?

  118. #118
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello hello.. Here's a new piece I just finished. Sketch, outline view, etc in this blog-post. Hope y'all like her.

  119. #119
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠


  120. #120
    Gerald Stiehler Gerald Stiehler @mondspeer

    Yes master, I will procrastinate. *bows*

    Looks great. 

  121. #121
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @mondspeer Thank you! It was a crappy little sketch - with that in mind I'm actually quite happy how this one turned out :D

  122. #122
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    A ninja pondering over a cup of coffee..... cuz what else would he be drinking, right? :D Here's the latest blog-post.

  123. #123
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    Well executed, as always. 

  124. #124
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @pacer Thank you!


    Here's a new one. It's a nerd zombie - smartest of his kind :D Here's the blog-post with sketch and outline view.

  125. #125
    Gerald Stiehler Gerald Stiehler @mondspeer

    Great, I love this guy. As I said in deviantART ... ;-)

    Those teeeeeth. :D

  126. #126
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @mondspeer Hehe, thanks again! Yes, those teeth - must be every dentist's nightmare :D


    And here's a new one... Speaking of teeth, this one's got a great set of pearly whites too. Here's the blog-post.

  127. #127
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Taking it down another notch in the detail department. This must be the most simplistic piece I've done in quite some time.... Here's the blog-post... very barebones this time.


  128. #128
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    Ich find's cool, spannender neuer Stil!

  129. #129
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @Moini Danke, das freut mich :) Neu würde ich das jetzt nicht unbedingt nennen. Das einzige das einen gewissen Neuheits-/Seltenheitswert hat, ist dass das Teil am gleichen Tag fertiggestellt wurde, an dem ich es begonnen hatte :D

  130. #130
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's something new, based on something old :D I'm only posting a cropped version this time since the full image contains nudity. It's rather tame but I still thought it'd be better to handle it this way. For those of you that don't mind, the full image, including a bunch of in-progress steps can be seen in this blog-post.

  131. #131
    Gerald Stiehler Gerald Stiehler @mondspeer

    I really like this one. Esp. the paintings on the skin make it really cool. 

    Facial expressions suits her. Kinda mixture of cute and "don't mess with me". 
    Very easy to spot on the larger one in your blogpost. Cool how she holds those knifes. 


  132. #132
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @mondspeer Thanks a ton for all your feedback! I really appreciate it. Yes, I think that expression fits much better than what I had in the sketch. That one was way too friendly - something more fierce seems to make a lot more sense.



    And here's a new one. Full image, nothing cropped this time :D Kinda simple, I suppose. It was fun to do though. Blog-post with outline and (crappy) sketch can be seen here.

  133. #133
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    I began working on this one half a year ago, lost interest, picked it up again a couple of days ago and now it's done. It's a cool party dude, crashing a posh party and showing those fancy people how to party like a PRO :D New blog-post is here.

    On another note, a bunch of stuff that I had posted over the course of the past year or so has now been added to my RedBubble store. If anybody's interested, check it out here. Have a nice weekend.

  134. #134
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's a new piece... First time using the latest version.

    Hey @doctormo, quick question: is there a way to display threads with pages (some setting I haven't discovered maybe), instead of continuously? This thread here is already getting kinda long and I expect it to be added to and get much longer in the future.

  135. #135
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hey all.. I've been a little lazy lately. Time to get going again. Additional material (sketch, outline) and store link in this blog-post.

  136. #136
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Here's another skull... and here the blog-post to go with it.

  137. #137
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hey all.. I've been pretty lazy lately but here's a small new piece I just finished today. And here is the latest blog-post.

  138. #138
    Marcos González Marcos González @mrks9

    Wonderful work! Thanks for sharing 👏

  139. #139
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @mrks9 Thank you Marcos! That's very good of you :)

  140. #140
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello all, long time no see. Hope everybody had a good start into 2022. Today I've finally managed to finish a new pic. Variant, sketch and outline view can be seen in my blog, as usual. Going with a common theme here.. still feeling like I need a warmup after weeks of laziness and little motivation.

  141. #141
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello... Here's my latest piece. Some random dragon head... The usual additional material can be seen in this new blog-post. Hope y'all like it.

  142. #142
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello.. Here's my latest piece. Had a bit of a bumpy ride from beginning to the finishing touches but it's done and out of the way now. Latest blog-post.

  143. #143
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hey all.... After doing some analog stuff (and more procrastination) I'm back with this little guy. The usual stuff can be seen in this blog-post. Hope you like him :) First thing I've done using 1.2 (yeah, I know - I'm a real early adopter :D)

  144. #144
    Marcos González Marcos González @mrks9

    @Dillerkind Excellent! I really like your work and I love skulls, so this is a Win-Win 💀 😄 Thanks for sharing.

  145. #145
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @mrks9 Hehe, glad to hear. I love drawing funky skulls. It's a subject that I keep getting back to quite frequently and I haven't gotten tired of it yet. Soooo, I'm sure there'll be more in the future :) Thanks for your comment!

  146. #146
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello.. Here's a new one. Variants and outline view in this blog-post.

  147. #147
    Marcos González Marcos González @mrks9

    Excellent! Thank you for showing us your fantastic works 💯

  148. #148
    Ronald Marillier Ronald Marillier @foreverNoob

    Yes sir, your work is phenomenal

  149. #149
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @mrks9 Thank you for the encouraging comments!

    @idmarillier And a thank you to you as well, my good sir!

  150. #150
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hey all! After spending waaay too much time on it, I finished this image last night. Outline view, etc in my latest blog post.

  151. #151
    Marcos González Marcos González @mrks9

    Well, O.K., just Woww! Awesome! 🤯

  152. #152
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @mrks9 A bit late again but thanks a lot for your comment!

  153. #153
    Victor-Von-Wulfen Victor-Von-Wulfen @Victor-Von-Wulfen

    So very inspiring to a newcomer of Inkscape such as myself, thank you :)

  154. #154
    Ronald Marillier Ronald Marillier @foreverNoob

    Same here! I am another one of those inspired by our stuff!

  155. #155
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    @Victor-Von-Wulfen @foreverNoob

    Thank you very much, gentlemen! It's always nice to hear that somebody is finding inspiration in my stuff. Hopefully this will be the case with my future works as well :D Thanks again!

  156. #156
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello, lovely people! Yes, it's me. No, I'm not dead. But yes, I have finally managed to get a new pic out of the door. Usual style, usual subject matter and -I'm happy to say- the usual amount of fun making it. I hope my recent creative drought is finally over. For a bunch of additional variants see this blog-post. Hope y'all like ^^

  157. #157
    Marcos González Marcos González @mrks9

    Brilliant, as always 😱💯

  158. #158
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Ehhh... a bit late but thanks a lot for your comment, @mrks9


    And here's a new piece, finally. Blog-post with sketch and outline can be seen here.

  159. #159
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello lovely people! It's been a while. Today I'm happy to be able to post something new. Hope y'all like her ^^ Here's the blog-post that goes with the image. Have a nice weekend.

  160. #160
    Marcos González Marcos González @mrks9

    Wonderful work!. Your style is unique. Thanks for sharing it 💯 

    I love the 1.3 detail 😉

  161. #161
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠


    Hehe.. yeah, just a silly little thing I felt like adding at some point since -of course- once again I was too late for the contest.


    And here's a new one... Turned out somewhat different than what I had originally planned. The original idea and outline view can be seen in this blog-post.

  162. #162
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello lovely people! I'm back with a new piece, showing an old favorite subject of mine and done in the new version of Inkscape. And here you can find the blog-post for it. Working with 1.3 has been a pretty smooth experience so far, not counting some small crashes :D

  163. #163
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    Hi Sven, nice to see you back! 👋
    Btw. do our monthly challenges seem interesting to you, or are they too far out of your usual type of drawing?

  164. #164
    Marcos González Marcos González @mrks9

    Lovely work, as always. Thanks for sharing it here 💯

  165. #165
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠


    Hey, thank you. We still have to wait and see whether I'm really back or this was just a brief visit 😅 I wish I could post stuff more frequently but what with work and everything I don't find a whole lot of time. This also kind of applies to your question about the monthly challenges. That and the fact that I often struggle with coming up with suitable ideas for such occasions in a timely manner. Still, I guess I should at least put a little more effort into these things and check ongoing challenges more often (which to be perfectly honest I haven't done in a long time). Anyway, I'm in ramble mode again. Thanks for the reminder :)


    Thank you! Your kind words are always appreciated :)

  166. #166
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hello hello... Anybody remember ol' me? It's been a while :D Here's a new piece. See the blog-post for variant, outline and some unrelated drawing stuff. Happy 20th anniversary!

  167. #167
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hey folks.. Yes, it's been a while.. AGAIN. I don't dare say that I'm back just yet but at least here is a little something to show that I'm still alive. See this blog-post for the usual outline view and a bunch of in-progress images. Hope you like it. I'll be back... eventually :)

  168. #168
    Sven Ebert Sven Ebert @Dillerkind🌠

    Hey all.. Yes, it's been a while.. AGAIN AGAIN. Just finished a piece that had been sitting in my wip-folder at 99% finished for months. This is a cropped version; full image has suggestive pose and skimpy clothes so yeah, view at your own discretion. Here's the blog-post. Until next time.