When you print after you put the canvas on the pages created and arranged with the pages tool does It crop the margins? (I presented on the screenshot file with colored pens)
Everything inside the page boundary is sent to the printer. Nothing is cropped. Margins are a drawing aid for you, if you need them.
Most printers can't print to the extreme edges of a sheet of paper. Leaving a small blank border around your image allows for this, or you may prefer wider margins for your own aesthetic or visual reasons.
I looked at your other posts and I think I understand your goal.
You want to print a full-size sewing pattern, which is a large multi-page image and then arrange individual printed sheets into a single gap-free image. I would overlap the pages and include match lines and page number at the margins. The template below has six A4 pages with 20mm overlaps all around. Top left page number is cloned at the other three corners. Page numbers and match lines are in groups in a locked layer. When you add a new page, copy and paste the group and change the page number.
“I would overlap the pages and include match lines and page number at the margins. The template below has six A4 pages with 20mm overlaps all around. Top left page number is cloned at the other three corners. Page numbers and match lines are in groups in a locked layer. When you add a new page, copy and paste the group and change the page number.”
How can I do this 20 mm overlapping thing? Can you tell me in details please?
So simple and so elegant. I was wondering how to deal with these margins, and thinking about clones, clips (a big mess, actually). It's was as simple as making pages overlap !
First a little housekeeping. Go to [File > Document Properties...] and copy these settings to start with an A4 page and mm units.
Now go to the Page tool. Set the page margin to 10mm. Click the [New Page] button.
Open the XML editor. In the left pane there's an element labelled <sodipodi:namedview id=........>
Expand the element by clicking the icon at the left to reveal the page elements. <inkscape:page id=........>
Select the first page. In the right pane you'll see <height=297><width=210><y=0><x=0>
The first page is 297mm high, 210mm wide and located at 0,0.
Now select the second page. Height, width and y are correct (same as the same as the first page) but we want to change the x coordinate (the horizontal position) so set <x=190> which is 20mm from the edge of the first page (297-20=190).
Add more pages and enter x and y coordinates for the horizontal and vertical positions you want.
Thanks Paddy_CAD for all these informations and your patience.
Without using xml, you can use guides and snapping to page borders and guides, the advantage is that you don't need to make other calculations to set positions of pages.
Notice that with page tool, corners of pages look to snap better to guide intersections rather than to guides only.
You'll need to display rulers (press ctrl+R if you don't see them).
For the first row, add (drag from upper ruler) an horizontal guide, make it snap to upper border of page one, then add a vertical guide (drag it from left ruler) and double click on it (you need to switch to selector tool for this) to set it to x=190mm.
Click on page tool, Click on plus button to add a page, drag page 2 to intersection of the two guides. Switch to selector tool and draw another guide for page 2 with x=190 mm
Repeat for the other pages of this row.
For the second row, with page tool click on page one and drag from upper ruler a guide. Double click (selector tool) on it and set y to 297-20=277.
When you print after you put the canvas on the pages created and arranged with the pages tool does It crop the margins? (I presented on the screenshot file with colored pens)
What does happen?
File : Downloads - Inkscape Tiled Printing Margins
File link;
I couldnt upload to the website. There is a problem
Everything inside the page boundary is sent to the printer. Nothing is cropped. Margins are a drawing aid for you, if you need them.
Most printers can't print to the extreme edges of a sheet of paper. Leaving a small blank border around your image allows for this, or you may prefer wider margins for your own aesthetic or visual reasons.
“Everything inside the page boundary is sent to the printer. Nothing is cropped.”
Then Inkscape fit the objects on the canvas to the A4 page while printing or exporting as PDF. Right?
Because as you see
On the Pages Create With The Pages Tool There Are No MARGINS Although They Are A4 Sized Pages?
Everything inside the page boundary is sent to the printer, if you have a margin or not.
Maybe this screenshot will help. Red hatching shows printed pixels and blue hatching shows discarded pixels.
I looked at your other posts and I think I understand your goal.
You want to print a full-size sewing pattern, which is a large multi-page image and then arrange individual printed sheets into a single gap-free image. I would overlap the pages and include match lines and page number at the margins. The template below has six A4 pages with 20mm overlaps all around. Top left page number is cloned at the other three corners. Page numbers and match lines are in groups in a locked layer. When you add a new page, copy and paste the group and change the page number.
Now you understand me Paddy_CAD. That’s right.
“I would overlap the pages and include match lines and page number at the margins. The template below has six A4 pages with 20mm overlaps all around. Top left page number is cloned at the other three corners. Page numbers and match lines are in groups in a locked layer. When you add a new page, copy and paste the group and change the page number.”
How can I do this 20 mm overlapping thing? Can you tell me in details please?
Ahh Paddy_CAD 😍 !
So simple and so elegant. I was wondering how to deal with these margins, and thinking about clones, clips (a big mess, actually). It's was as simple as making pages overlap !
Congratulations 🏆🥇
First a little housekeeping. Go to [File > Document Properties...] and copy these settings to start with an A4 page and mm units.
Now go to the Page tool. Set the page margin to 10mm. Click the [New Page] button.
Open the XML editor. In the left pane there's an element labelled
<sodipodi:namedview id=........>
Expand the element by clicking the icon at the left to reveal the page elements.
<inkscape:page id=........>
Select the first page. In the right pane you'll see
The first page is 297mm high, 210mm wide and located at 0,0.
Now select the second page. Height, width and y are correct (same as the same as the first page) but we want to change the x coordinate (the horizontal position) so set
which is 20mm from the edge of the first page (297-20=190).Add more pages and enter x and y coordinates for the horizontal and vertical positions you want.
Thanks Paddy_CAD for all these informations and your patience.
Without using xml, you can use guides and snapping to page borders and guides, the advantage is that you don't need to make other calculations to set positions of pages.
Notice that with page tool, corners of pages look to snap better to guide intersections rather than to guides only.
You'll need to display rulers (press ctrl+R if you don't see them).
Thank you very much Paddy_CAD for the guide you shared. Very helpful.
@David248 Thank you very much again.
I’ll try both methods.