Very complicated images from PDF can take a while to load. In my computer you PDF takes 3 seconds to load on my Linux computer using Inkscape 1.3.2
There may be some issues with Windows that might also be causing some delays. This might be to do with PDF or it might be embeded images. To test this you can save the svg once you finally manage to open the PDF, then close inkscape, and finally open the svg in a new inkscape. If it's still slow, then it's Inkscape's rendering of images (probably). If it's fast, then it's Inkscape PDF loader that is to blame.
For most of my Inkscape work and play, I use a 2012 macbook pro i5-3210M. This ancient machine opened your 2.1MB pdf in about 8 seconds. The resulting svg grows to 15.8MB which takes about 15 seconds to open. Maybe it's time to downgrade your hardware. (Joke!)
You're not the first to report slow pdf loading. I haven't experienced this myself and I've no idea what causes the problem. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
This is a very machine configuration specific issue. Others have posted similar issues, but testing has not revealed a common factor.
On my Win 10 machine i7, 32GB, 1TB SSD and Inkscape 1.3.2 the Open dialog took 8 sec to open and after choosing Internal Import the document took 18 sec to load.
We have seen numerous issues with installing one version of inkscape on top of another one on windows.
I tested the pdf issue because I am the programmer who has refactored pdf loading for 1.3, as well as adding multiple pages. I wanted to test the files to see if I could find the error for you.
IS 1.3.2 Windows 11 pro 64bit Japanese
When import some pdf data like catalog, reading time takes more minutes.
Is this only for me?
Can you share the problem pdf file?
I have same problem with every pdf file.
Preview dialog appears normally.
What are your system specs
Win11 Pro 64bit JP, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, i5-1235U(1.3GHz)
What do you need the extra information?
Very complicated images from PDF can take a while to load. In my computer you PDF takes 3 seconds to load on my Linux computer using Inkscape 1.3.2
There may be some issues with Windows that might also be causing some delays. This might be to do with PDF or it might be embeded images. To test this you can save the svg once you finally manage to open the PDF, then close inkscape, and finally open the svg in a new inkscape. If it's still slow, then it's Inkscape's rendering of images (probably). If it's fast, then it's Inkscape PDF loader that is to blame.
I researched EVERY pdf I have, and none of data were opened normally in seconds, and not accurate.
Nothing at all and could not loaded pdf file.
So, I tried to convert pdf to svg by ILLUSTRATOR and load by InkScape.
InkScape successfully loaded the svg file in the seconds converted by ILLUSTRATOR.
I also say it again,
Preview dialog appears normally and thumbnail of pdf in the dialog is normal.
For most of my Inkscape work and play, I use a 2012 macbook pro i5-3210M. This ancient machine opened your 2.1MB pdf in about 8 seconds. The resulting svg grows to 15.8MB which takes about 15 seconds to open. Maybe it's time to downgrade your hardware. (Joke!)
You're not the first to report slow pdf loading. I haven't experienced this myself and I've no idea what causes the problem. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
This is a very machine configuration specific issue. Others have posted similar issues, but testing has not revealed a common factor.
On my Win 10 machine i7, 32GB, 1TB SSD and Inkscape 1.3.2 the Open dialog took 8 sec to open and after choosing Internal Import the document took 18 sec to load.
Then why my machine take more than minutes?
I don't know what to do.
What should I check on the machine?
I would completely uninstall Inkscape AND completely delete the user profile (users/[your user name]/appData/Roaming/Inkscape).
Reboot the pc, then re-install Inkscape.
And my environment is Python 3.11 installed.
Is this related to this problem?
I have Python 3.12. I don't know if it will make a difference.
I don't know why, but solved this problem.
After uninstall 1.3.2 and delete all of my preferences, I reinstalled V1.2.2.
So my problem has gone clearly.
The another problem I have is cannot open certain svg files, and also solved.
What's on earth changed 1.2 to 1.3? Drastic? Dramatic?
Much has changed.
I glad your system is working with the pdf, butย if you did not try 1.3.2 again after total un-install, we cannot know if the version is the reason.
Off course, I have tried the clean-install process with 1.3.2.
But only in vain. Then installed 1.2.2 and worked very well.
From this fact, the version 1.3.2 is some cause of this problem.
And, I installed 1.3.1. Loading pdf failed with error at instant.
This info will be helpful. Thanks!
maybe,fresh install windows might help
A clean install would cost me a great deal of time and tremendous financial damage.I will not do it from a cost-benefit perspective.
Instead, I will try another machine I have, of course, I will not do clean install for this.
We have seen numerous issues with installing one version of inkscape on top of another one on windows.
I tested the pdf issue because I am the programmer who has refactored pdf loading for 1.3, as well as adding multiple pages. I wanted to test the files to see if I could find the error for you.
Yes, I have done dozens timeย of fresh install of InkScape.
BUT, I will NEVER do installation of Windows from scratch.
I will never do erase my ssd to do this. That's all.