Beginners' Questions PDF export changed stoke width. To what? And does that have to happen?
  1. #1
    Axelrodde Axelrodde @Axelrodde

    The PDF export has a thicker stroke width than the export contained.

    Is there are way to stop PDF exports from changing the stoke width?

    Is there a way to see what stoke width the PDF exports default to?

    I want the PDF to exactly match the SVG. Or the SVG match the PDF.

    Thank you kindly

    Screenshot From 2023 04 19 20 15 38
  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenโš–

    PDF readers (Adobe especially) can increase display ofย fine lines for "better readability".ย  This is a commonly seen where laser users have lines of .001" but they look thicker.

    One clue is to zoom in to the pdf incrementally and see if the line (stroke) thickens each time. In the case of very thin lines, they may not thicken until the pdf reader is over 1000%.

  3. #3
    Axelrodde Axelrodde @Axelrodde

    One other option would be to use another program to export SVG to PDF.

    Or export the PNG and combine into a PDF then run OCR to make text highlight-able.

    But it would be most convenient to adjust the PDF export settings within Inkscape I think.

  4. #4
    Axelrodde Axelrodde @Axelrodde

    Oh It's the PDF reader that increases the thickness. @TylerDurden The page was not refreshed to read what you wrote. Thank you. Issue resolved. ย 

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions PDF export changed stoke width. To what? And does that have to happen?