Contributing Your Time to Inkscape

Getting Inkscape introduced to more people!

The design and user experience team helps make Inkscape easier to use and more attractive to look at. Iterating over new ways to design the toolbars, inputs and testing real users to see if the designs work.

Testing the Inkscape software is critical, all versions, different operating systems, and a keen eye for figuring out what's gone wrong can speed up fixing things enormously

Help us make sure that everyone in the world can understand what Inkscape is about!

Help literally make Inkscape better. With mentorships, easy to use repositories and tools; you could add that amazing feature or fix.

Why Work Together

Inkscape's creation and development, as an Open Source project, is a community effort! It takes the time, knowledge, skills, motivation and passions of the whole community, to make Inkscape great. Your time invested in Inkscape can help the whole project move forwards and ultimately help the whole community of users and the wider world.

Friendly Community

Contributors to the project are expected to be polite and professional and abide by the code of conduct. Even so, the project is often a fun place to be with friendly faces to go along with the interesting work. If you do have problem, don't hesitate to raise the issue with one of the moderators.

Join the Chat

We use a couple of different places to work together. Most teams use the rocket chat to organise, but we also make use of video chat Big Blue Button for events, mailing lists for long form discussions.

Meetings and Events

We keep a calendar with the various teams' meeting times on the website. If you'd like to join a team, you should also subscribe to the calendar to be notified of the meetings.


If you are just starting out, ask about mentoring. The project runs several types of mentorship programs from Outreachy, to Google Summer of Code, to our more casual mentorships offered by fellow volunteers to help you get started contributing in the way you would like to. Ask for help!

Community To-Do

There are a number of special tasks which are more urgent than others, which we have specifically listed on our Community To-Do List page.