i loaded to \AppData\Roaming\inkscape\symbols my symbols files. the files are attached below. while all of those are in the directory, Bushes, earthwroks, light construction and trees do get loaded, but solar amd emery biogas are not shown in the symbol dialog. don't see way.
i loaded to \AppData\Roaming\inkscape\symbols my symbols files.
the files are attached below.
while all of those are in the directory, Bushes, earthwroks, light construction and trees do get loaded, but solar amd emery biogas are not shown in the symbol dialog.
don't see way.
please help
I tried each of the files attached. On my Windows 11 Inkscape 1.4 system they all worked.
Landscape Solar ( a large file containing embedded bitmap images) : 7 symbols
Landscape Light Cont. : 6 symbols of outdoor benches and tables
Landscape Energy Biogas (also embedded bitmap image) : 1 symbol
Landscape earthworks (a lot of filters) : 3 symbols stone terraces
Landscape Bushes : 2 symbols
Landscape trees : 8 symbols