I guess that´s a tricky one. I´d simply draw new letters from scratch - but that´s probably not your cup of tea. Duplicate letter - then Object->Objects to Guides and with guide snapping enabled and Bézier-tool and a few clicks it´s done very quick.
If you take all 2 (in some places it's more than 2) nodes for a corner on by one and click Join selected nodes, it will do just that - but the horizontal straightness will go haywire. It´s not as trivial as it may look. I wonder where the "roundness" comes from in first place? A simple font like this should be made by just corner points.
I have a path of text that has almost all corners rounded. For manufacturing purposes these corners should be sharp one node-corners.
What is the best and easiest way to do that?
I would think that there would be some kind of tool that can calculate 90 decree corner of rounded one and delete the two previous nodes..
Can we have a screenshot while the node tool is active - probably it´s just the stroke style: Round Join you need to change to Miter join.
here you go
I guess that´s a tricky one. I´d simply draw new letters from scratch - but that´s probably not your cup of tea. Duplicate letter - then Object->Objects to Guides and with guide snapping enabled and Bézier-tool and a few clicks it´s done very quick.
If you take all 2 (in some places it's more than 2) nodes for a corner on by one and click Join selected nodes, it will do just that - but the horizontal straightness will go haywire. It´s not as trivial as it may look. I wonder where the "roundness" comes from in first place? A simple font like this should be made by just corner points.
Here are some tests:
How about placing rectangles in the corners and than using the command path union respective path difference?
Maybe this:
Don´t you think just clicking 13 times as per my first example is way quicker?
Oh, probably.