Describe what you have found about the issue by exploring Inkscape's Tutorials (in the Help menu), the Manual, the Release Notes, using the forum search, and by searching the web.
I found a few post in the community forum but none seemed to apply to my issue
Describe the source of the file: created with Inkscape, downloaded, imported from another program, etc.
I purchased the initial SVG via ETSY
Describe the specific steps you took, the result you expected, and the result that actually happened.
I did not realize I had an issue until I attempted to use the file on my Shaper Origin
Describe your OS (your computer's Operating System: Mac/Windows/Linux/etc. & version).
Windows 11 Version 22H2 (OS Build 22621.3235)
Describe if Inkscape was newly installed or upgraded from an earlier version.
Newly installed
Describe the version of Inkscape and the installer you used (the file you downloaded from the website: .msi/.exe/.zip/other).
Describe any special hardware being used, like tablet/stylus or multiple monitors.
I'm working on a desktop that I built in 2009. It has two monitors
Describe any helper/assistive programs or keyboard modifiers (macros, languages, etc.).
Currently, I'm bouncing between CorelDRAW 2019 and Inkscape. I consider myself a newbie with both, thus I'm learning as I move forward.
The file I'm working with has multiple layers, following is the file. On my windows 11 PC I see all of the layers turned on. When I place the file on my Shaper Origin I see the same as the following image. The initial file I purchased did NOT have layers.
If I create the image in CorelDRAW all seems to work as expected.
Here is what it looks like in CorelDRAW on my PC and on the Shaper Origin
As I work with the file on my PC I often change the colors just to confirm I'm working with the correct layer.
Another question: I've noticed that I can "Export" or "Save As", both produce a SVG file. Are they the same?
The Shaper Origin will NOT allow me to turn on/off layers. In CorelDRAW when I turn off layers and export the file, the layers I turn off are not exported.
If I open the OP's provided CD_ file in Inkscape and save, it seems to display properly. I can add layers and move objects into the layers without issue.
The OP's provided IS_ file contains objects with the attribute visibility:hidden, which is not used in Inkscape to show or hide objects. Those are the objects not seen in the browser and likely ignored by Shaper. This file appears to have been modified with layers in Corel before being imported to Inkscape. Removing these attributes via the Inkscape XML editor or a text editor seems to restore the expected behavior. (Inkscape uses display:none or display:inline to hide/show objects via the eye buttons in the Objects dialog.)
Save as SVG currently has more options than Export.
NB: Inkscape natively edits svg, whereas Corel, Illustrator, Affinity and some others have proprietary internal processing and file formats that needs to be translated upon export to svg. Those translations can include nonstandard, obscure or obsolete svg elements.
Attached is the CD_ file after opening in Inkscape, adding a layer and moving objects into the layer, then saving as an Inkscape svg. It displays properly in a browser, and may be compatible with Shaper.
Can you, please, explain us your needs : I understand you need to import a svg file in ShaperStudio, that's it ?
This software requires a svg with different layers to distinguish the different settings used for the cnc ? Is it not possible to assign a setting to a path ?
The difference I see between the two svg files is that you created layers for the different parts of the design, that's it ? One layer for a path, is it truly necessary ?
Can't ShaperStudio ignore some layers/paths (or give it an empty task as setting) ?
I thought I posted this last night but it seems that I did not. I'm attempting to reconstruct the message, hopefully the following contains the images in the correct place
My usage will be limited to installing the SVG on the Shaper Origin (I'll refer to is as SO). After placing a single layer SVG on the SO I will then use the SO to route out for that layer. Following is a mockup of the project.
In the above image, the colors are what will be used in the final product. Within the SVG file I don't think color is important other than it makes it easy to know what I'm working with. Think of the SO as a CNC Router. If the SVG is correctly working a colored area will be cut out (the entire area for that color, including a pocket cut). Following is an image showing what I see on the SO for the large red area and white star.
The dash-line indicates the cut path and can be (1) inside the line, (2) on the line (3) outside the line, I can easily switch between the three on the SO screen. Before I make a cut on the SO I identify the diameter of the bit and how deep I want to cut and if the cut will be inside, on the line, or outside.
The dash-line actually moves to identify the direction I need to push the SO. As I move the SO over a path it turns green and displays the moving dash-line. Note the circle in the crosshairs in the above image. To start the cut, after getting the circle over the desired path, I press a green button on the right handle of the SO. The bit will drop to the desired depth and start the cut. I then move the SO along the path, keeping the circle over the path. If the path moves outside of the circle the SO will immediately stop cutting and pull the bit up. Then it will be necessary to reposition the SO circle over the path and press the green button again. Because the SO can work with only one layer I will perform the following for each color (White, Blue, Red, and Black).
First I will cut inside the White star along the entire path with a 1/8" diameter flat bottom "Down-cut: bit. I will use the down-cut bit to minimize any tear-out on the top of the wood. I was planning to cut the complete white start out, including the pocket cut without the face and head piece.
Change the bit to a 1/16" dia. and cut into any areas that the 1/8" bit rounded such as the tips of the star.
Change the bit to a 1/32" dia. and repeat the cut as in the previous step
Change the bit to a 1/4" (this will vary depending on how much room I have between the path. E.G. in the white star I have a lot of room, whereas in the blue headpiece, such a large dia. bit would not fit between the lines. Using this bit or a combination of bits I'll perform a pocket-cut removing all of the wood in that area.
Apply Shellac to prevent epoxy soaking into the wood
Mix and pour the color epoxy (Liquid Glass Epoxy) into the cut pocket and let it cure. The epoxy I'm currently using takes four days to cure. I could get a faster curing epoxy but that would be at least $100 that I don't have. In that this is for a family member, it is a gift.)
Scrape and sand the epoxy flush with the board.
Repeat the above steps for the Blue area
Repeat the above for the Red areas
Cut the area for the text, (This will be black)
Repeat the above for the Black areas (text and some spots in the Red face)
Final sanding is to get the epoxy glass smooth. This will take a lot of sanding
Buff the entire surface with buffing pads and compounds
Seal the entire board with UV sealer.
I don't think I left any steps out. This is a long time-consuming project. A lot of time is just waiting for the epoxy to cure.
As I understand (remember you have an old dummy here). The SO has problems with SVG files with layers. In Coreldraw when I export the desired layers to a SVG file, the SO accepts the file without any issues. When I export an Inkscape file, it is problematic for the SO. I had planned to create four SVG files, one for each color.
Vector files--such as SVG, EPS, and DXF file types describe shapes as a series of X,Y positions connected by lines and curves. This differs from Raster images--such as JPEG, PNG, and TIFF file types) which describe images as dots or pixels, each with their own color values.
SVG files can be published directly from a variety of 2D software packages. These include:
Adobe Illustrator
SketchUp Make
3D CAD packages usually export vectors as DXF files which can be color coded in the apps mentioned above to make them ready for cutting with Origin. Here is a video tutorial outlining this process in Illustrator.
Shaper Tools also provides an Add-In for Autodesk Fusion 360 which streamlines the workflow of exporting color-coded SVG files. Fusion is able to interpret a wide range 3d and 2d file types. Consider installing Fusion even if you only intend to use it to convert 3D file types to SVG files for import to Origin.
The Adobe Illustrator Template sets the appropriate .svg settings for you when you are using Illustrator. If you are using another package or writing you own exporter, make sure that your SVG files are saved in real world units (inches, mm, etc.) and that they are employing an RGB color scheme.
<<<<<<< End of text from the SO website >>>>>>>>>>
David I think the following answers your questions.
This software requires a svg with different layers to distinguish the different settings used for the cnc ? Is it not possible to assign a setting to a path ?
The So is not a CNC in the traditional sense. With a normal CNC or 3d printer you have a Z axis that is programmable and can be programed to changed while the machine is cutting. The SO does have a Z axis for a fixed depth of cut, The depth is set by the user and cannot be changed during a cut. To change the depth, it is necessary to stop the cut, manually change the depth on the SO screen, restart the cut at the new level.
The difference I see between the two svg files is that you created layers for the different parts of the design, that's it ? One layer for a path, is it truly necessary
Yes, if there is another way, I'm not aware of it. BTW I'm new to the SO as well. Already as I further get into it, I wish I had purchased a true CNC rather that the SO. A major advantage of the SO is that you could produce a project that would be 20' x 20' or larger. It does have other advantages but most likely I will not take advantage of them, mainly because of my age (not enough days left).
Can't ShaperStudio ignore some layers/paths (or give it an empty task as setting) ?
Not to my knowledge, everything I have seen so far states that you need to create separate files for each layer. Possibly this will help explain.
Somewhere on the project board, with a pencil make a "+" with the left leg about 3" or 4" long. This will be your graphic placement and the mark can represent one of 9 placement points for the graphic. I prefer to use the "center" of my graphic image. In my design software (CorelDraw, Inkscape, etc.) I create my images to the same scale that I want on the finished project.
In my 2nd image above, note the dominos. This is from a roll of domino tape where each domino is different. They are placed on the surface of your project board or a board adjacent to and at the same level as your project board. The angle of the strips is NOT important. I could have put them in the area I'm cutting but chose not to. The distance between the strips is NOT important as long as it is less than 4".
After placing the tape, with the SO you scan all of the tape. This creates a ton of reference points for the SO and it will use them to make the desired cuts in the desired locations. You leave the domino tape on the project board (do NOT move any tape) until all cutting has been completed.
As the SO scans the tape, the black dominos will turn blue on the screen of the SO. This informs the user that the SO is aware of the dominos. If a domino is damaged or part of a domino is missing then the SO will not accept it and display a BLACK domino. I placed dominos on all sides of where I wanted the image to be on the board. Also as you scan, the camera will pickup the "+" that was created to identify the center of the graphic image.
After scanning with the SO, using the SO screen, you create a grid, using the "+" mark on your project board where you place the coordinates, for me the grid center, on the "+" on the SO screen.
Having done all of the above, I will place the SVG with the red outer area and the white star as my first cut. When I'm ready for the blue, on the SO I will remove the image for the White star and place the image for the Blue area, and so on.
If I open the OP's provided CD_ file in Inkscape and save, it seems to display properly. I can add layers and move objects into the layers without issue.
Yes it displays correctly on the computer but not the SO screen. This is what I see on the SO using the Inkscape SVG for the Blue area.
If I open the OP's provided CD_ file in Inkscape and save, it seems to display properly. I can add layers and move objects into the layers without issue.
The CD file was created with CorelDraw.
I used your file, turned off the red face and black bits, following is what I see on my computer. This is what I expected
Following is what I see on the SO. Note that I still see the outline for the Red face and Black Bits. Because I turned them off I did NOT expect to see them. My concern is that with all the extra lines I will goof and cut some wrong area. I may be making a mountain out of a molehill. but when I go to cut the blue head piece I did not want to make another cut for the white areas for the feathers. If I first make a border cut and pocket cut for the entire white star, then when I cut for the blue area the white will already be there. Hopefully, this makes sense, i think I know what I need to do, but this remains to be seen.
BTW here is the SO setting on the test board.
In that I can get everything to work when using CorelDraw, perhaps I should drop Inkscape.
Quick Update, earlier today I created a new post and must have deleted it before any attempt to post it. DARN!!! So here goes again.
Today was a huge learning session. I decided to try some cuts. Following is my test board with the domino tape applied. I decided not to put the tape in the cut area.
In the SO I created a grid and established the center point for image replacement
The 1st would be the white star. As I started to cut realized I did not have a path for the star but it does appear (sorta) in the red SVG file so I decided to use it and cut on the outside of the line which would be the inside of the star and produced the following.
I meant to use a down-cut bit but used an up-cut bit. This would require a bit of sanding to remove the tear-out. No big deal but I would like to do it correctly.
Next, it was time to cut the pocket and here I realized that because I did not have a true path for the star the SO would not allow me to cut the pocket. Back at the computer I create a SVG file with a path for the star. After placing the file on the SO I was able to cut the pocket. See the following.
Not too bad but I now have some lessons learned.
I HIGHLY recommended that I make test cuts on scrap wood. This I have a lot of and most often it is free.
To create the nice sharp points on the tips of the stars will require a smaller bit or possibly what they call a V carve bit. I'll order a smaller bit and test with it and my V carve bit.
I have no idea why the bottom of the pocket is not smoother. This does not create a problem because the epoxy will hide it. But, I still want to know why.
I decided to inspect the star a bit more and noticed that the star was slightly rotated counterclockwise. Note the horz pencil line and how the left tip is a bit lower than the right tip.
I did check the image in Inkscape and it NOT rotated. Note the blue horz. line and both tips touching the line.
I had created several different test files and now I'm confused as to what is what. I did NOT create very good notes as I worked.
I'm still having a problem with the multi-layer Inkscape files when i use them on the SO. I've add this to my list of things to research.
I decided to delete most of the CorelDraw and Inkscape files rather then attempting to determine which were usable. I had about 30 files. I started with the file that David248 had modified as my base file. Also, I decided to just work with Inkscape.
First I attempted to remove any junk lines that were still in the file.
I created 6 layers.
White head Piece
Blue Head Piece
Red face
White Star
Red Outside
Then I moved all of the parts to the appropriate layers. For me this involved bouncing between Outline and Normal views to ensure I moved the correct parts to the correct layers. Also I changed the fill color just to ensure all objects had closed paths. Following is the results.
Because a multi-layer file created issues for the SO I decided to create "a" file for each layer I need to cut and only have the layers necessary for that cut. All of the layers except for red had just one layer. I suspect that the multi-layer red file worked without issue because each layer had objects in different areas and nothing overlapped.
As I created each layer-file I would put the file on the SO and make changes as necessary. Now I'm ready to cut the test board.
As I tested each file I discovered that I'd need another bit that has a diameter of 1/32". Gee, this is a small bit and it will likely break it, thus I will need to order several.
I think I had a brain-fart when I placed the domino tape on the project board. Because I will be pouring epoxy and will need to scrap and sand the epoxy. Most likely some of the tape will get damaged. Either I need to move the tape to an external board that is the same height as the project/test boards or find a workaround.
Describe what you have found about the issue by exploring Inkscape's Tutorials (in the Help menu), the Manual, the Release Notes, using the forum search, and by searching the web.
Describe the source of the file: created with Inkscape, downloaded, imported from another program, etc.
Describe the specific steps you took, the result you expected, and the result that actually happened.
Describe your OS (your computer's Operating System: Mac/Windows/Linux/etc. & version).
Describe if Inkscape was newly installed or upgraded from an earlier version.
Describe the version of Inkscape and the installer you used (the file you downloaded from the website: .msi/.exe/.zip/other).
Describe any special hardware being used, like tablet/stylus or multiple monitors.
Describe any helper/assistive programs or keyboard modifiers (macros, languages, etc.).
I'm using Inkscape 1.3.2 to create SVG files for a Shaper Origin which is a CNC router. See
Currently, I'm bouncing between CorelDRAW 2019 and Inkscape. I consider myself a newbie with both, thus I'm learning as I move forward.
The file I'm working with has multiple layers, following is the file. On my windows 11 PC I see all of the layers turned on. When I place the file on my Shaper Origin I see the same as the following image. The initial file I purchased did NOT have layers.
If I create the image in CorelDRAW all seems to work as expected.
Here is what it looks like in CorelDRAW on my PC and on the Shaper Origin
As I work with the file on my PC I often change the colors just to confirm I'm working with the correct layer.
Another question: I've noticed that I can "Export" or "Save As", both produce a SVG file. Are they the same?
The Shaper Origin will NOT allow me to turn on/off layers. In CorelDRAW when I turn off layers and export the file, the layers I turn off are not exported.
If I open the OP's provided CD_ file in Inkscape and save, it seems to display properly. I can add layers and move objects into the layers without issue.
The OP's provided IS_ file contains objects with the attribute visibility:hidden, which is not used in Inkscape to show or hide objects. Those are the objects not seen in the browser and likely ignored by Shaper. This file appears to have been modified with layers in Corel before being imported to Inkscape. Removing these attributes via the Inkscape XML editor or a text editor seems to restore the expected behavior. (Inkscape uses display:none or display:inline to hide/show objects via the eye buttons in the Objects dialog.)
Save as SVG currently has more options than Export.
NB: Inkscape natively edits svg, whereas Corel, Illustrator, Affinity and some others have proprietary internal processing and file formats that needs to be translated upon export to svg. Those translations can include nonstandard, obscure or obsolete svg elements.
Attached is the CD_ file after opening in Inkscape, adding a layer and moving objects into the layer, then saving as an Inkscape svg. It displays properly in a browser, and may be compatible with Shaper.
Can you, please, explain us your needs : I understand you need to import a svg file in ShaperStudio, that's it ?
This software requires a svg with different layers to distinguish the different settings used for the cnc ? Is it not possible to assign a setting to a path ?
The difference I see between the two svg files is that you created layers for the different parts of the design, that's it ? One layer for a path, is it truly necessary ?
Can't ShaperStudio ignore some layers/paths (or give it an empty task as setting) ?
I thought I posted this last night but it seems that I did not. I'm attempting to reconstruct the message, hopefully the following contains the images in the correct place
My usage will be limited to installing the SVG on the Shaper Origin (I'll refer to is as SO). After placing a single layer SVG on the SO I will then use the SO to route out for that layer. Following is a mockup of the project.
In the above image, the colors are what will be used in the final product. Within the SVG file I don't think color is important other than it makes it easy to know what I'm working with. Think of the SO as a CNC Router. If the SVG is correctly working a colored area will be cut out (the entire area for that color, including a pocket cut). Following is an image showing what I see on the SO for the large red area and white star.
The dash-line indicates the cut path and can be (1) inside the line, (2) on the line (3) outside the line, I can easily switch between the three on the SO screen. Before I make a cut on the SO I identify the diameter of the bit and how deep I want to cut and if the cut will be inside, on the line, or outside.
The dash-line actually moves to identify the direction I need to push the SO. As I move the SO over a path it turns green and displays the moving dash-line. Note the circle in the crosshairs in the above image. To start the cut, after getting the circle over the desired path, I press a green button on the right handle of the SO. The bit will drop to the desired depth and start the cut. I then move the SO along the path, keeping the circle over the path. If the path moves outside of the circle the SO will immediately stop cutting and pull the bit up. Then it will be necessary to reposition the SO circle over the path and press the green button again. Because the SO can work with only one layer I will perform the following for each color (White, Blue, Red, and Black).
I don't think I left any steps out. This is a long time-consuming project. A lot of time is just waiting for the epoxy to cure.
As I understand (remember you have an old dummy here). The SO has problems with SVG files with layers. In Coreldraw when I export the desired layers to a SVG file, the SO accepts the file without any issues. When I export an Inkscape file, it is problematic for the SO. I had planned to create four SVG files, one for each color.
Once the file is on the SO I cannot select a different layer. Following is from
SVG Files Basics
Origin cuts Scalable Vector Graphics.
Vector files--such as SVG, EPS, and DXF file types describe shapes as a series of X,Y positions connected by lines and curves. This differs from Raster images--such as JPEG, PNG, and TIFF file types) which describe images as dots or pixels, each with their own color values.
SVG files can be published directly from a variety of 2D software packages. These include:
3D CAD packages usually export vectors as DXF files which can be color coded in the apps mentioned above to make them ready for cutting with Origin. Here is a video tutorial outlining this process in Illustrator.
Shaper Tools also provides an Add-In for Autodesk Fusion 360 which streamlines the workflow of exporting color-coded SVG files. Fusion is able to interpret a wide range 3d and 2d file types. Consider installing Fusion even if you only intend to use it to convert 3D file types to SVG files for import to Origin.
The Adobe Illustrator Template sets the appropriate .svg settings for you when you are using Illustrator. If you are using another package or writing you own exporter, make sure that your SVG files are saved in real world units (inches, mm, etc.) and that they are employing an RGB color scheme.
<<<<<<< End of text from the SO website >>>>>>>>>>
David I think the following answers your questions.
I'm NOT using the ShaperStudio. This is an app with rather limited capabilities to create SVG files.
The So is not a CNC in the traditional sense. With a normal CNC or 3d printer you have a Z axis that is programmable and can be programed to changed while the machine is cutting. The SO does have a Z axis for a fixed depth of cut, The depth is set by the user and cannot be changed during a cut. To change the depth, it is necessary to stop the cut, manually change the depth on the SO screen, restart the cut at the new level.
Yes, if there is another way, I'm not aware of it. BTW I'm new to the SO as well. Already as I further get into it, I wish I had purchased a true CNC rather that the SO. A major advantage of the SO is that you could produce a project that would be 20' x 20' or larger. It does have other advantages but most likely I will not take advantage of them, mainly because of my age (not enough days left).
Not to my knowledge, everything I have seen so far states that you need to create separate files for each layer. Possibly this will help explain.
Somewhere on the project board, with a pencil make a "+" with the left leg about 3" or 4" long. This will be your graphic placement and the mark can represent one of 9 placement points for the graphic. I prefer to use the "center" of my graphic image. In my design software (CorelDraw, Inkscape, etc.) I create my images to the same scale that I want on the finished project.
In my 2nd image above, note the dominos. This is from a roll of domino tape where each domino is different. They are placed on the surface of your project board or a board adjacent to and at the same level as your project board. The angle of the strips is NOT important. I could have put them in the area I'm cutting but chose not to. The distance between the strips is NOT important as long as it is less than 4".
After placing the tape, with the SO you scan all of the tape. This creates a ton of reference points for the SO and it will use them to make the desired cuts in the desired locations. You leave the domino tape on the project board (do NOT move any tape) until all cutting has been completed.
As the SO scans the tape, the black dominos will turn blue on the screen of the SO. This informs the user that the SO is aware of the dominos. If a domino is damaged or part of a domino is missing then the SO will not accept it and display a BLACK domino. I placed dominos on all sides of where I wanted the image to be on the board. Also as you scan, the camera will pickup the "+" that was created to identify the center of the graphic image.
After scanning with the SO, using the SO screen, you create a grid, using the "+" mark on your project board where you place the coordinates, for me the grid center, on the "+" on the SO screen.
Having done all of the above, I will place the SVG with the red outer area and the white star as my first cut. When I'm ready for the blue, on the SO I will remove the image for the White star and place the image for the Blue area, and so on.
Yes it displays correctly on the computer but not the SO screen. This is what I see on the SO using the Inkscape SVG for the Blue area.
Following is what I see on the SO screen.
The CD file was created with CorelDraw.
I used your file, turned off the red face and black bits, following is what I see on my computer. This is what I expected
Following is what I see on the SO. Note that I still see the outline for the Red face and Black Bits. Because I turned them off I did NOT expect to see them. My concern is that with all the extra lines I will goof and cut some wrong area. I may be making a mountain out of a molehill. but when I go to cut the blue head piece I did not want to make another cut for the white areas for the feathers. If I first make a border cut and pocket cut for the entire white star, then when I cut for the blue area the white will already be there. Hopefully, this makes sense, i think I know what I need to do, but this remains to be seen.
BTW here is the SO setting on the test board.
In that I can get everything to work when using CorelDraw, perhaps I should drop Inkscape.
Quick Update, earlier today I created a new post and must have deleted it before any attempt to post it. DARN!!! So here goes again.
Today was a huge learning session. I decided to try some cuts. Following is my test board with the domino tape applied. I decided not to put the tape in the cut area.
In the SO I created a grid and established the center point for image replacement
The 1st would be the white star. As I started to cut realized I did not have a path for the star but it does appear (sorta) in the red SVG file so I decided to use it and cut on the outside of the line which would be the inside of the star and produced the following.
I meant to use a down-cut bit but used an up-cut bit. This would require a bit of sanding to remove the tear-out. No big deal but I would like to do it correctly.
Next, it was time to cut the pocket and here I realized that because I did not have a true path for the star the SO would not allow me to cut the pocket. Back at the computer I create a SVG file with a path for the star. After placing the file on the SO I was able to cut the pocket. See the following.
Not too bad but I now have some lessons learned.
I had created several different test files and now I'm confused as to what is what. I did NOT create very good notes as I worked.
I'm still having a problem with the multi-layer Inkscape files when i use them on the SO. I've add this to my list of things to research.
I decided to delete most of the CorelDraw and Inkscape files rather then attempting to determine which were usable. I had about 30 files. I started with the file that David248 had modified as my base file. Also, I decided to just work with Inkscape.
I need to think about this, eat and rest.