Beyond the Basics Trace a PDF?
  1. #1
    beedhamtony beedhamtony @beedhamtony

    I would like to use 'trace bitmap' on an image which is in PDF format, I assume I need to convert it to a bitmap first, how do I do that please.

  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Most likely the image is already a bitmap but stored in a PDF container; otherwise when it‘s vector there‘s no need for „trace bitmap“. Just load/open the PDF, select content and check StatusBar. Almost everytime raster images are clipped via a path in PDF documents which can be solved by going: Object->Clip->Release clip. Delete clipping path and the raster graphic will be free accessable.

  3. #3
    beedhamtony beedhamtony @beedhamtony

    Hi, thanks for that, in the status bar I have 'group of one object clipped in root' if use object- clip- release clip the whole image goes to black and if I delete that everything disappears, anything else I can try. 

  4. #4
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    The black object is the Clipping path. Go Object->Layers and Object to verify, select and delete.

  5. #5
    beedhamtony beedhamtony @beedhamtony

    Hi, I need some more help here please, I sorted the clipping path, deleting the black clipping path, and now have 'group of 1 object in root' in the status bar, but trace bitmap doesnt work, I go to path-trace bitmap but no preview in right hand pane, am I missing something here? thanks

  6. #6
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Ungroup and try again to verify it´s a bitmap by checking Status Bar

  7. #7
    beedhamtony beedhamtony @beedhamtony

    I have ungrouped and now have ' clone of image 4960 x 7015 embedded in root use shift d to look up original', when I shift D I get 'the object you are trying to select is not visible it is in defs' , thanks for persevering with this, what next?

  8. #8
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Are you sure there are 2 images in that file? You can select the clone and unlink it to use Path->Trace bitmap... on it.

  9. #9
    beedhamtony beedhamtony @beedhamtony

    Finally got trace bitmap to work, really appreciate the help, how do you think I ended up with a cloned image, I have not cloned the image at any stage ,it was a scanned image, it was saved to the cloud and opened with open command. I now have a scalable image which doesn't pixelate when zoomed, is it possible to edit the image now, change colours, modify shapes etc 

  10. #10
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Could be the cloud to avoid altering the original file. Yes - ungroup to get to the shapes-per-color. Perhaps best selected in Object->Layers and Objects.

  11. #11
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    It depends on the PDF authoring software and the user. A cloned image in the defs is a Symbol, which any user could create or the pdf complier could.

  12. #12
    beedhamtony beedhamtony @beedhamtony

    Hi, status bar now says image 4960x 7015 embedded in root, but if I try to ungroup it says no grouped objects to ungroup, as I said before it is now definitely scalable, thanks